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Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


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Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

14.02 changes how the engine and gui communicate, so firewalls or virus scanners could be related.


I tested with

- firewall interactive: same behaviour, no interactions from firewall

- firewall allow all: same behaviour

- all protection off: same behaviour.

Sad, but no correct guess.

What other cause (change) could prevent the program from further responding?

Btw: the newest RC is named 14.03 RC-6! Slip of the keyboard :wink: ?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


    I wanted to install the 14.03-RC6 Firmware because of the fix regarding Retraction Settings.

    Everytime I try it, my UM2 restarts while the window says "Uploading firmware...". When ist back online it says "Failed to write firmware. 'Timeout'".

    Is this a bug in the RC6 Verison of Cura or am I doing somthing wrong?



    Never Mind. I tried it today and it seems that a reboot worked once again.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I tested with

    - firewall interactive: same behaviour, no interactions from firewall

    - firewall allow all: same behaviour

    - all protection off: same behaviour.

    Sad, but no correct guess.

    What other cause (change) could prevent the program from further responding?

    Btw: the newest RC is named 14.03 RC-6! Slip of the keyboard :wink: ?


    Bug might be related to the "slicing failed/500 million offset" bug. Which I fixed monday night at 0:30

    14.03 is not a slip, it's March already, while I planed to release it in February, I did not make it.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Bug might be related to the "slicing failed/500 million offset" bug. Which I fixed monday night at 0:30


    Was it on monday half o'clock (included in RC6), or on monday 24.30 (to be released in RC7)?

    Anyway, I also tried on a fresh VM-XP machine.

    At first start, the Ultimaker robot was seen almost transparant, and layer view was shown, starting from the top (!). All further tries were unsuccessfull: the object (robot or egg chair) shown (normal view) correctly, at layer view 'pling', and nothing else than a processor being busy for about 60 sec, but program not responding. Also after uninstall and install again, no success. Even 14.01 showed the layer view error after this (before it was ok).

    Just to inform you and maybe given a clue...

    (time is something one cannot have in hands, so it slips all the time :-P ).


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Was it on monday half o'clock (included in RC6), or on monday 24.30 (to be released in RC7)?


    Monday 24:30, so will be in RC7


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    honestly, I don´t think it "sucks" - I get good results if putting in the right settings.

    Nevertheless, from my point of view, due to the extensive testing and development of you and your team, I´m sure you will build one of the best versions ever... :smile:

    RC6 seems to work also in my strage SW environment at my office notebook without issues...


    At my private notebook, when switching into layer view, I get an phyton error and the program shuts down... :-(

    Yipeee.... :-)


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


    I still have problems connecting my printer with Cura 14.02 and 14.03 when trying to use Print to USB.

    14.01 connects without problems.

    So when I try auto detect or set the com port and baud rate to the right settings i hear the printer switching when I click on Print with Com6.

    But then nothing.

    I see pop up window with text opening serial port.

    Geo Hagen


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I just uploaded RC7, this fixes the manual baudrate selection (which didn't work, it always used auto-detect)

    It also fixes the slicing problems that had plagued earlier RCs.


    At my private notebook, when switching into layer view, I get an phyton error and the program shuts down... :sad:

    Yipeee.... :smile:

    Next time, please capture the error for me. It can help. (But if whole Cura crashes, it might be video card driver related. I'm catching most errors before they are critical failures)


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Only one thing to say:

    Daid you are great :grin:


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


    I can confirm that I have contact with printer now with RC7.

    But are there no movement and settings possible anymore like temp, home, etc?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Excellent work !

    tried rc5,6,7 on a Win8 64 machine.. Hangs when trying to slice :sad:


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    @dubtec: Do you have the same effect if you just move the object a tiny bit to provoke a new-slicing?

    @Daid: I still have the print button instead of the save button in RC7 without printer connected...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    @Daid: I still have the print button instead of the save button in RC7 without printer connected...

    Can you try pressing the right mouse button on the print button and list what it says as options?

    Excellent work !

    tried rc5,6,7 on a Win8 64 machine.. Hangs when trying to slice :sad:

    Gota have more info then that. I'm not psychic.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Can you try pressing the right mouse button on the print button and list what it says as options?

    Three options:

    - print with COM3

    - Save GCode... :eek:

    - Slice engine log...

    So, it's a feature? It will stay like that? No automatic button change anymore?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    No, for some reason it's seeing COM3 as an USB serial port, which I'm not sure if it should in your case.

