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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. You don't have to remove it, if you remove the filament and gain some access you could probably clean it with a cloth or your fingers.
  2. Yeah, the knurled wheel! Doesn't look terrible, but if it were my printer I would probably clean it by now.
  3. Looks like your drivebolt is a bit dirty, there seems to be filament in between the teeth. Sounds like there is stress on a certain part. My first guess is your filament is grinding against something, or your wheel/bearing can't move freely. Good luck! Did it run successfully so far?
  4. Hi Franny500, no this category is fine! I think it is not perse a 3D printing thing, but you notice it all across different business landscapes, people and business seem to become more aware. For 3D printing it can have a lot of effects, I'll just name a few which come to mind fastest without going to much in-depth. Some of them are not happening yet, but when 3D printing becomes bigger they should come in play more. I don't think at one point everyone will print everything, so we are talking about a certain range of products. 3D printing ignites innovations, hand in hand with globalisation it allows innovators to work together with each other with just a few mouse clicks away. Where you are based, or aren't based, no longer has to be relevant and bright minds can connect. An increase in technology makes things more efficient and can better our footprint. With more 3D printers in or around homes there is a smaller need to ship finished products all around. This means less shipping, i.e. less pollution. Less packaging material, less waste. Less stock, from which you don't know if you sell it all, less waste. And less waste of materials creating that stock. Currently FDM uses mostly thermo-plastics as material for 3D printing. Luckily we also see amazing initiatives like Better Future Factory and Refil who help making this industrial revolution into a sustainable revolution! And we have another really cool story coming out this week. If you don't want to miss any of our stories, in your settings you can enable your notifications so you'll get a notification when we publish a new story. What is your opinion on the green credentials? What do you think of the prior mentioned (potential) solutions?
  5. Thank you for making it awkward. Luckily I said going dutch, which is significantly different from double dutch.
  6. By 'Dutchiest way' I mean photograph the Lion in the most Dutch way. Feel free to use every stereotype you can come up with, and make us laugh "Going Dutch" is a term that indicates that each person participating in a group activity pays for themselves, rather than any person paying for everyone else, particularly in a restaurant bill. Like splitting the bill.
  7. Here is my example upload; the Dutch Lion! Enjoy, looking forward seeing everyones entries!! And remember, get creative. .. most of us can take a joke
  8. Version 1.0


    This is an example on how to upload your entry. This is not an entry to the contest. This lion is convincingly Dutch. Do you want to participate in the contest and win a free special edition Olsson Block? You can participate here!
  9. Four weeks ago we started adding a free Olsson Block set with every sold Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2 Extended. We'll continue doing this for a few weeks more (all the way till Christmas!!) because we believe it is a great example of what the community contributes to Ultimaker. And the Olsson Block can definitely be a valuable addition to your Ultimaker. You guys carry a lot of knowledge, helped countless of users and continue to contribute to the Ultimaker ‘Universe’. Obviously, you deserve something for this too! So for the next few weeks we will continue to host a 3D printing contest. Every week we’ll have a new winner who wins a special edition Olsson Block set. It contains the same set of nozzles we share with our new users, but especially for you we have added the 1.0mm nozzle too, for the super fast prints! To draw you the full picture, it contains the: Olsson Block itself 0.25mm nozzle 0.4mm nozzle 0.6mm nozzle 0.8mm nozzle 1.0mm nozzle a screwdriver and socket to swap nozzles. For this week we are going to get creative again. With a whole new theme, Going Dutch! . This can be done by printing this token of national pride, our Dutch Lion, print it and photograph it in the most Dutchiest way! May the most original, Dutch and funny entry win! But remember.. photoshop is not allowed. And because going dutch also means splitting the bill, we figured for this contest well select 2 winners, who both will win a special edition Olsson Block set. The other rules of the contest are pretty simple. Please read them carefully. RULES - We know how you all love hacking and modifying, so we have only one guideline: it must be printed on an Ultimaker. Besides that.. everything goes! - Entries must be uploaded in the Print section. (Fill out your settings if you want. The winner agrees to share his settings at the end of the week). - Share the link and a picture of your upload in this thread. - Upload only one picture per entry - Everyone can participate in every contest, but you can only win once. - There will be only 1 prize per contest - Photoshop is not allowed. The only modification that is allowed is on your Ultimaker! - You can participate until Sunday midnight CEST. EXTRA INFORMATION - We will choose a winner based on Dutchness. And Originality. - We will announce each weeks winner on Monday in the corresponding thread on our forum, on our Twitter feed and Instagram! [H3]WHAT DO I NEED TO PRINT?[/H3] The proud model of our National Lion can be downloaded here. You'll be downloading the entire folder of mascottes, hopefully you'll enjoy the rest as well. Upload your entry here. Share your entry here below. Alrighty then.. Ready? Set? Print awaaaaaay!
