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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. We had it under control in our previous forum set up, for this new forum we introduced a new method that would save our moderators the effort of manually approving posts, and would still protect our forum. It was great in theory, unfortunately practice is a bit different. Currently we are looking into possibly using the old methods again as it seemed to work very well.
  2. Ter info: infill is de hoeveelheid opvulling die je print krijgt toegekend. De infill heeft bij de Ultimaker een ruit vorm, afhankelijk van het percentage wat je invult worden de ruiten groter of kleiner, en daarmee dus ook de hoeveelheid 'opvulling' meer of minder. Skirt is een extra lijn die als basis wordt neergelegd tijdens de eerste laag rondom je print, om eventueel materiaal daar achter te laten wat tijdens het opwarmen voor een print er uit komt en de juiste druk op te bouwen in de printkop. Zoals Nallath zegt kan het dus wel van invloed zijn hoe je je print neer legt, maar dat het ook afhankelijk is van of je print voor functionele of esthetische doelen. Er zijn vele lagen te ontdekken binnen het 3D printen, en afhankelijk van je eigen interesse en verwachtingen kun je je hier in verdiepen of meer aan de oppervlakte blijven en gebruik maken van standaard instellingen.
  3. Has your problem already been solved about logging in? Please let me know if you need any further help and I will see to it that your problem will be solved. Thank you! PS/ if anyone else has any problems logging in after the release of the new forum, please send me a DM or get in touch through our support system and we will make sure access is granted again.
  4. Hi Hetty, The designer is called @flowalistik, a talented Spanish designer. His work and experience with Ultimaker will be covered soon in a new story and it will also contain some new cool designs If you want the file you need to have a little bit more patience, if you want to reach out to flowalistik feel free! If you find an answer in this topic which completely answers your question please mark it as 'best answer'. This will help future readers to find the best answer asap. Thank you!
  5. Dag Corne, Bedankt voor je reactie. Wat was je 'gevoel'? Hoe je je print neer legt maakt niet heel veel uit. Wat je zou kunnen overwegen is als een print een steile 'overhang' heeft, zoals 'V' dat je de schuin opstaande rand richting de dual-fans richt, dus van links naar rechts ipv voor naar achter. Dit omdat deze kanten dan optimale koeling krijgen van de fans, en je dus een mooiere surface quality zal hebben. Ondanks de stijle hoek. Dit is geen gigantisch verschil, maar misschien interessant om te noemen. Er is ontzettend veel mogelijk met 3D Printen, maar wellicht tegen de verwachting in van sommige mensen zijn er wel richtlijnen. De richtlijnen zijn er niet om een grens op te werpen tussen wat mogelijk is of onmogelijk. Maar eerder het verschil te maken tussen een mooie print met een gebruiksvriendelijke ervaring, tegenover een slordige print die nog post processing vereist bijvoorbeeld.
  6. That is weird, thank you for letting us know. We will publish a list with upcoming improvements soon!
  7. Dag Corne, Dat is een beetje afhankelijk van de vorm van het model. Met zo min mogelijk support printen is sowieso het beste, omdat dit extra materiaal en tijd kost en er een kans is dat na het verwijderen er toch wat minimale randjes van zichtbaar blijven. Ter illustratie, als je 'T' moet printen, is het het best deze op zijn rug te leggen, ipv recht op staand. De onderste laag van de bovenkant wordt verwacht te blijven zweven, en zou dus support nodig hebben. Wanneer je die plat neer legt ben je sneller klaar, met minder materiaal, en je hebt een mooiere print. Print je een 'H'. kan op beide manieren, plat en recht op staand. Omdat het verbind-stukje in de 'H' 2 steunpunten heeft, zowel links als rechts, (in tegenstelling tot de 'T'), is deze een stuk beter te printen. Daarnaast is het waardevol om een zo groot mogelijke 'footprint' te hebben, dus het oppervlakte wat op het bed zit moet zo groot mogelijk zijn. Een 'piramide op zijn kop' zal waarschijnlijk los komen en mislukken, terwijl als hij op de normale manier georiënteerd staat de print blijft staan op het bed en de print zal slagen. Hopelijk heb je iets aan mijn antwoord. Als je nog vragen hebt hoor ik het graag. Als het antwoord afdoende is, denk je er dan aan om een 'best answer' te selecteren? Dit helpt toekomstige bezoekers om zo snel mogelijk het juiste antwoord te vinden. Bedankt!
  8. Obviously there is a difference between 0.02 and 0.06, but on the naked eye it is difficult to tell the difference. And there are not a lot of practical uses where you have to exceed the limitations of the naked eye But if you need to.. you can Therefor a lot of users don't go any higher then 0.06 because that is already very accurate and like some other users emphasize, 0,02 does significantly increase in print time.
  9. I spoke to Formlabs last week while I was in NYC during the 3D Printshow, and the representative I spoke to said that the material they required in order to pass oxygen through the resin container in the size of the Formlabs would cost several thousands of dollars, apparently it is more expensive then gold. Sounds like it is going to be a pretty expensive machine.
