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Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade


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Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade



I just caught up on a series of firmware upgrades after a few months of not using my Ultimaker 3 and I'm caught up to 5.2.8. Now when I print the display gets messed up after a few seconds of printing, where the text seems to scroll off the end of the display with the menus offset to the right. The wheel seems to work but all the menu items flicker as you try to select them - see the attached picture.


Has anyone else seen this and does this mean the upgrade messed up?MVIMG_20190425_150204.thumb.jpg.048f67d526dd3ffe343603fe16861c96.jpg

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    Please report such issues to your reseller. They have an official channel to UM and so we have a chance that this bug will be solved in the future.


    The community forum here is NOT an official UM support platform. Luckily there are some UM employees which answers some postings but don't rely on it and don't blame if you don't get an answer. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade
    8 hours ago, Smithy said:

    Please report such issues to your reseller. They have an official channel to UM and so we have a chance that this bug will be solved in the future.


    The community forum here is NOT an official UM support platform. Luckily there are some UM employees which answers some postings but don't rely on it and don't blame if you don't get an answer. 

    Hi Smithy


    I respectfully disagree.


    The Ultimaker Team and the distributors direct their customers to this forum as owned and operated by Ultimaker for both assistance and support.


    In fact; this forum is included as one of Ultimaker’s support tools as included with the pre and post sale marketing of their products.


    As such; one should comfortably be able to open a dialog and “expect” a timely reply.


    Your encouraging the issue be presented to the distributor is novel at best because first hand I can share that the distributors are being left in the dark too.


    Takes care.

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    It's true that the forum is referred to in several places and we have a great community here where you can learn a lot and get help.

    But to make it an official support channel it would need dedicated staff to provide support on this channel as well. The Ultimaker staff who help here in the forum often do so in their spare time and away from their official duties. 


    Of course, it would be nice if we also had a direct channel to Ultimaker here, but that's not the case at the moment. Why Ultimaker decided to run the "official" support through the resellers is beyond my knowledge. 


    I think it makes sense to report bugs to the reseller or distributor anyway. Even if they're not a big help because they don't have a solution yet, but if bugs are reported, Ulitmaker will also notice that and can work on solutions. In the forum, it is not guaranteed that someone will read this and copy potential bugs internally into a bug tracker. That's why I'd like it if anyone with a problem would contact the reseller, even if they've already read on the forum that there's no solution yet. Maybe that's the reason why Ultimaker only talks about a few percents of the users who have a problem, because most don't get in touch, except here in the forum.

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade
    1 hour ago, Smithy said:

    It's true that the forum is referred to in several places and we have a great community here where you can learn a lot and get help.

    But to make it an official support channel it would need dedicated staff to provide support on this channel as well. The Ultimaker staff who help here in the forum often do so in their spare time and away from their official duties. 


    Of course, it would be nice if we also had a direct channel to Ultimaker here, but that's not the case at the moment. Why Ultimaker decided to run the "official" support through the resellers is beyond my knowledge. 


    I think it makes sense to report bugs to the reseller or distributor anyway. Even if they're not a big help because they don't have a solution yet, but if bugs are reported, Ulitmaker will also notice that and can work on solutions. In the forum, it is not guaranteed that someone will read this and copy potential bugs internally into a bug tracker. That's why I'd like it if anyone with a problem would contact the reseller, even if they've already read on the forum that there's no solution yet. Maybe that's the reason why Ultimaker only talks about a few percents of the users who have a problem, because most don't get in touch, except here in the forum.



    IMO you always bring great information, assistance, and insight to the forum.


    Your comments are well received.


    I too agree that at the very least one’s distributor needs to be made aware so that Ultimaker’s ridiculous comment about only  0.1% affected hence no compelling reason to react quickly does not remain.


    The next step is hold the distributors accountable and responsible because they are the point of sale hence responsible for solicitations and promises that they present on behalf of Ultimaker. Sadly it appears that Ultimaker uses their distributors as a shield of rather than a portal to their customers. In fact, as I write those words; it is based on the actions that I have evidenced and the numerous conversations that I have had with Ultimaker distributors; I don’t think the Ultimaker Team see the end user as their customers but rather they see their distributors as their customers.  