  10. My direct messages take long, threads not per se. Looking forward hearing other users input.
  11. Hi Zarro, Thank you for your post. Quite an early Christmas for you then? Regardless, it has already proven to be a merry one. Now if we also fix this issue of you I am sure it will even be a merrier one. Did you get any other reels of filament with your Ultimaker except the silver one? It looks like there are some inefficiencies in your filament which cause these sparse layers. I would advice you to try a different reel of filament / color.
  12. @Labern, before we forget.. Would you be so kind to share with us a little bit of your magic on how you have been able to print this small? That way, we all learn a little bit from these contests and the level of entries will keep getting higher and higher Thanks!
  13. Congratulations ... @GrPiotr91! You won the special edition Olsson Block set with your 7.99mm print bearing! Awesome, great job! Could you explain what you did that allowed you to print this small? Keep it up for our next contests guys! For the contest we are going Dutch! We'll start within a few hours, stay tuned..
  14. Enjoy your purchase and I am sure it will be a nice printer. Feel free to keep us updated about your experiences, possibly in comparison to your experience with your Ultimaker 2 Extended. Every perspective could be interesting input
  15. @Dim3nsioneer, what was exactly the solution to your problem when you saw this banding in your prints?
  16. Hi Young, Welcome to the forum! I personally have no experience with Printrbot, but I hear they are pretty good machines, especially for the value. Obviously, since I work for Ultimaker (and you are on an Ultimaker community) I am biased. Regardless of what the Printrbot has to offer, the Ultimaker Original would be a good choice. You say you are already familiar with the Ultimaker 2 Extended, so you know what Ultimaker products are like. We have a strong community to back that up. I must add, the user experience between Ultimaker 2 Family and Ultimaker Original is different. The Original requires a more hands-on experience, levelling the bed and calibrating the machine. Over where the Ultimaker 2 Family is more straight forward. Having said this, if you go with the Ultimaker Original+ you have to do far less calibrating. The heated bed with aluminum Z-stage is a great upgrade and allows you to print with the same materials you are used to with your Ultimaker 2 Extended. This can be PLA, but also PLA based materials like Woodfill, Bronzefill and Copperfill. If you don't want the heated bed it is still an upgrade in experience. Without the heated bed it is still a wonderful machine, but know in advance that you have to level your bed a little bit more often than you had to do on your Extended. The build is overall pretty easy, and you only need a screwdriver (which is supplied with the kit by the way). Overall, I think both machines are good choices. Look at what company you can identify with most and look into specs like warranty, support & service and communities and do what feels best.
  17. You may want to have a look at this.
  18. And before yesterday you didn't have any anymore, i.e. something in the last launch triggered the ghost notifications? That is an option, and we have been thinking about that. With something called A/B testing we are going to test what description works best.
  19. @UltiArjan, do you get more ghost notifications to? Was it less in the last few weeks or more than ever?
  20. 'Mark as read' is noted as a bug and I think it should be fixed shortly. I'll personally let you know @dim3nsioneer when it has been done @LePaul, you are referring to ghost notifications, I think the most annoying bug we are barely able to reproduce. Did you get more since yesterday/Thursday? I didn't. I probably get like 3 a week on average. In regards of the 'Buy now' button, that button has always been in the menu. In our previous revision it was named 'resellers' and it was next to 'Blog', it has now moved to the right. We might move it again later depending on the output from our testings, or we won't. Following your feedback that it was to close to the notification bell and there were accidental clicks we moved it a little bit, so you wouldn't click it if you didn't want to. But I get the feeling you are not aware that this menu is the same over the entire website. So it is not aimed to 'trick' our community / you personally, it is a navigation tool for our entire audience to visit our shop.
  21. It is a continuous work in progress. We are doing tweaks to the search-tool to make it better but at the same time we are well aware there is still plenty of room for improvement. We are also looking into implementing google search in the website, but that is currently still under investigation.
  22. As some of you may have noticed, we made some changes to our website / forum again. Get the confetti canon ready, because.. the buy now button is moved a little to the left! Hopefully that will stop any accidental clicks to our shop. The menu is also back for navigating through our community platform. We added a YM tab, fixed the slow typing bug and some other things. edit: you can now upload 3D prints from the 3D print-page and you can navigate through blogs and 3D prints by using your arrow keys.
  23. What about if you update the latest firmware and slice with Cura? (I read somewhere you use simplify3D?)
  24. Feeder looks pretty bad, like a massacre took place .. Could you remove the guiding tube so we can have a better look at the 'feeding' part? You Atomic Method-tips look OK, so does your PTFE. I don't think you needed to replace it. The teeth in your filament look good to, what do the teeth look like around the grinded area? Since it is black it is difficult to see the texture/structure. Does it look like your 3D print failed with a 'clean cut'? Usually that implies a problem at the feeder instead of the hot end.
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