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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi Cerilla, Thank you for your message. Unfortunately there is not a lot we can do if you placed your order at iGo3D except contacting them. They have their own system we don't have access to. Do you have some kind of reference number so I know what to refer to? I am sure we should be able to solve this so you can start 3D printing soon! Thank you for your time and patience,
  2. Hi Guys, Sorry Contesio I did not see your message, I have send out a request for an update. It looks like it should already have been send so I expect it to be shipped this week. @ Andwew, I have also send out a request for an update on your order. It is still within the lead time of 10 days but it should also be send soon. I will let you both know once I know more! Thank you!
  3. Hi Craftee, Thank you for your post. We don't have a discount for students. We do have a more affordable model coming out; the Ultimaker 2Go. If you want to benefit from the same experience and quality of the Ultimaker 2. If you want a heated bed and the same volume for a lower price you could also look into the Ultimaker Original+ In regard of VAT, you don't have to pay the dutch VAT, that only applies on dutch customers. For the US other regulations may come in play.
  4. Hi Korneel, I haven't tried this yet but I wanted to thank you for taking the time to write this detailed report about your method. It is much appreciated.
  5. Hi wstephenson, Sorry to hear your glass plate was missing. Usually it is not mounted on the Zstage during shipment, did you make sure it wasn't somewhere else in the box? I understand it isn't something which is easily overlooked, but I have to ask I also gave your ordernumber to my colleagues from sales to reach out to you in case you need a replacement. Thank you
  6. Jep, really! It would be kinda cruel to make jokes about shipping dates
  7. Hi Aries, Thank you for bringing this up. I double checked and your order is scheduled to be shipped out this week! You should receive an email when it has shipped with your tracking code. Thank you for your time and patience,
  8. Hi Gr5, who did you quote? I can't seem to find the original message.. Can you send your ordernumber to me, let me see what I can find out. We are currently facing a 6-8 week leadtime. I see you placed your order February 19th, so I would have to ask you to be a little bit more patient. Most likely your order will be shipped the first week in April.
  9. thank you. I will make sure you will get a reply when the office opens again tomorrow. thank you for your patience,
  10. am I still in time? Derek, did you also have a ticketID? that would help in tracking down your ticket. thank you!
  11. 3.16mm to be precise. There is always a chance your feeder my flatten your filament a bit, which will make it slightly wider so it is wise to always leave some room for play. Besides that it needs some room for the curvature of the filament. If it is too tight there will be a lot of friction.
  12. Nice print, have you been experimenting with different materials a lot? On your profile you can enter what type of 3D Printer you have
  13. Hi Guys, I have some joyful news that will push this contest in the final phase! First off, we want to thank Flowalistik, Trobok, Pigplastique, 3DofTom and Valcrow for their entries and taking the time to take our contest to a new level. Due to the professional nature of the entries we needed a day extra to decide with whom we wanted to enter the third phase. Turns out.. the extra days were not quite enough to pinpoint a single winner! And we ended up deciding to take 2 designers into the final phase. Both designs will eventually be used as hero images, we are now looking into the best way to make this possible. Most obvious one would be to launch one and have the other one follow up, but it has yet to be decided and will be discussed with the designers and our team. The decision has been made that we want to continue the third phase with: 3DofTom & Valcrow Congratulations guys! We both really loved the strong concepts you both created and the professional way of visualizing them. They gave us enough confidence to take this step. To complete the list: #1) Ultimaker 2 Extended / 3DofTom #1) Ultimaker 2 Extended / Valcrow #3) Ultimaker 2. / Trobok #4) Ultimaker 2Go / pigplastique #5) Ultimaker Original+ / Flowalistik As you can see, since we now have 2 winners, we have cranked the prices up a notch. I would like to ask Trobok, Flowalistik & Pigplastique to send me their address so we can ship your corresponding price which you all definitely earned! A round of feedback; 3DofTom: We all loved the strong concepts you came up with and how you executed them in strong, appealing designs. The next steps will be to make some minor changes and decide how we will bring everything together in 1 clear hero image per page. Valcrow: We equally liked your concept and we couldn’t help wondering off what it would look like if Da Vinci actually had a 3D printer. On various accounts this concepts works, we are all inventors! Next step will be to translate the concepts into 3D models and bring everything together in 1 clear hero image per page. Trobok: We liked your ideas, but we felt the way you visualized them was too much Trobok (is that possible?). Besides the fact we love your style, we were looking for something a little bit more.. generic. Pigplastique: Even though we loved your characters and they made us laugh we did not see enough correlation with all the topics on the designated pages. We do see you are a talented designer and we hope you will compliment our community with more of your work, now you can actually bring them to life on your Ultimaker. Flowalistik: We liked the ideas you had, but we did not see enough progress throughout the second phase. At this point we were looking for a better picture of what to expect and we felt your entry was still in the sketch-phase. We will reach out to 3DofTom and Valcrow through email and sort out the remaining details. Once this phase is over we will share our progress with you guys again
