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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Oh, yes, FreeCAD is causing crap with Cura. They install some global stuff that they shouldn't. Not sure if they fixed it in their latest release.
  2. I'm working on the engine part so I can (partially) support areas/objects with different settings. But it's not the easiest problem. Got it working for quite a few settings, but need to fix a few more (filament diameter and speed being 2 important ones) And then there is the GUI that needs to be made. Work work work.
  3. Just standing around in the office, being all black and bad-ass. (It also has EL strips, but those are turned off in the picture as one of the EL inverters exploded a few weeks ago)
  4. They are M4x4 DIN 913 (material A2)
  5. What you could do, is change your homing procedure. Right now it says: G28 X0 Y0 If you modify that to: G28 X0 G92 X-20 Then everything will shift 20mm to the right. So you will avoid smashing into the left side.
  6. https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/SteamEngine/plugins/pauseAtZ.py
  7. We have a wide range of windows versions on machines in the office, so if Cura didn't work on one of them on general, I would know about it. But there are tons of different possible setups. (MacOS has the same issue, and a few more)
  8. Should be started from the start menu (not the engine exe) On some windows installations the location where the settings are stored causes problems, I made a change in how this is done with the version at: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/
  9. Seems like some performance problems on the YouMagine side causes the API that Cura uses to misbehave. Related to the problem at: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6865-youmagine-is-crazy-slow-and-crashes-all-the-time/
  10. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/blob/master/Marlin/Configuration.h#L162 That's the line you want to edit. Also take note of this edit you have to do to the Arduino environment: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/blob/master/Marlin/Configuration.h#L407 And finally, you are doing this at your own risk. The teflon piece in the hotend is not designed for these temperatures, so that might deform. (You could turn a replacement from alu if you have a lathe, that might prevent problems with the teflon. But no guarantee on that)
  11. For the 8mm axis, the long ones at the Y, and the shorter ones are the X. You could fuse 2 together to make 2 long one? ;-) (Guess you contacted support again about the wrong part. Someone must have made a mistake somewhere)
  12. Small note on this one, both of you are right. The design can work, but it depends on the thickness of the wood. So for most people it works fine, but for some people they can banding like jhertzberg.
  13. You might run into problems with one-at-a-time printing. As well as strange things when you try to place multiple objects on the bed (allowing intersections after rotating objects)
  14. Rolls are advertised as 3mm filament. (note the lack of ".0") and are actually fabricated with a spec of 2.85+-0.5
  15. Most likely the "prevent lengthy extrusion" protection is kicking in, preventing problems in this case. But I wouldn't relay on that and it would be better to add the G92
  16. You where cheated. The ABS in the UP isn't pure ABS, or the same as ABS seen with other printers. I think they mix some kinds of polystyrene in there to get the matte finish. (As it looks more like HIPS then ABS) It's also prone to warping, which might explain their limited build volume. I rather call their material the "You do not see the print defects". It's pretty cool material, I do not know exactly what they did with it, but their prints look better then they are, as soon as you touch them you notice uneven and bumpiness. As pointed out above, the advantage of an Ultimaker (over a Makerbot and an UP!) is the open system, you can do what you want, you can put any material in there that you want. Ultimaker isn't supplying other materials except PLA and ABS right now, but ColorFabb for example supplies PET and there is also Nylon available from different suppliers. As long as it's 3mm filament, and of decent quality, you can put it in the machine.
  17. In all honesty, that's a bit to expected with that price. Colorfabb has high quality continues quality control to ensure that their rolls have a consistent and equal diameter across their product range. Ultimaker PLA should also be consistent in quality, but I'm not sure how this is checked during fabrication or after it.
  18. If paging is happening, then you're pretty much screwed anyhow. But I don't think Cura uses shitloads of memory, and any recent laptop should come with at-least 2GB of memory these days. As for re-using, there are some many cases that can happen, and there is quite some geometrical magic going on at that point. Lots of it is done with numpy, which makes it even trickery (but loads faster)
  19. The goal of that rig is 2 fold, it's to test wear on the feeder, and it's to test hotends. It's running a test to test different materials in replacement for teflon right now. It's a much more stable and controlable test then putting 10 machines together.
  20. Our newest testing rig has been running trough a lot of filament. Couldn't resist sharing this gem.
  21. I'm not working on that UI part yet. So I will see it when I get there. First, I'm changing a lot of engine code, so I can set settings per "mesh" (1 object can be multiple meshes, one print can be multiple objects) which gives a huge amount of flexibility. But requires quite a few changes in my engine code. Note that this doesn't just mean the above feature can be implemented without hacks, but a lot of other things as well (including, but not limited to, one print with different infill amounts, settings per extruder for dual-extrusion, settings per object on a one-at-a-time but also a all-at-once print)
  22. You could try adding a G92 Z0 after the G28 Z0, but no garantee that that will fix your problem.
  23. Cura does 2 assumptions. a) The firmware homing takes care of setting Z0 = bed touching nozzle b) The firmware limits the Z speed. Could be that your firmware of your new board is configured differently then the old board.
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