  10. Solid point, I guess great minds think alike! . We are collecting things for a few days and then we will share a list with you guys! We understand the urgency on some points, but we shouldn't be impulsive. Thanks for understanding.
  11. Hi Korneel, thank you for your feedback. We are aware of this, and just as a few other bugs this is going to be fixed.
  12. Just to double check, are you looking at the right page? Sometimes when I click a notification it doesn't take me to the last page, where the last post is.
  13. It eliminates far more then just the usefulness of the dashboard, it is annoying as hell! We are currently working on it.
  14. Good feedback, thank you for sharing. I will put it on our list!
  15. Do you mean like if you get 4 replies in one thread you only want 1 notification instead of 4? Or do you want all the likes etc that are generated in the meantime being merged in that same notification too, or keep those separated? Thank you!
  16. Yes, I noticed it too and it is noted! There is still some work left to be done. I believe together we can create the appropriate and necessary insights to bring it up to the desired level! We'll get it done
  17. @ahoeben, thank you for your reply. Indeed, lets not hijack this thread. Looking forward reading your upcoming suggestions! To get back on topic; how was your day today?
  18. to all the other contributors of this thread; thank you for contributing. Your feedback is noted, if there are any questions we will reach out to you. Please keep it constructive. We all have the same end goal; a great, user friendly and informing home for our community. We have all worked very, very hard on this and burning it down by being overly negative does more damage to the 'vibe' around here then any design change we could have made. It also casts a shadow over any valuable feedback that may be in the post. Thank you all for understanding!
  19. @titus, I have cropped your quote to reduce space, but I wanted to acknowledge your feedback. It is good feedback, and we will put it on our list. Great job on pinpointing what doesn't feel right for you, and how it could be improved. Thanks!
  20. Thank you SandervG. I'm not enjoying or liking this forum re-design at all so far, it's messy and awkward to find anything. It looks "sleak" & "arty" and that's basically it. As a user, I want to find stuff easily, I want a search engine which works so when I have a problem I can type in "levelling the bed" and bingo! the search engine does its job by pulling up those few posts relevant to my search query. Ideally something like a google like engine so that the user (me/others) can easily find what we're after. Then, we won't get repeated posts asking the same questions, as we did before in the old forums. As a user experience (imho) this re-design currently as it stands, sucks worse than the old forum. But at least you guys are open to taking onboard suggestions. Do please keep that up and act on them? As an aside, "points and badges" seem really pointless to me but hey-ho I'm happy to go with that particular flow. Thank for your positive reply. We value your feedback, please try to continue to put them into constructive words. Our end goal is to make it a user friendly and practical forum, which also looks nice Eventually some things will just require 'getting used to', other features will be changed / added. The search engine already works much better then the old one. There do is some kind of bug in the community search-engine which is already on our list. Just stick with us and continue sharing your feedback, and give traction to suggestions from others which you feel need support. Together we will get there! About the points and badges; points were also in our previous forum, and the badges will help to create insight in what the contributing community members are. This can be both rewarding for those users, plus helpful for others when talking to them. If you have feedback on the current range of badges, let us know!
  21. @Titus, thank you for sharing the feedback. It is valuable that you wrote down the things you didn't like and how you think they could be improved. Obviously, we can not implement everything everyone says, but we are open to suggestions and if necessary changes can be made. Stick with us, share your feedback and together we can make this forum a little bit more Titus @ahoeben, thank you for your feedback. The argument to fix something that isn't broken has been used before when we mentioned we would make some changes to the forum. Back then I continuously replied that we do not want to fix it (indeed, it wasn't broken) but we did feel there was room for improvement. And we still feel the same. Closing down the forum was mandatory for all the content migration, if we didn't do this none of all the valuable content would be accessible now. We are currently making an inventory of the suggestions and will prioritize them soon. In order for us to do this, we do need some more accurate feedback. Although I understand your feeling, a reference to a bar / restaurant is not something we can use. Try to pinpoint what you think feels wrong, and how it could be better. If it is already suggested by a different user like their idea. Prevent double posts and give traction to valuable ideas. Looking forward hearing from you.
  22. Hi Titus, thank you for your feedback. If you have any feedback that may help improving it from your perspective please let us know in the feedback thread. We understand it may take some time to get used to it, that is always the case with new things that may interfere with existing workflows. Give it a chance and I am sure you will like it I am currently waiting in the my hotel for a shuttle that will take me back to the Netherlands. Had a very successful show in NYC, 3D Printshow. We used our new booth and it got a lot of positive feedback. It will be our new default booth, so we will also have it set up in Bay Area MakerFaire. Anyone going? NYC has been great for us, but at the same time looking forward getting back home again, and normal days at the office ..oh wait.. that has never been the case
  23. @chrisr We are currently looking into migrating that data (friends) too. Thank you for sharing your insights. It is helpful. Viewing the latest posts is possible, Robert has supplied you with a view. @Blizz, are you sure your OCD has double checked?
  24. By not inserting an SD card, or (I believe) right mouse click the save button you can save it on your computer. Good luck!
  25. Thank you for the update and sharing it with us. What were your expectations, and how have they been exceeded?
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