  14. Got a confirmation, both orders are going to be shipped out tomorrow! Thanks guys for your patience.
  15. Something in that direction sounds about right yes
  16. Hi Zedar, What would you like to know? Both me and my colleague have been in touch with the organizers. Perhaps we can help you, or point you in the right direction if you want to reach out to them directly. Looking forward hearing from you!
  17. Alright, I have asked an update for 1540599 & 1529041. I think I will have an update tomorrow and I will also try to get it out asap. About decent packaging, that has been mentioned and noted and is on the agenda to be improved! In regard of our target, I think the best answer in this case is: improve And don't feel bad when you are asking for help. At Ultimaker we are all happy to help and pitch in
  18. Nope you didn't miss something. Of course you would be one of the first to know! We will come forward with an announcement very soon! Hold on to your nerves for just a little while longer
  19. Hi Handyman, leadership Team Ultimaker to the rescue! What is your ordernumber? I will see what information I can find for you and push for a fast shipment Thank you!
  20. I have to agree with PM_dude, the Ultimaker blue has not been the easiest material to print with. However the results I see are not a benchmark for what to expect with Ultimaker Blue. When we learned about its limitations we tried to make it better, but when that didn't work (or took too long) we decided to drop the Ultimaker blue as a standard reel of filament. .. if you look at the webshop we even stopped selling it for that reason for quite some time already. We do listen sometimes you know To summarize, it does work, I have seen plenty of flawless print with Ultimaker blue. But.. it was less forgiving then other colors.
  21. I think I will also be able to give you an official answer on this one: No.
  22. UltiArjan, thank you for the feedback. I am not making up excuses. I don't know if you wrote it on purpose or accidentally, but you say 'not having enough stock if you give some to older users'. What we have been discussing so far, is sending these parts to all older users. Quite a difference there. You are right, it will be a ordermanagement nightmare, maybe impossible. But the stock is not a neglectable argument.
  23. Hey Titus, helaas! Mijn hele leven staat in het teken van Ultimaker ,het enige wat ik daarnaast probeer te onderhouden is volleybal en het team waarin ik speel. Nou wil het net zijn dat we op maandag altijd trainen.. Ik denk dat het wel zin heeft om een tumbler mee te nemen. Veel mensen zullen het wellicht niet kennen, je kan uitleggen hoe het werkt, wat de mogelijkheden zijn en wat het resultaat is. Ook al maak je de 'tumble' niet af, kan het toch leerzaam zijn.
  24. Thanks for your post and giving your perspective on things. I don't see how by making those parts available for our current users as well, is interpreted as favoring our new users. We are saying yes, our current users are also entitled to those parts if they haven't received them already. In my opinion by making things retrofit (we do that with the warranty now, we have also done it with hardware) is the opposite of favoring new users. We always do our best to take great care of all of you. When we run out of stock because we send out those parts to all of our existing users (some may not even use the Ultimaker anymore?), we wouldn't be able to supply our current user either when they place an order. I don't see who would benefit from such a policy, it would be a huge expense and seemingly impossible to set up. Just like we don't have all the email-addresses of our users (due to our network of partners), we also don't have all the shipping details. A lot of users have already benefited from our user friendly policy and received complimentary parts, so they wouldn't qualify for the hot end in this new policy. From the beginning I said we are open for a conversation if you feel disadvantaged we can see how / if we can make things right in a reasonable way. I will send you an email to get in touch with you about this. I hope you understand why we can not organize it differently.
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