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Everything posted by Daid

  1. It should end in your applications menu somewhere. If not. python -m Cura.cura in /usr/share/cura/
  2. It's a very annoying bug in the library I'm using. Sometimes the shift-key is detected as "always down" causing a few different effects, including panning instead of rotating. It also causes up/down to be zoom instead of look up/down with the cursor keys. Now, for the right-click-rotate not working on the touchpads. No clue. Most likely some weird ass MacOS shit again. For something that should have "same software & same hardware" almost everywhere, I get lots and lots of odd bugs. While I have way less of those on windows. Next time you get the option to buy Mac or a real computer. Think of me. And think how much trouble you are causing me by choosing Mac.
  3. To bad (for us) that those maximum working temperatures do not account for deformation under stress as we found out (the bad way)
  4. Pretty sure support could hook you up with those parts. Note that the price of spare parts, and getting them into the shop is something that's being worked on. (see the other topic about that)
  5. No exact date. But at least a month already.
  6. If the deformed teflon problem comes up again. You might want to contact support, we actually have fiberglass filled teflon now, which doesn't deform as easy as the normal teflon that we used before.
  7. It should raise the Z on pause... but only 20mm
  8. Any objects higher then the gantry height (55mm by default) will cause Cura to go into "all at once mode" Also, it tries to figure out a printing order without collisions. It it cannot find that, it will do a "all at once". But should be quite rare...
  9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ;-)
  10. Trick you could do, is disable the brim. Set the skirt lines to 30. And set the skirt distance to 0.01 This will generate an outside only brim (as you trick the skirt code, which is only on the outside, to acts as a brim)
  11. I'm with illuminatri on this one. I do not see how a firmware change could be causing this. How does the 14.06 firmware compare to the rest?
  12. Planning to change that anyhow, as that's one of the things "features" that currently stand in the way of multi-threading a big part of the code.
  13. I understand, but slowing down is not to lay down small areas better, it's to allow for cooling.
  14. What would you expect from something called "fast & low quality?"
  15. The full time for the full layer is calculated, if this is shorter then the minimal layer time, the speed is slowed down so the layer meets the minimal layer time. But, it's never slowed down more then the minimal speed. (which you generally not hit unless you have a few mm2 of area). If this happens, the "cool lift head" feature can trigger if this is enabled, which lifts the head to make up for the time not reached by the minimal layer time. https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/gcodeExport.cpp#L543
  16. That's exactly as it's intended to be. (And I assume you're talking about minimal layer time, not minimal speed)
  17. Someday this will be added. Right now, in the current code-base, it won't. (Due to the general messiness of the code. I'll remember this for PinkUnicorn)
  18. If you want quality prints. Then don't recycle. Unless.... you are looking for a new hobby, which is producing filaments. You'll be spending more time trying to figure out how to produce quality filament from recycled stuff then actually printing stuff with it. I would throw it on the bio-degradable. Tell your girlfriend PLA is bio-degradable. So having to recycle it is less of an issue. So, in the end, if you use more PLA based objects, you use less "environmental unfriendly" plastics. Win for both.
  19. Actually, someone did the math on this: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues/14 And I'm only resetting the E value at retractions right now. This has some internal code reasons.
  20. Ah man. If I had known that, I would have put one of the nozzles in our lathe. Your best bet would be a workshop with a lathe. 2nd best would be a drill-press. Those are much more common (I even have one at home) And manually center the nozzle in a large clamp while the spinning drill hovers over it. Won't be 100% perfect, but should be do-able. Just take your time to center it.
  21. 1) The temperature setting is not there for the UM2. It is there for all the other printers. That's why it's called Speed&Temperature. It's a historical thing (and due to the messy code of the Cura GUI currently hard to change) 2) Last few updates have been maintenance releases with mostly UM2 firmware fixes. I have a list of changes somewhere. And the changes are also in the "first time popup". I think Sander also posted the changes on the blog, but forgot to tag them right so they show up.
  22. If it was part of the code you didn't have a request to make, as it was already there. You are asking for something new (an option to get that wizard) And in all honesty, I'm most likely not going to grand you this request. It adds a pretty visible option. Which new users see, to satisfy the need of a few people. I recommend using the GCode script for 3 point leveling that was posted in the other topic. Or switch the heated-bed option on before starting the wizard.
  23. Both. Cura only checks the angles, and does some "small area removal" (it's actually doing other stuff, area removal is a side effect) The support generation code is pretty bad right now. And I hope to improve it in the future.
  24. Figure. It. Out. Setting up a development environment is easy compared to understanding the code. (Sorry that I'm not friendly on these requests, but I'm seeing 5 of these a week right now)
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