Yea it is a thin shell... what would be the best way to make it a solid?
I'm not sure if you understood IRobertI's question but if this model is truly a shell and the model has an empty inside then as he suggests your walls are probably too thin. A quick test would be to set the line width to 0.2 in cura just to see what happens. A 0.4mm nozzle can do line width down to about 0.3 and still have reasonable quality.
Or maybe you have coasting turned on. Turn that off just to see if that makes a difference in layer view.
Or maybe your model has errors in it. Try viewing the part in "xray view" in cura and if you see any red then the model is a problem.
Whatever your issue is there are multiple solutions but first you have to narrow it down a little.
Also in "Layer view", set the color scheme to "Line type" so you can see what kind of shell Cura sets in there. You could also move the slider down to get to the layer where the hole at the bottom starts. Maybe there is a clue as to what happens.
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IRobertI 521
Is this a solid model or is it a thin shell? I'm guessing that latter and that the shell is thin enough in some spots that Cura can't quite fit a full line width in there.
It's also a good idea to look at the model in x-ray mode and look for any red spots that indicates issues with the model.
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