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Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
12 hours ago, gr5 said:

@TedStryker maybe now that you have one approved message it will let you do a direct message.  So try again.  I don't know what will happen.


12 hours ago, gr5 said:

Nope, still the same error


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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    @SandervG I just noticed a very strange behavior regarding notifications.


    Here are my notifications settings:




    So, unless I'm mistaken, I should only receive one email per day with all the new content. Yet, when I'm logged in on the forums like right now, whenever I get a tag or there's an answer to a thread I'm following, I get an email as if I had checked 'A notification when new content is posted.'. But I don't get emails when I'm not logged on the forums.


    I didn't get any emails from content posted yesterday evening or this morning, I got several emails, one per tag and replies to thread I follow, since I logged in at the beginning of the afternoon. And it's been going for a few days, I just realized the connection between the emails and me being logged in on the forums or not today. This is puzzling...*|

    Edited by Brulti
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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    It is strange if you don't seem to get any notifications when you are not logged in. Were you following any topics that should have generated a notification while you were offline? Did you get any notifications when you logged in, that you should have received earlier, or were they just generated right then?

    What are your preferences of the threads you didn't get a notification from, if you look at 'Following' at the top right of the page?


    I must admit, they are not easy to understand. There is also a difference between topics you follow manually and automatically. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
    Just now, kmanstudios said:

    I too have gotten email notifications, not only while logged in, but while active on the site.


    I think it is the point that you get them (if that is indeed according to your preferences), but you should get them regardless if you are logged in or logged out. Did you also get them when logged out? (... are you ever? :p)

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    I do get them when logged out. But I have preferences set to 'between visits' or something like that.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Everything is set to 'One email per day with all new content from that day', whether it is on my 'notifications settings' or when I look at the 'follow' thing on top of topics I follow. So far, every topic I follow is an automatic following due to me posting in them. When I'm not logged in, I only get the daily 'here's the new content' mail, as I set it.


    But when I'm logged and active, I get many emails to notify me of tags and replies.


    Just got an email when @kmanstudios replied to me here, with the mail title 'kmanstudios quoted one of your post'. Yet, when I look at the 'follow' thing, it says :'one email per day with all new content':


    Same here:



    Got a mail: 'vsnpl quoted one of your posts' and the 'follow' is set at 'one email per day'.


    But, for some odd reason, it did not sent me an email or even a notification when you or kmanstudios replied to this thread...


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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Ok, but the first screen you shared was about new content. A quote is part of new content, so I reckon you did not get an email about the fact there was not content, only that you have been quoted. So I guess the notification preference you have set after: 'Someone mentions me in a post' or 'Someone quotes a comment or post I made' was triggered.

    Would this behavior correlate with your experience?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
    13 minutes ago, SandervG said:

    Ok, but the first screen you shared was about new content. A quote is part of new content, so I reckon you did not get an email about the fact there was not content, only that you have been quoted. So I guess the notification preference you have set after: 'Someone mentions me in a post' or 'Someone quotes a comment or post I made' was triggered.

    Would this behavior correlate with your experience?

    It does. I thought I had unchecked 'email' for those items, but either I didn't or it didn't register it at first.

    Turned it off and checked twice to make sure.

    Thanks for the help.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    No problem, also happy that we managed to find the reason ;)
    Make sure to press 'save' at the bottom too, it is sometimes overlooked. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    The notification settings is, so far, the only annoyance I really have with this new forum software.

    It does not work as their own wording describes, and thus not as most other forum software works, and this morning I had to delete a gazillion emails...and multiple emails from the same thread...even tough I never visited the forum while I was sleeping :|;)

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Hi @nilrog , I understand. It also took me a while to figure it all out. 

    Re the emails you received from that thread, I suppose you were following that thread, or did it come out of the blue entirely? 


    Assuming you did follow that thread, can you still view the deleted emails? What were they notifying you about? Quotes, mentions, new content, reactions (likes)?

    (check the conversation above with Brulti. He configured receiving emails once per day for new content, but continued to receive emails for tags and quotes.) Which may not be super obvious, but kinda makes sense at the same time. You could disable receiving emails for quotes for example, as they almost always trigger a notification for new content too. 


    What do you want to receive, an email once a day or immediately? And for what events; new content / mentions / quotes etc? 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Having to go into nit-picky details about what, in a post, you want to be notified about should not be necessary. That is not something I have _ever_ had to do in an online forum. This is the first forum software where this question has come up.


    To summarize:

    • If I select to receive a notification about a topic I expect to receive a notification when something has happened in that topic...be it a quote, a new post or a tag. The topic has had activity, I wanted to be notified, so a notification should be sent. It's as simple as that.
    • If I select to receive a notification for a topic "Only send one email notification for content I follow until I revisit the community"  (yes, this is how this forum clearly advertises that it works) I expect to receive only one notification _until_ I revisit this forum. This is the part that is broken.

    But i'm getting one notification for every post/quote/tag to the same topic even though I never visit the forum between each post. Something is clearly broken in this system.


    I want to receive a notification when things I subscribe to has _any_ activity...I do not want to be "spammed" with notification after the first notification is sent...unless I have visited the forum in between.


    Yes, I might be nit-picking here...but when the forum software clearly does not work as it self says...then it is broken ;)


    PS: FYI according to my emails from the forum I received one email for every update to a topic new/quotes while I was sleeping. DS. 