    For example; the distributors sold the S5’s with delayed shipment of the aluminum build plates; where are they? After many months Ultimaker said they were “never” truly ready to be sold as they were “never” a fully developed and tested product. This after they had been marketing the S5 with the aluminum build plate as a significant, unique, fully developed, and thoroughly tested for a couple years product. They even told the world through many venues how spectacular it was and when asked why they were not included in the box with the printer they quickly said; the demand exceeded our supply and it will take a month or two to have them machined, hard anodized, and shipped out. Whether it means anything to you or not does not negate these facts nor does it negate that a premium was paid for the S5 with the aluminum build plate being a portion of the offset value; justification thereof.


    The marketing by the Ultimaker Team  of the S5 as a fully developed, ready for any business, as a plug and play 3D printer was shrouded within marketing smoke and mirrors (akin to PT Barnum days) and ultimately it became clear that  everyone; the media, the distributors, the potential customers, and the customers were lied to; blunt words; absolutely and yet; this is truth. 


    Well; we all stroked our checks to the distributor hence they should be banging on Ultimaker’s door because the product was paid for and yet not delivered.


    FWIW; Ultimaker can’t legally simply say; “to bad”. On all levels that is a pompous, arrogant, self-serving comment that sheds light on how the Ultimaker Team truly values it’s end user.


    Having shared this Smithy; IMO Ultimaker is “very” aware of what’s going on and discretely monitors this forum through folks such as SandervG very closely and have adopted the internal policy of not engaging directly nor allowing him to because in doing so their level of responsibility and questionable post sale and service business practices would grow exponentially.


    I am very disappointed as numerous others have conveyed similar feelings. I bought into Ultimaker’s dream as presented and yet am feeling like I was sold a bill of good. I recall two distributors sharing that they saw Ultimaker as the Apple of the 3D printing industry; meaning that they were setting the bar that others would have to follow but sadly I am evidencing just the opposite; at this moment I am seeing Ultimaker’s business practices being an example of what others should never follow. Today Ultimaker feels just like another 3D printer company only to happy to cash your check.


    If something does not change immediately then I dare say that nothing will change within Ultimaker.


    All the best Smithy

    Edited by Shadowman
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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    Hello, I need to support @Smithy here. Our community is a great place for help and even a better place to learn more about your Ultimaker and how to get the most out of it. We have many expert users who are able to help other users with tips on how to improve their prints or how to overcome issues if you would ever run into any. And distributors and resellers should rightfully so direct customers here to learn more and become 3D printing experts themselves. 


    But it is not an official technical support platform. A lot of the support and help you may find here is 'peer to peer support'. Meaning, from one user to another. Which is of great value, which comes from years of experience and usually comes fast. But it is an important differentiator from an 'official support platform' from trained Ultimaker staff. Even though myself and other Ultimaker team members are active in this community, is because we also gain great insights from our users here and we're happy to help where we can. It is also very valuable when we release a new Cura to be in direct connection with our users. 

    But it is our resellers and distributors and in particular, the party who sold you your device, who carries the responsibility to provide you with the technical support you need and deserve. And they are also trained for this purpose.


    The above mentioned bug is indeed a rare artifact from the latest firmware update. A fix will be included in the build we're working on. I would too recommend to get in touch with your reseller for advice on how to proceed. Good luck! 

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    I just exchanged a few emails with my distributor and Ultimaker email support and here is the summary of the conversation:



    This is a bug with the current firmware version that the developers are currently working on resolving.


    If you are able to navigate through the menu, I would recommend trying a factory reset to see if that resolves the issue. You can do that by going to: System > Maintenance > Factory Reset.


    If that does not resolve the issue, I would recommend reverting the firmware to the previous version (4.3.3) until the issue with the current version as been resolved. If you have access to a microSD card, you can reimage the firmware by following the instructions in the attached document.


    While I'm not positive if the factory reset will resolve the issue, reimaging the firmware to the previous version definitely will; as the issue is a bug with the 5.2.8 version.


    I'm personally not going to revert because I'm not super comfortable with factory reseting and messing things up and will wait for the hot fix. Hope this is helpful to anyone else seeing this.


