On my point of view a lot of existing parameters which are actualy in the "Experimental" section should be switch to the right section. After 3 or 4 releases, parameters in this section should be validate as regular options or removed if they are not really usefull.
This is the case for Tree Support options -> support
- Slicing Tolerance
- Tree Support Branch Angle
-Tree Support Branch distance etc .
Break Up support in shunk parameters -> support
Coasting parameters -> Shell
Adaptative layers parameters -> Shell
Bridge Settings -> Travel or Shell ?
Draft Shield parameters -> Cooling
Infill Travel Optimization -> Travel
Small Hole and Feature parameters -> Speed
And we could reasonabily ask if it's usefull to keep the spaghetti Infill options and Wire printing ? does any one using this functions ?
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ahoeben 2,012
Dat Ultibot tho...
Edit: Vase mode? Oh, you mean Joris mode!
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TMicke 23
This was news to me and useful information. Vase mode I was familiar with previously.
just a thought; it’s hard to make examples of confusing names if you doesn’t now that there are two or more names for it, my point is that maybe you more knowledgeable guys could chime in here.
I really like @ghostkeeper plugin but how about a crossbreed, hover a setting and get a written explanation together with pictures and some examples. This would probably be really annoying for some so maybe it would be possible to choose different levels of descriptions depending on which ‘level’ you’re on?
I like screen dumps a lot, from the slicer explaining exactly how the different values come to play together with some words of why and when you should and shouldn’t use them.
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mkoic 2
Any reason there can’t be context appropriate links to the descriptions and images in the Ultimaker Print Settings web pages? https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/sections/360003548619-Print-settings
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SandervG 1,521
There is already a plugin that has similar explanation, it's called the settings guide. I think the question is, before you find the explanation, does the name make sense if you are searching for it? Would any keywords make more sense to include in the description so they are easier to find using the search feature?
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sshaikh 0
How about a mapping between Cura settings and the "popular alternatives"?
When I come across a tutorial or guide that's, for example, written by someone who uses simply3d, it takes a little bit of further research to understand what settings the article is talking about.
A searchable table that maps "vase mode" to "spiralize outer contour" would be pretty useful in those circumstances.
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