    PS2: I like everything else about this new forum...it is just this one thing that is annoying :p DS2.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    I am with @nilrog on this. I do not see the need to separate each type of activity into its own compartment. Also, if there are ten activities on a thread, and you are getting notified for each one (by email or bell thingy up top) it creates an instance to where you can read the replies out of order. Say click on the latest notification. It takes you to the last post. Then you have to find where the first reply is.


    And it is messy in that you really have to dig a lot through stuff just to get to the most functional part of the thread---the beginning of new replies as well as a mess in the email and bell thingamabob.......

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
    On 1/18/2018 at 7:07 AM, nilrog said:


    Yay...thank you for that! :heart::)


    I was thinking, but never got around to mentioning it, that apart from those issues the menu also took up precious screen area. Not really noticable on a desktop...but on a laptop it felt bad.


    Beeing nitpicky again...but this change, although it improved the behavior a lot, still doesn't get you to the top of the first unread post...

    As you can see in the image you are taken to an anchor that still hides the top part of each post...and you need to scroll back to: 

    1. See if you actually are at the top of the post
    2. See the context of the text...aka. the post topic that is written at the top of each reply.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Just FYI, yesterday I received +10 notifications from one thread alone without visiting the forum...it's pretty clear that the "only send one" option is broken.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Hi @nilrog, I see, yes. Did not even notice myself yet. I'll talk to IPboard and ask if they can do a more permanent fix to the anchor point. If it turns out that this is inevitable due to the top bar with notification bar and browse/activity, I would be in favor of keeping that bar still. The context of the reply is also visible in the shown responses above or below it and it seems like the full reply is visible too. It is 'just' the username that falls behind the bar. But, let's see first if it can be made optimal before we make compromises. Thanks for notifying. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
    2 hours ago, SandervG said:

    Hi @nilrog, I see, yes. Did not even notice myself yet. I'll talk to IPboard and ask if they can do a more permanent fix to the anchor point. If it turns out that this is inevitable due to the top bar with notification bar and browse/activity, I would be in favor of keeping that bar still. The context of the reply is also visible in the shown responses above or below it and it seems like the full reply is visible too. It is 'just' the username that falls behind the bar. But, let's see first if it can be made optimal before we make compromises. Thanks for notifying. 

    I see no context...just some text...related to some discussion. To see a context I need to scroll back up.

    This is what I see after clicking on the notification from this thread:


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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    On Chrome it seems to behave slightly different depending on if you are being redirected to the latest reply, or if there are more replies below it. At least, that is what it looks like for now. I have several notifications where I end up exactly where I should. Maybe that is why I didn't notice it yet, because it is not fully consistent. (at least, we haven't identified the bug yet). 


    I am using chrome, but I checked with Safari and there all notifications bring me to the right place. I can see your/a username and the timestamp. I have checked new notifications and ones that have more replies. What was it again you are using to view the forum? Safari on a laptop? 


    btw; I'll respond to your feedback re notifications later. There is a pending ticket about it. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Re notifications @nilrog, turns out that in this version of our forum software there was a bug. We should have a patch now which fixes it, because indeed the 'send only one message until I revisit' did not work like it should. 


    Could you let me know how it works?

    - From now on that is. You may have received more notifications already before the patch was applied. Let's take tomorrow and onwards as a test. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
    18 hours ago, SandervG said:

    On Chrome it seems to behave slightly different depending on if you are being redirected to the latest reply, or if there are more replies below it. At least, that is what it looks like for now. I have several notifications where I end up exactly where I should. Maybe that is why I didn't notice it yet, because it is not fully consistent. (at least, we haven't identified the bug yet). 


    I am using chrome, but I checked with Safari and there all notifications bring me to the right place. I can see your/a username and the timestamp. I have checked new notifications and ones that have more replies. What was it again you are using to view the forum? Safari on a laptop? 

    Right now it is Chrome (64.0.3282.119) on Win7 on a Laptop on a 32" external display. So screen space is not an issue :p

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback

    Gonna be part of the test too then. We'll see if the forums behave as it should. But I agree with the above comments that there are way too many settings for the notifications, much more than what you see in most other forums, and some settings feel like they are quite useless, like the notification for reputation. I don't think that many of the people here, if any, really cares about their forum reputation number...

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
    On 2018-02-05 at 4:02 PM, SandervG said:

    Re notifications @nilrog, turns out that in this version of our forum software there was a bug. We should have a patch now which fixes it, because indeed the 'send only one message until I revisit' did not work like it should. 


    Could you let me know how it works?

    - From now on that is. You may have received more notifications already before the patch was applied. Let's take tomorrow and onwards as a test. 

    It’s better...in the sense that I am not spammed anymore. But now there are updates to posts that I do not receive an email notification for. Yet they are marked as “send notification when updated”. But the notification icon is updated with them.


    I can see that there are as an example 4 notifications visible when I visit the site (from different posts). But I have not received 4 notifications, only one or two.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Forum | Feedback
    7 minutes ago, nilrog said:

    It’s better...in the sense that I am not spammed anymore. But now there are updates to posts that I do not receive an email notification for. Yet they are marked as “send notification when updated”. But the notification icon is updated with them.


    I can see that there are as an example 4 notifications visible when I visit the site (from different posts). But I have not received 4 notifications, only one or two.

    Kinda noticed that meself.....

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