I can't print anything as the nozzle just clogs pretty much right away. (when loading the filament it will start to come out good then just slowly come to a stop and the feeder gear just eats the filament) with PLA and colorfabb nGEN, even removing the nozzle and cleaning it out putting it back in does not help.
the last couple weeks I have noticed when it does the purge less came out then normal and it curls up onto the nozzle.
but it all hit the fan 5 hours into a 10 hour print (using the 0.25mm nozzle) just stopped extruding now I can't get it to keep extruding now.
I have been printing mostly PLA at 205 and nGEN at 230c.
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neotko 1,417
The spacer can be printed
Read the description @Sandervg left about size to double check before using it.
Well 388h print time seems low to damage the TFM, but depends on the temperatures used I suppose. Did you use very high temp materials? Maybe it needs more atomics or lowering/raising the temp 5-10C to pull the material since from brand to brand the temperature needed to atomic might change a bit.
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