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ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error


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Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error


I suspect you are using currently "Cura and UM2 firmware" v14.12.


Try it with Cura v14.12.1, or go back to older versions.


If no firmware update offered, when you first start a newer or older installed Cura version, then choose directly in Cura: Machine > Install Standard Marlin firmware.

Of course, the printer must be previously connected to your Computer. ;)



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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    I had this same error. I was coming from 14.09. I have had 3 catastrophic fails now. It's almost like it's pulling more amperage or something because I have my UM2 plugged into a battery backup and this flipped the breaker in it. I usually have my printer AND an UV heater plugged in and both going without any issues.

    Also, I, too, was using the latest 14.12.1.

    Additionally, I see nothing about "Marlin" firmware in my Cura install. Under "Machine" in the top menu I have a link for "Install default firmware..." I'm only offering this as clarification for any other users who might not see what you mentioned and get confused by that.

    I was really hoping to get a print ran tonight but I just HAD to upgrade the firmware first.. Looks like I'll be rolling back in the morning.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    Well, I was using 14.12.1

    Let me roll back to 14.07 and report what happens.



    That's not the solution.

    This error happens when your heater needs to supply a LOT of power to get even a decent amount of heating (about 3x more power then required on average). This indicates a problem at the heater or temperature sensor.

    It could be that the temperature sensor or the heater is not properly inserted in the hotend. Which is what this new error (introduced in 14.12) is meant to protect against. As a partially inserted heater could mean the heater burns out, and a partially inserted temperature sensor could mean the hotend is a lot hotter then actually configured, causing burned up teflon parts and burned up printer materials.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    Daid, could you supply a picture of a properly/improperly inserted sensor? I checked mine over and it looks pretty firmly seated (and I could not wiggle it in any direction, but didn't want to get rough with it either). At one point, I did have a failed print blob make its way up and around those wires but was very delicate in removing them and have never had any issues.

    I just cleaned up a little more of that leftover gunk while I was checking it out and put everything back together. Right now, I'm running a print with ColorFabb XT which I find to be a lot more finicky than standard PLA. But, the fill print looks like garbage. At this point, I'm not sure if it's firmware or something mechanical I did. I have re-leveled the platform multiple times. I checked all wires/connections. Everything seems to be in order. I'm going to let the print continue to see how the final product fares.

    After this, I will throw on some PLA and test whether I get the same results. I've printed enough with this XT that I have it dialed in.. but, it's not looking so great right now. \=


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error


    I received this error message after updating the firmware to 14.12.1 from 14.09. After restarting UM2 and trying to print again, again the error message. On my third attempt after the printing started I went to the tune option and selected the temperature and watched it....my setting was 225 and it steadily dropped to 217 then the error message came up 8 deg difference. So then I decided to re-install version 14.09 firmware. Started a new print set at 225 no problems. I do want to mention after starting a new print with 14.09 and switching to the temperature to watch the temperature it was having a 8 deg. swing above and below my 225 but no error message. After a while 10-15 minutes of printing the temp finally stabilized within 1 deg. What I don't know was that temp swing always there from the start? Also I just finished an hour print with no issues. A question I have is, does the new updated firmware have a tighter tolerance causing the error message, and second at the start of the print should there be that much of a swing in temperature? Any thoughts?


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    ..A question I have is, does the new updated firmware have a tighter tolerance causing the error message, and second at the start of the print should there be that much of a swing in temperature? Any thoughts?


    Any firmware version before 14.12 doesn't contain this heater validation at all. It is a security feature introduced with 14.12

    Obviously this leads to problems with some configurations...

    The (over-) swing of the temperature depends (IMHO) on some minor variations of the installation.

    Some people could improve it using a heat-conductive paste for the heater and the sensor. But unmounting the heater is a delicate affair...

    You can also struggle with the software part of the heater controlling - using the PID Autotune.

    But if it had worked in the past - stay at firmware 14.09 (provisional) and be happy...


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    Protection functions are laudable and important. After more than a year without the aforementioned Check routine, I would also do not know why it was even still, thought of such a thing. The timing for such an extension of the functionality is selected very happily anyway. I would never let work unsupervised, this miraculous box and all the other gadgets.

    However is happened on some machines somehow something quite different, as might be expected.

    ... Sorry, but sometimes it's really funny here:

    Temperature sensor and heating definitely sit deep enough and still firmly fixed in my machine, it was repeatedly checked. This I dare to say, after maybe (certainly understated) twenty-five full-Teardowns of the Ultimaker2 printhead.

    - In Cura v14.09 there was this error message never. Why is now clear to me that additional verification existed obviously not here.

    - In Cura v14.12 I got this error message "ERROR STOPPED" at least three times during different machine actions?

    - I've tried it with Cura v14.12.1 and there were other unknown bugs me so far. This fact I have not explored in detail.

    - I tried it again with Cura v14.12 and made after the firmware update a "factory reset".

    - Now, run with this version 14.12 currently everything perfectly, and there were (in between) made absolutely NO mechanical changes to temperature sensor or heater.



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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error


    Looks like Markus had the key comment, well it worked for me, that's is doing the "factory reset" after doing the update. Everything is running fine (14.12.1), currently in a 8 hour print nearing it end.



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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    I'm sure my heater and sensor are mechanically quite well installed, but that's the first thing I'll re-check when I get back home after my trip.

    Also, the "Factory Reset" option seems like a good lead. I'll report back on how it goes next week.



