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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Only if you wear the orange moustache!
  2. like exaaaaaaaactly in the middle! Come one, let me hold on to some of its mysteries! You'll know soon enough.
  3. I quickly read through the post and first I wanted to say that when you think you are underextruding cranking up the temperature is not always the solution. It can be a 'quick fix', but can result in other problems later. What happens is that while the rate at which it is being extruded remains the same, there is more heath and the heath will travel up through the filament making a larger area softer and will continue to do so. This can result that the entire hot end (brass tube) can be filled with melted filament. When going cooler again, this filament which is on the inside of the tube won't melt all the way probably and your path will be more narrow than it is suppose to be. Potentially the heath can also crawl up into the top of the bowden tube. When there is some slack/movement in the bowden tube while retracting, it can crawl in the opening and cause a blob. When this happens it can't go back or forth anymore and you have to remove the bowden tube and cut off the first string of filament. In our latest (and first) Schooling blog we wrote about how to secure the bowden tube. It is aimed at the Ultimaker 2, but the concept remains the same. What can happen when you have a lot of retraction is that the movement, friction plus heath of the motor can deform or soften the filament. Instead of changing the settings in the firmware, I would first look into your extruder. Is the bolt clean or does it have a lot of residu? Is it not too tight? Can the delrin wheel still rotate freely? Are there no obstacles in your printhead-area? Yes.. there is some art to it Good luck!
  4. It could also be that the X and Y rods that are going through the printhead are not in a clean '+' and there is a lot of tension/friction in a few movements? When using only 2 fingers, how easily can you move the head around? How old is your Ultimaker Original? Can you take a picture of the tension on your long belts? Are they slacking or relatively tight? (too tight also isn't good).
  5. Hi @robonetix, Do you have a picture of your print from another angle? It looks like something is funny with your print but it is hard to say exactly what. Based on your description, I am guessing one of the pulley's is loose on your UMO. There are 12 Pulleys on the entire Ultimaker, check them ALL. I would recommend to start with the pulleys that have the short belts on them, and don't forget the one on the motors If you found it, tighten the setscrew in it. Good luck!
  6. and it will be waaaay cooler than free filament! 8) The only thing cooler than free filament is free printers I would preffer a visit to the secret R & D site at Ultimaker (with nondisclosure agreement and all that ofc). As cool as that may is, I don't see that going through. But.. I do feel very lucky all of the sudden passing that super secret R&D site later today
  7. and it will be waaaay cooler than free filament! 8) The only thing cooler than free filament is free printers whoo.. hold your horses! We may have been able to find soooomething in between.
  8. and it will be waaaay cooler than free filament! 8)
  9. Hi, thank you for your post and I am happy to hear your problems are solved. Sorry to hear it took some time before you manage to track it down to the PTFE teflon coupler. Did you talk to our HQ, or one of our partners? and approximately how long ago? If you ever find yourself in need again, don't hesitate and visit us in the in community or reach out to our support pages. Plenty of knowledge to share, which we can't fit all in an email (we do have started sending out tips through social media and we recently wrote our first Ultimaker Schooling blog. More will follow! )
  10. hey hey hey! Stop giving away my plans! ... give it another week / couple of days
  11. No it can see it just fine for the Ultimaker 2. If you have an Ultimaker Original you should keep a small eye on the size on the card, especially the amount of files on it. It could potentially slow down your UltiController.
  12. Die had ik nog niet gezien, bedankt voor het delen!
  13. OSX - Chrome v46.0.2490.80 That link you gave is still showing 404 for me as well. I wonder if maybe you have a working (cached) version of that page SandervG ;-) Have you tried opening that page in an Incognito Window (Chrome) or similar so that it doesn't load the webpage from cache? D'oh! .. 404 :( Will address it Monday morning.
  14. Yes.. that would be great wouldn't it
  15. Thank you for mentioning. Can you double check if it is still the case? I just checked and it works for me. I end up here: https://ultimaker.com/en/support/view/17900-ulti-evening-maintenance Perhaps it was a one time thing?
  16. I still get them too sometimes. It is a problem which has proven to be very difficult to replicate and therefor solve. Based on our descriptions, screenshots and information they do make attempts to solve it and that is probably what we are experiencing. I have no doubt it will be solved, but it isn't completely gone yet..
  17. So we are going from warm regards from Daid and illuminarti to an 'Ultimaker 3'? .. that escalated quickly!
  18. I believe you! You would think a Dutch company knows what Dutch Orange looks like It just looks very red on my monitor. Anyway, happy they came out alright!
  19. Haha that's true, but I can verify that has nothing to do with the forum or anything closely related and has everything to do with an intense workload and other priorities. He is a very needed guy.
  20. It could also just be the pigment in the filament, which makes it white (or whatever color). It can behave different then whatever is in the .. Orange? (You need to fix your White balance man!)
  21. Thank you for your post. My apologies for the delayed reply! Just as any other user you are allowed to sell your Ultimaker after you have bought it from us. It will be considered as a 'second hand Ultimaker'. Usually, a second hand Ultimaker is covered by warranty if sold within the first year. However, if you decide to modify the Ultimaker and sell it, you and your client are no longer covered by warranty and support from Ultimaker and as a business you will have a responsibility in regards of supplying customer support to your customers. Ultimaker puts in a lot of effort selecting partners and resellers who understand the brand values and are passionate about 3D printing and the work that we do. As a result they get support, training and better conditions. For that reason there is a very big difference between being a reseller, and selling an Ultimaker.
  22. I could pitch in and help, but I think @Tinkergnome and @Gr5 know there way around this pretty well! What I would change is disable layer for first 4 or 5 layers. filament_diameter = 2.85 first_layer_temperature = 220 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 (if it is stock) Most other things looked OK, or I didn't know.
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