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Everything posted by ian

  1. I just changed my username so people can better ID me.... Ian Spring.... Looking forward to seeing you guys on FB. Ian :-)
  2. hi guys !! today was one of those days where no one smiled.... no one said anything... just work..... I can do pure work for a few hours but then I start to bug out.. I need some sort of human contact... a little chat for a minute or something like that... NOPE.... So madness set in and I decided to use my current design project (a new air ventilation housing for a power converter that has poor air circulation) into a..... PORNO..... so enjoy the lighter side of my day !!! Ian http://youtu.be/NthSLavcK7M
  3. other topic.... i had to drink a lot of coffee to drive down tonight to Bavaria for work.... now im totally awake... its now 3.45AM and I have to get up at 6AM for work... mmmm.... its getting interesting... really.... i have some music playing... doing some hand sketches of an idea I want to print this week... plus just updated my blog... sent a few emails and... yeah ok checked my facebook.... me thinks... my little wee irish brain will need some serous convincing to hit the bed..... HELP !!!! LOL
  4. not only at fairs !! I used to have a press shelf full of the things... when anyone came over for a coffee... I would always show them those for fun.. my guests never left without taking one... LOLLL
  5. super !!! thanks now you just have to ask your friends on facebook to help out.. Ian
  6. but back to the question... has ultimaker run tests on the chemical output or gas output of plastic fumes or oils or sealants in confined areas ? Is it proven safe ?
  7. Lets be honest.. there are a thousand interesting criminal applications to 3d printing. If I started listing a few... I guess a lot of people would start rising their eye brows... LOLLLL... so nothing doing that..... LOL Ian
  8. would you call it over reacting Sander?... when I am waking up beside my ultimaker 2 now... and feeling sick and needing two powerful headache tablets to be half ready for work... this is now only the last few days since I am printing at nights in my small room. Do you actually state 100 percent that all materials and liquids withing the ultimaker construction do not emit any harmful gases? Is that actually stated by ultimaker officially ?.. if so then I must be just losing it.... Ian
  9. Ist die Treffen für eine wochen tag oder ein wochende tag geplannt ? Liebe Grusse aus Bayern. Ian
  10. i lovvvvvveeee this kind of 3d printing... GAGA... cool !! thanks for the link ! Ian
  11. i actually have a little problem.... I live in a one room apartment.... I have no where else to put my ultimaker2. During the day... printing is no problem but... now the nights are getting colder and I have to close up a little my one window.... i am starting to get really bad headaches from the fumes.... really storming headaches that last for hours the next day... this is a big problem.... I want to print but not kill myself.... ? any ideas ? Ian
  12. question is... do I mean your user photo ?... or your prints ! LOL
  13. classic... stunning... beautiful !!
  14. voted !! plus spammed the web as much as I can to get the word out.... GOOD LUCK ULTIMAKER !!!!!!!! Ian
  15. Ultimaker receives 5 nominations at 3D Printshow's Global Awards! Best Consumer Product http://ultim.kr/3DBcProd'>http://ultim.kr/3DBCProd'>http://ultim.kr/3DBcProd'>http://ultim.kr/3DBCProd Best Consumer Printer http://ultim.kr/3DBcP Best Consumer Software http://ultim.kr/3DBcS Best Prosumer Printer http://ultim.kr/3DBPP Brand of the Year http://ultim.kr/3DBotY
  16. I will be personnel taking my old childhood toothbrush to the ears of anyone not spending the next 60 seconds to voting for ultimaker online as best 3d home printer ! LOL Ian Ultimaker receives 5 nominations at 3D Printshow's Global Awards! Best Consumer Product http://ultim.kr/3DBcProd'>http://ultim.kr/3DBCProd'>http://ultim.kr/3DBcProd'>http://ultim.kr/3DBCProd Best Consumer Printer http://ultim.kr/3DBcP Best Consumer Software http://ultim.kr/3DBcS Best Prosumer Printer http://ultim.kr/3DBPP Brand of the Year http://ultim.kr/3DBotY
  17. the splitter in the visor must have been a bloody nightmare to print and clean... would it not have been better to do it separately ? Ian
  18. great print !!! a good reminder of how amazing the prints can come from a good old standard ultimaker 1 Ian
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