If I had to print this on my UM2 in PLA, I would try 20...25mm/s, and 180...185°C first. And then watch what happens and adjust on the fly as required. The slow speed is to get as little nozzle pressure as possible, thus even flow and less leaks during travel, and the low temp to improve cooling and reduce stringing as much as possible. And of course I would print a dummy model next to it, so the nozzle has more cooling time, to avoid heat-deformation.
Less heat deformation with a dummy (square tower) next to the real testmodels (cones). Numbers are cm, little lines are mm. The cones are 20mm diameter x 20mm high; the blocks are 10mm x 10mm wide, and higher than the cones.
Tips for dummies.
Example of real dummy and part of real model.
Another dummy in a real print.
Edited by geert_2
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kmanstudios 1,120
That made it clear. I did not have a good working definition of travel speed in me wee head. Thanks!!
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Noambeau 1
Didn't mean to post this
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