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Posted (edited) · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

Hi all,

I had a weird encounter with my UMO+ yesterday. I had just changed filaments and started a build when the extruder motor made a terrible noise and stop pushing filament. I checked the feeder assembly and everything was tight, but not too tight. I canceled the job and started to trouble shoot. The X, Y, and Z motors all worked fine and responded correctly to prompts from the controller.

I then put the machine on its side to access the board on the bottom. I swapped the z-motor with the extruder 1 lead and told the z (now the extruder motor) to advance. It worked fine. I then told the extruder (now connected to the z-bed) to advance and it moved fine.

I then returned all the leads to their normal positions and tried to move the extruder— same noise and the I was able to move the gear freely (i.e. in the direction the motor was trying to turn it and the opposite way).

So it seems there's some combination about the extruder motor and the ex-1 terminal on the board that doesn't seem to want to work right. I see there is a ex-2 terminal as well and want to try using that hook-up and seeing how the motor behaves.

Any thoughts on how I would go about doing that? Changing the Firmware yeah? All input is appreciated.


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    • 3 weeks later...
    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Not that many / any people have read this question yet, but I tried reinstalling the default the marlin firmware and the problem continued.

    I'm scratching my head on this one and trying to figure out if I can do a simple fix or if I need to shell out for a whole new board.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    I know this is complicated but you are talking about shaking motor or only strange noise if you put a video we can get an idea. I installed Dual Extrusion to my UMO+ and delivered kit has stronger spring (from heated bed) and it caused some stupid strange noises and moves. Now I got replacement spring (right size) and noises / moves went away.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    I know this is complicated but you are talking about shaking motor or only strange noise if you put a video we can get an idea. I installed Dual Extrusion to my UMO+ and delivered kit has stronger spring (from heated bed) and it caused some stupid strange noises and moves. Now I got replacement spring (right size) and noises / moves went away.


    The feeder assembly made a noise so i took it apart to see what was causing it. That's when I discovered the motor wasn't actually turning, just shaking and it was the whole assembly vibrating against the machine that was making the noise.

    How did you activate the second extruder port?

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    Posted (edited) · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    it is Little complicated. I backed a Firmware for dual Extruder UMO+ over this link https://bultimaker.bulles.eu/ . It is really easy to do then load to UMO+ from Cura under Machine Settings custom Firmware. But also heater must be to the second heater port connected. Then slice something in cura then edit gcode at the beginning put this :

    ;M190 S0 ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line

    ;M109 S0 ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line

    M104 T1 S210

    M109 T1 S210

    After this you can use your gcode on your umo+ with second Extruder.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    No need for heater, but heat sensor. If you activate the dual extruder and there's no heat sensor on the second, it will give max temp error.

    The fast way to swap heat/sensor/extruder to 2, it's to compile your own marlin editing the pins.h and changing (swapping) the pin numbers.

    But if you have a spare pt100 to connect to the board, then you just need to use the amedee generator niyoki did link above.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    So this shaking of the motor can happen if the current is too high or if the current is too low. It can also happen if one of the 4 wires has a bad connection.

    Have you tried pronterface/printrun? (it's free and an easy gui to use):


    After copying in pronterface, there is no installation - just run it. It is a nice gui to control your printer. connect a USB from your computer to your printer. Connect to the printer and then control the extruder.

    The extruder is not supposed to move unless the nozzle is hot so first you want to enable cold extrusions. You can do this by sending a gcode from pronterface:


    When you power cycle the machine it will restore to normal operation. Use pronterface to try to debug the issue - I bet the extruder cable is damaged or pinched or one of the wires in one of the connectors is bad (at either end). Jiggle the wires while the extruder is turning.

    e.g. in pronterface tell the extruder to move very far:

    G1 E1000 (move 1 meter)

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    Posted (edited) · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Sorry for asking but did you tried without loading a Filament? Please be carefull like gr5 wrote if heater not hot enough it makes some damages. I forgot also to write about in my dual Extrusion kit was a motor with rounded shaft. Later they delivered right one with a one flat sided shaft.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Ok. So I'm more puzzled than before.

    I setup pronterface and did what gr5 suggested: M302 and then G1 E100... it worked, as in the motor behaved as it should. I tried a few other commands and everything worked normally.

    Then I disconnected and tried the same thing from the Ulti-controller except this time I had to heat up the nozzle so I could advance the feeder. This time the motor started shaking again.

    Next I reconnected with pronterface to try again. Worked no problem. I figured it might have something to do with the heater being on and there not being enough current going to the extruder, but from pronterface I turned on the heater and then did the same G1 E100 commands and everything worked fine.

    So mechanically nothing seems to be wrong with the machine which means its gotta be a software / firmware thing right? I've already tried reinstalling the firmware via cura. Is there a better way to do it? I saw a "reset printer" button in pronter face but figured i'd stay away until I knew what exactly it does.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Hi jambalyle, have you checked the cables as gr5 suggested?

