Frankly I just print whatever it was I was planning on printing and see how it goes. I'm real sophisticated like that
For diameter I use a digital calliper and measure with the thin/sharp part of it. Using the flat parts can introduce error due to curvature in the filament. I wiggle the filament around until I get the lowest value, then I rotate the filament 90 degrees and repeat and then I use a value somewhere in-between those two measurements. It's good practice to unspool a bit of filament and repeat that procedure just to make sure there aren't huge variations in the diameter.
Mostly I'm lazy though and just go with 2.85 as a good middle ground. I only print PLA though and most of my filament seems to be around that size anyway so I might not be representative of the masses.
Same here.
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IRobertI 521
Frankly I just print whatever it was I was planning on printing and see how it goes. I'm real sophisticated like that
For diameter I use a digital calliper and measure with the thin/sharp part of it. Using the flat parts can introduce error due to curvature in the filament. I wiggle the filament around until I get the lowest value, then I rotate the filament 90 degrees and repeat and then I use a value somewhere in-between those two measurements. It's good practice to unspool a bit of filament and repeat that procedure just to make sure there aren't huge variations in the diameter.
Mostly I'm lazy though and just go with 2.85 as a good middle ground. I only print PLA though and most of my filament seems to be around that size anyway so I might not be representative of the masses.
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