The only times I've used that was during development to test something, or to visualize gcode and when I strapped a USB microscope to my UMO
So I'm just curious, what do you use it for?
The only times I've used that was during development to test something, or to visualize gcode and when I strapped a USB microscope to my UMO
So I'm just curious, what do you use it for?
Running the autopid feature on an UMO(+) or UM2(+). An alternative would be to make a menu item in the firmware. An UMO(+) user needs that interface sooner or later. UM3 users don't need it.
Cura 3.1 will have a first step towards a fuller featured print monitor:
NB: I fully understand that this is not more than a start, and that more is needed, such as extruder temperature control and extrusion/retractions, but also fully manually sending gcode. It will get there, eventually.
Whow, great...
as Dim3nsioneer mentioned, a simple code sender would be great to be also included, but for the first shot, it's great to be able to just jog the thing... :-)
btw: any chance to just port existing things e.g. pronterface, universal gcode sender,...?
Edited by Guestbtw: any chance to just port existing things e.g. pronterface, universal gcode sender,...?
"Just port" is hardly ever easy. Also, since I am doing this in my own time, you are going to have to deal with my personal opinion that pronterface is just plain ugly. So even if it were easy to "just port", I would prefer to make something that integrates with the printmonitor that is already there.
To put it more bluntly: sure, someone could "port" pronterface into Cura 3.x as a plugin, but I would rather step on a Death Star model worth of Legos in the dark than work on including pronterface into Cura ;-)
Honestly, I fully agree... so pleeeeaaaassseee let the beautifull death stare alive...
Edited by Guest*hint hint* Aldo can be bribed and thanked for his amazing work
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drayson 75
second this request :-)
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