    Cura reads the registry keys from "HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM", and checks if there is an USBSER in there. It has done so for quite a while already, so I'm confused why it would show up COM3 all of a sudden if it did not before.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Strange. I just checked the registry. No USBSER there except the entries from software installation (I guess, I'm not a registry expert), but not where you indicated. It's not possible Cura finds some other USBSER key?

    COM3 is actually the port my UM gets if connected. I see two possible origins of the issue:

    - I recently installed the Arduino tool, connected it and uploaded a custom Marlin version to my UM. Maybe this changed something else in the registry... :???:

    - Windows update... no further comment needed I guess... :rolleyes:

    btw: It's Win8.0...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Daid, I do appreciate your effort!

    But unfortunately in this RC7 still the result is the same.

    I did some more tests:

    1. Loading the Ultimaker robot (loaded at first startup: layer view -> pling. Output.txt empty, not responding.

    2. Loading the Panton Chair egg holder:

    - Loading OK

    - Transparant OK

    - X-Ray OK

    - Layer view: pling, not responding, Output.txt contains part of gcode.

    3. Loading the egg chair, save gcode: the code for RC7 is bigger (23.764 compared to earlier RC's 16.450)

    4. Using 14.01 I loaded gcodes from 14.01, RC's 6 and 7: all shown.

    5. Using RC7 loaded gcode from 14.01: pling, output.txt empty, not responding.

    6. Using RC7 loaded gcode from RC7: pling, output.txt empty, not responding.

    After pling, all times the processor was used by python for 99% for about 1`minute. During and after this time Cura was not responding.

    (pling is the translation of the short sound being heard).

    Good luck in finding the program bug!


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.



    I parties to thank for his work on Daid Cura and Marlin and the community.


    I installed RC7. I install the Marlin was packaged in RC7.


    I did a test and I was able to use the Pause mode. System very advantageous when the boden not sit still and must review its position during printing.


    I also look at the temperature and now it fluctuates much less. It's really cool. Too nice :D:D:D


    Thank you, thank you very much. :wink:


    It remains, however, one point that I did not try. How to print from USB? I have not found in Cura. Should we go through Rapetier and with what settings?


    That, for me, that's OK. It remains to see if there is something new to be added.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Daid, I do appreciate your effort!

    But unfortunately in this RC7 still the result is the same.

    I did some more tests:

    1. Loading the Ultimaker robot (loaded at first startup: layer view -> pling. Output.txt empty, not responding.

    2. Loading the Panton Chair egg holder:

    - Loading OK

    - Transparant OK

    - X-Ray OK

    - Layer view: pling, not responding, Output.txt contains part of gcode.

    3. Loading the egg chair, save gcode: the code for RC7 is bigger (23.764 compared to earlier RC's 16.450)

    4. Using 14.01 I loaded gcodes from 14.01, RC's 6 and 7: all shown.

    5. Using RC7 loaded gcode from 14.01: pling, output.txt empty, not responding.

    6. Using RC7 loaded gcode from RC7: pling, output.txt empty, not responding.

    After pling, all times the processor was used by python for 99% for about 1`minute. During and after this time Cura was not responding.

    (pling is the translation of the short sound being heard).

    Good luck in finding the program bug!

    Which settings are you using? For which machine?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.
    Which settings are you using? For which machine?

    It is for the Ultimaker original.

    After installing RC1..7 I only changed the setting for Support Type to Touching buildplate. No other setting was changed for these tests. Also for Support Type = None the result is the same...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


    Can you show me what the pop up windows should look like for the Print with USB?

    I got the feeling that I miss a lot of settings for this pop up.

    I don't know how to upload a picture here otherwise I would show you a printscreen of my pop up window.

    14.03 RC7/ win7

    Geo Hagen


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


    Can you show me what the pop up windows should look like for the Print with USB?

    I got the feeling that I miss a lot of settings for this pop up.

    I don't know how to upload a picture here otherwise I would show you a printscreen of my pop up window.

    14.03 RC7/ win7

    Geo Hagen

    The default print window is now very basic, with just a connect/print/cancel button. You can switch to a more complex dialog in the preferences. This more complex dialog is build by a plugin and the plugin can be edited and expanded on to reflect your needs.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    just tried the RC6 multiple printer's function. it is good, but seems the different machine share the same

    start/end.gcode. Is it a bug or specific start/end.gcode for each machine is not support yet?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I really wanna try your update but Cura keeps crashing when i click print from usb. What to do ? i deleted all old files of cura


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Next time, please capture the error for me. It can help. (But if whole Cura crashes, it might be video card driver related. I'm catching most errors before they are critical failures)

    Sorry, I forgot to make a screen shot and uninstalled it already. RC7 is in installation, will report if it behaves the same soon...

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