    This issue is being worked on for the hot fix:


    Work Instructions Ultimaker 3 firmware recovery.pdf

    Edited by c64_beep
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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    I have a similar issue with the display. Even after factory resetting I still have a shift in the display, and it often freezes. My Firmware is also up to date. Any luck fixing this on your end? 


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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    Hey @erinie29, no I still have the problem with my printer. I never opened up the Ultimaker to reset to the recovery firmware with an sdcard on the Olimex board. Did you do that and it still didn't fix the issue?

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    Hi @c64_beep, I reset to factory defaults and this is what happened upon boot up. I continue to have this issue and the screen is also freezing a lot, which forces me to turn off and on the printer. I'll let you know if I find any fixes. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    I think factory defaults are different from a factory reset... Try the ultimaker support email support@ultimakernasupport.com. Would love to know if you find a solution.

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    I've had the same issue with my UM3+. Ultimaker told me that it was a wifi issue causing it. Long story short because this went on for a while with them trying to correct it., ever since I unchecked wifi in the settings on the printer and only print via USB stick I haven't had one problem. It must have something to do with my wifi maybe port forwarding or something.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    It's very sad what has become of Ultimaker.


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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade
    On 4/25/2020 at 1:04 AM, kenny said:

    I've had the same issue with my UM3+. Ultimaker told me that it was a wifi issue causing it. Long story short because this went on for a while with them trying to correct it., ever since I unchecked wifi in the settings on the printer and only print via USB stick I haven't had one problem. It must have something to do with my wifi maybe port forwarding or something.



    Yes, the best work-around for the time being is to disable wifi and connect via LAN. It is not ideal but it seems to work for most people. Our apologies for the inconvenience, 

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    If this issue is still bothering you we would like to ask you to create a new support ticket via this link and ask for you to add the log files. They can be found under preferences > maintenance > Save to USB. It can help us understand the problem better and help to fix it or find a reliable workaround. Thank you,

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    So this is the BEST we can expect from Ultimaker regarding this known problem?  A temporary workaround?  Really?

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    Hi @ColoRich, it looks like you are cherry picking from my response. I mentioned a fix or a work-around are both possible. But without logs we probably can't provide either. It's quite a rare bug. If you want to help please send your logs via the link shared above. Thank you for your contribution! 

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    I haven't done it in awhile but tonight I'm going to print over WIFI and see how it goes.

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    Just an update, using the USB stick fixed my problem.

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    The other night I printed a part over wifi to see how it would go. It was a one hour print and printed fine no problems. So last night I printed a 4 1/2 hour print over wifi and it did it again. The blobs you see in the print is were the print head pauses for about 15 seconds and keeps extruding creating a blob of filament. I'll include the log files so maybe it will help SandervG. If I didn't upload the files right let me know. I  guess I'll go back to printing over the USB stick. No problems when I did that. 







    cap_Kens-Ultimaker-3_2020-06-23_20.42.10_X180.0Y155.0_sensor_reset.log cap_Kens-Ultimaker-3_2020-06-23_20.42.16_N1_X162.0Y155.0.log cap_Kens-Ultimaker-3_2020-06-23_20.42.22_N0_X180.0Y155.0.log cap_Kens-Ultimaker-3_2020-06-23_20.42.31_N0_X200.0Y95.0.log cap_Kens-Ultimaker-3_2020-06-23_20.42.37_N0_X40.0Y15.0.log cap_Kens-Ultimaker-3_2020-06-23_20.42.41_N0_X40.0Y175.0.log flow_KensUltimaker3.log flow_Kens-Ultimaker-3.log

    Edited by kenny
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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    Hi @kenny, thank you! But can you share the link with my colleagues via this link?

    Thank you! 

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade
    8 hours ago, SandervG said:

    Hi @kenny, thank you! But can you share the link with my colleagues via this link?

    Thank you! 

    Yes , when I get home later

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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    I brought this same issue up back in December last year.



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    Posted · Ultimaker 3 display broken after firmware upgrade

    I am also seeing this issue when connecting via wifi. Blobs in my prints and everything.


    Also, both my wifi and Olimex boards have been replaced with brand new parts and the issue persists.

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