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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    Sorry, but the problem is not completely solved, although factory reset:


    Playing around with "Move material" brought me back "ERROR STOPPED".

    - I chose "Move material", moving some material at 220 degrees, and left the selection.

    - Short Thoughts break and I chose again "Move material" to move a little more material.

    - There were slightly more than 180 degrees of residual heat, and I wanted to wait until 220 degrees.

    - Then BLAM! ... "ERROR STOPPED" ... :evil: :evil: :evil:

    But at least it has not occurred during printing. :ph34r: :unsure: :lol: :rolleyes: :huh: :oops: :???:



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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    I can confirm that a Factory Reset cures the unacceptably wild temperature swings that occur after installing 14.12.1

    I was seeing +/-7 to 8 degree temperature variance that began with 14.12.1, and lots of ERROR STOPPED, which have now dropped back to a degree or so of variation after a reset. This is better than it had ever been before, and well worth the PIA of being forced through the initial setup again. It sure would be nice to have an Exit option from the initial Setup, or at least the bed leveling.

    The instructions and release notes for 14.12.1 should include advice that you Must do a Factory Reset after installing.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    I can confirm that a Factory Reset cures the unacceptably wild temp swings that occur after installing 14.12.1

    I was seeing +/-7 or 8 degree temperature variance that began with 14.12.1, and lots of ERROR STOPPED, which have now dropped back to a degree or so of variation after a reset (better than it had ever been before), and the PIA of being forced through the initial setup again. It sure would be nice to have an Exit option from the setup.

    The instructions and release notes for 14.12.1 should include advice that you Must do a Factory Reset after installing.


    I'm not familiar with the background - just took a look in the GitHub repository.

    One can see in the changelog that the sample rate for the PID was increased in the latest version - to "improve the temperature stability"....

    ....seems somehow to work in your case....

    Simultaneously the proportional, integral and derivative constants (K_p, K_i, K_d) for the PID controller became new defaults for the Ultimaker2.

    This could be an explanation for the fact that it works better after a factory reset.

    Have you changed these values before (via "PID autotune")?

    Nevertheless -

    IMHO the balance between security and stability still needs a little improvement in this version... :wink:

    I'm sure, daid will have a look at the heater validation code when he is back to work after the holidays (among other things of course)....


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error



    Have you changed these values before (via "PID autotune")?


    Yes, I had done autotune, although it did not work nearly as well as I have seen it do on other Marlin-based machines.

    I was starting to wonder whether the 14.12.1 code had reverted to bang-bang, as it never converged on a stable temperature until I Factory Reset it today.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    This error es driving me crazy! I've got several failed prints.

    After upgrading again to 14.12.1 and doing the factory reset. The first print came out with no problems but the second print had the same problem. I have to say that I tuned some parameters. I don't know if this could cause the error.

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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    got hit with this as well..

    running Octoprint on my UM2..

    timeline :

    upgraded firmware to 14.12.1 the 22nd of december. been printing non-stop without issues since monday. this morning, all of a sudden, 2 minutes into my print, BLAMMO, heater error.

    after calling with UM support, performed a factory reset and all is well again..


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    scratch that. died again this morning..


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    I opened up the head to inspect and can confirm that heater and sensor are well seated and looking good. Uninstalled Cura, deleted all files / folders related to Cura (I'm running Ubuntu Utopic on 32 bit), and re-installed Cura 14.12.1 fresh.

    Got the same error twice since then. Both times it happened when I moved away from the machine to do some other chores, so I cannot confirm what was happening to the temperature.

    I think I'm not going to waste any more filament until the dev's attend to this and post another update. Probably will happen only after the year end holidays, I guess.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    ok. solved it.

    i'm using a custom fan shroud. the "problem" with this fan shroud is is that it works too well ;)

    I need to use this shroud to get very detailed pieces in XT cooled quickly so that i can print mechanical pieces in XT. the standard fan shroud just doesn't cut it.

    the drawback is that the backwash of this shroud cools down the head when printing large surface areas. with the 14.09 firmware i could see my temp (I Use Octoprint) drop from 240 to 230 and sometimes 225 when printing a large surface (for instance, a flat 5X5cm surface). there was just too much cooling for the UM2 to compensate. so I tuned my settings, making sure the fan was running between 40 and 60 percent, which accomplished exactly what i wanted to.

    with the old firmware (14.09) the temp would just drop. not a problem.

    with the new firmware (14.12.1) the UM2 sees this as an error and shuts down..

    still, i also needed the factory reset, but this issue came to me when i kept getting the error after the reset.. i tried printing a large piece with my "wrong" fan settings (100 percent) .

    with the 14.12.1 firmware the UM would shut down before i saw the temp drop. when i flashed the old firmware, i saw the temp drop at exactly the time it would shut down with the new firmware..

    so this would need more tuning.. as a temp fix, tweak your fan settings..


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    I am also using a custom fan base (

    I'll try to reduce the fan speed as well. I am currently trying a print that failed the last 5 times but right now I am printing it with only 60% fan speed.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    and let me guess Feik, now the print worked?


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    Yes, the print worked now. :)

    Running a second print with the same settings.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    Venkels fan ducts are so much better than the metal OEM one that I rarely use the fan at more than 40% for PLA, because the heater can't hold the set temperature with any more air.


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    Posted · ERROR STOPPED : Heater Error

    I had this error about 6 hours into a 15 hour print using Venkels fan duct. i just printed off Spirit's adjustment in hopes of it solving my problem.


    I will let you know how it goes in about 15 hours :smile:


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