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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Thank you for your post, allow me to get back with you on this!
  2. Hi Darioism, Are you printing them together, or just one at the time? How big are these prints? The prints look kinda marble-like. Is that intended or is it suppose to be smooth? Have you tried different reels of filament? Could you be bothered uploading a picture of your printhead as well? Sorry for all the questions Thank you!
  3. Hi @Fergazz, Thank you for your post here in the forums. First of all I am sorry you feel disappointed about the service. I am sure the reply was intended to improve efficiency instead of a reluctance to offer service. But maybe it was communicated in a clumsy way, our apologies for the inconvenience. Offering a high level of service and support are important to us, we'll take your feedback at heart and will improve our ways. Now, about your problem. I think @ultiarjan explained it well, you need to tighten those springs more. The bed vibrating you are experiencing is because in their current state they lack any form of tension and probably emphasise the vibration. Tighten them by rotating the thumbscrews and leave a little bit for the connectors at the bed. By lowering the bed (using the springs) you have a couple of more rotations with the knob on the display to level your bed higher. Only use the thumbscrews to optimise levelling, not to generate actual distance. We wrote a blog here where it is also explained. Good luck!
  4. Oh, and if your nozzle ever gets stuck again by a power cut, you can just manually push the Zstage down to free it up, or leave it there. Next time when you start a print heat up the nozzle and it will automatically free it self
  5. Thank you @iHackstuff for writing this nice blog! It was a pleasure to read, with kind words for @IRobertI (dear I say.. a genius?) and the entire community!
  6. We are suspecting this. As far as I understand it is bigger than only Greylisting. We are probably going to use a service to ensure all emails get delivered. I think you should be fine, if indeed you do need help again feel free to ask TheDeugd, or reach out to me.
  7. With this comment you did kinda 'fix' a bug we noticed yesterday. When 'sharing' a post (clicking that button) you don't copy the URL but copy the words 'inappropriate'. Which in this specific case.. is kinda true I do appreciate your creativity, but when even the forum says it is inappropriate.. sorry, but it gotta go
  8. .. there is no bad publicity?
  9. Well... Thats a good idea. We should make complainer killer robots! if you had them at the release of the new forum then there wouldn't be to many UM owners left alive. watch it buddy!
  10. Maybe! But I'm not yet gonna tell you.. and neither are @KevinMakes or @FrederiekPascal, since apparently they have psychic powers!
  11. That is assuming your detailed write up would leave a lot of room for questions
  12. To follow @IRobertI, we have been cutting down into the subcategories in our renovation of the forum. If there are a lot of questions about it, these topics will organically find its place. But I do hear your frustration, what could be an option for example is if you wrote a detailed thread in which you describe your experience and what you found. The thread could be made sticky in General ( ? ) so everyone can find it easily? That way through comments it could aways evolve into a discussion and source of help for others if necessary. What do you think?
  13. A lot of Ultimakers are already build and shipped, waiting in our partners warehouse to be shipped to their beloved new user. If we would build them in they would all have to come back, rebuild, reshipped etc. Huge process, like @Neotko says, this is much manageable. Also, I think it would be good for users to get experienced with the stock Ultimaker equipment before starting to change things. Most documentation and tips are based on a 0.4 nozzle, and I think most of us can relate to the learning curve being steep enough already, without dealing with different nozzle sizes etc. There are advantages on both ends, but this end is way more manageable.
  14. We don't have a poll feature yet, but it is funny you mention it (in a new forum suggestion thread) because it is pretty high on the request-list to be looked into Our philosophy was kinda the opposite, where you first encounter specific topics and if you don't know where to post or look, you end up in general. I think this is better because otherwise for example, a lot of troubleshooting threads will end up in general.
  15. So you suggest to have these two sections added to the forum as a category?
  16. I thought that when it is inactive it could also generate current that damages your electronics, but I stand corrected Better safe then sorry right
  17. I second that, fix the fans and the gap between the PTFE and coupler. There is also some kind of structure in your print, but that could be in the model? Or is it suppose to be smooth? And there also seems to be something off at the back of your Z-stage.. it looks so white..
  18. Super cool, I saw that a couple of days ago. Can't remember where though. The video is really nice, he seems like a very nice guy! Are you going to build one @Peetersm?
  19. ok, i will check that. thank you for your help. i will let you know the outcome. Is that the case? They come out too small? No weird things happening in X or Y? (I dunno if I am blind, but I can tell there is something weird about the photo's but it is hard to tell what exactly).
  20. I don't think you might want to change to @IRobertI's feeder, it is a must. With the stock Ultimaker 2 I don't think you can push the filament in, and pulling it out can damage your electronics with the current it generates through the feeder-motor.. (I believe. No?)
  21. The wrath of the bowden tube can be fierce! But I think there is no harm in trying.. worst case scenario you won't hear a difference or a print will fail. The feeder is intended to be easily taken out so that is ok. You could also look into what @neotko suggested and add some foam or a cloth in between. What spacers do you have in between your X and Y motor? U-shaped spacers or cylindrical ones?
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