Just tried how far I could take this
Took a solid test file, print at 0 infill, 1 wall, 0.2 layer.
Have a 0.6 nozzle mounted atm. First tried tricking cura into 1.2 mm nozzle & wall (note: if my math is correct 1.2 is 400% more volume than 0.6 ...)
started at 30mm/s, turned up speed to 125% and 150% (>10mm3/s), extrusion is no problem at all, printed at 230c, which is to hot. The actual wall printed is around 1.2 mm, I call it a succes.
Then tried 0.6 nozzle, tricked cura into 1.6 nozzle/wall, 25 mm/s speed. (8mm3/s)
Started at 230 celcius, moved down to 215 c, extrusion was never a problem, lower temp shows better quality.
Actual wall thickness printed was around 1.5 mm (so a bit less than the set 1.6)
not related to this test, but cura created a small bulge at the point of the zseam, does this also at 0.6 nozzle setting, so unrelated to this test. Anybody an idea why ??
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