    Also, you can leave pronterface connected to your machine no problem, send M302 and then use the UltiController to advance some filament. Should work, so no need to heat up first.

    Strange, might be a feed rate issue / too much current when feed rate is higher? I don't know what the standard feed rate of the extruder (marlin / ulticontroller) is but I guess it is something like 200? More?

    Can you try G1 E100 F200 in pronterface? (wheras F200 is the speed in mm/m) and then go up? maybe double and see if you can reproduce the issue with pronterface? Maybe if you speed up, the motor draws to much?

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    To be sure after right firmware for UMO+ installed over Cura to the UMO+ you can go to Ultimaker Controller and there find a Menue "CONTROL" -> "LOAD FAILSAFE" -> "SAVE SETTINGS" .

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Are you running the latest firmware?

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Hi jambalyle, have you checked the cables as gr5 suggested?

    Also, you can leave pronterface connected to your machine no problem, send M302 and then use the UltiController to advance some filament. Should work, so no need to heat up first.

    Strange, might be a feed rate issue / too much current when feed rate is higher? I don't know what the standard feed rate of the extruder (marlin / ulticontroller) is but I guess it is something like 200? More?

    Can you try G1 E100 F200 in pronterface? (wheras F200 is the speed in mm/m) and then go up? maybe double and see if you can reproduce the issue with pronterface? Maybe if you speed up, the motor draws to much?


    So the motor shakes at a variety of feedrates. I kept the extruding distance constant at 10mm and changed the feedrate in increments of 50 starting at 50 and going up to 400.

    The motor shakes and doesn't really turn until about 200, at 350 it appears to function normally but doesn't have much staying power (i.e. I can stop it from spinning pretty easily). At 400 it starts shaking again.

    At this point I'm thinking there's something wrong with the motor and it just happens to work at certain feedrates. thoughts? Hoping I can get my machine working again soon-ish

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Are you running the latest firmware?



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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Can you make a video of the sound? Maybe it's just the extruder assembly that has the wood touching some parts or the delrin clip...

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Can you make a video of the sound? Maybe it's just the extruder assembly that has the wood touching some parts or the delrin clip...


    I can make a video, but all of the steps mentioned above have taken place with the motor removed from the feeder assembly.

    It's not so much the noise, more that the motor doesn't turn / doesn't hold at different feed rates.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Ummm. And the gcode works? What program you used fir the gcode? I ask because this reminds me the day I used simplify3d and I touched the config and did set extrusions to absolute by mistake. The motor went bananas :)

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    do you mean with motor shakes, motor moves forth and back (like it wants move but can't or motor moves like filament Forward (feeding) and taking filament backward (retracting)?

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    my best guess is the stepper driver, either too much or too less current, as gr5 also suggests. As you have an UMO+ I think you have a "white" control board, right? So there are no trim pots for the current per motor. You must check it in the firmware (but you resetted, right?). Anyway, check under Maintanenace, Advanced, Motion, Current E or something like that. Should be around 1250 / 1300 (mA) try to lower it or increase it (to max 1500 mA) if this is even possible. (I don't have an UMO+, so no white electronics board, maybe someone can correct me if wrong?) Also I think you can set it with M907 for all axes (so for instance M907 E1200 should be 1200 mA on E (Extruder). Hope that's right.

    If you can, swap motors and check again (so you have eliminated either the board, motor).

    Hoep that helps...

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Here's a video of controlling from the machine:


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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Here are the rest of the videos:




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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Wow that looks dead to me :)

    How old it's your umo+?

    Can you make a close up photo of the driver chip? Also check the back side of the driver chip. Maybe it's burn...

    I'll get some time later today to make you a firmware so you can use extruder 1 on extruder 2 to test if it's the chip or the motor itself.

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    I changed on pins.h

    #define E0_STEP_PIN 49

    #define E0_DIR_PIN 47

    #define E0_ENABLE_PIN 48

    #define E1_STEP_PIN 42

    #define E1_DIR_PIN 43

    #define E1_ENABLE_PIN 37

    Here it is. I think it's all set for umo+ board 1 extruder (switched)


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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    I changed on pins.h

    #define E0_STEP_PIN         49

    #define E0_DIR_PIN          47

    #define E0_ENABLE_PIN       48

    #define E1_STEP_PIN         42

    #define E1_DIR_PIN          43

    #define E1_ENABLE_PIN       37

    Here it is. I think it's all set for umo+ board 1 extruder (switched)




    Thanks for the help I really appreciate it! I'll give it a shot in a little bit. I'm assuming I'll just use Cura to upload custom firmware and select the .hex file you sent over yeah?

    Obviously I'll also switch the motor over to bay for ex-2 and see if it works any better.

    Thanks again!

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    Posted · Extruder 1 port on UMO+ board makes motor just shake

    Yes you need to plug the motor to ex2 for that firmware to work, and yes, usa cura to upload the hex file. Hopefully that will explain if one think it's broken or if it's a simple cable doing bad connection.

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