Hi mnis,
thanks for reply. Without any experience I think I will keep with my current settings.
I wish also a function where I can specify 1st layer temperature. I would prefer to print 1st layer (and top layer) with slightly higher temperature to make the print paths melting together nicely.
As I guess this crrently only possible using TweakAtZ? But this is too complicated/timeconsuming for such 'little' option.
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mnis 11
I only know the following option:
You must change the G-Code-Flavor, go to the Machine settings. For Ultimaker 2, the Ulti-G-Code-Flavor is active by default. Change the G-Code-Flavor to RepRap, and then you get in Cura, additional expert setting options.
The starting and final behavior of the machine is then slightly different from the usual behavior. Anyway, from now on, the start code and end code can be customized.
Whether the change in G-Code-Flavor affects printing results, I can not say for sure.
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