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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. we understand the gesture would be greatly appreciated, but so far we have been limited to what is possible logistic wise. We can not accept cash, you can order online but our support team would have to create all orders because you can not exclude shipping (and they are already very busy). And what if someone, for whatever reason, doesn't show? We have to change to order, make an additional payment for shipping etc. Long story short, a lot of work. I know, it sounds very easy. When we find a workable angle we will certainly include this.
  2. Hi Korneel, Since this is the english section of the forum, would you mind replying in English? Thanks!
  3. Hi Everyone, Soon it is time for the next Ulti-evening. Note: Due to holidays it is scheduled 1 week earlier. We want to keep the interactive part as the core of the ulti-evening. In that regard we will do a.. Christmas edition! We will explain how to do auto-prints and what is important to know. An auto-print is a print where the Ultimaker prints 1 model and when it is finished the head pushes it off automatically and starts a new one. This way you have your own little factory! Together we will make some jolly Christmas carols. We will bring an Ultimaker Original with a wider nozzle for the ornaments and some translucent materials for christmas lights. Some more practical information about upcoming Ulti-evening: Date: 22-12-2014 Time: 17.00 - 22.00 Location: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (bring your Ultimaker) and order food if you are hungry. 18.00 - 18.30 Short introduction. 18.30 - 22.00 Hacking & printing time! Looking forward seeing you there!
  4. Natuurlijk, maar je moet geloven dat in situaties als nu wanneer er levertijd-problemen zijn ik er een behoorlijk aantal krijg Ik zal maandag eens navraag voor je doen. In ieders geval een fijn weekend nog!
  5. Naast Korneels super aanbod kan ik misschien ook helpen in de zin van proberen je een ETA te geven. Heb je een ordernummer voor me Blizz?
  6. Hi Fluxline, thanks for your reply. My apologies if you felt offended by my reply, obviously that was not my purpose. Perhaps I could have chosen the word 'claim' a bit more careful, but on the other hand your post did not came across as an opinion, more as a fact. And for that reason I don't think the word claim is fully inappropriate. Like I said, we are looking into if there indeed is room for improvement on either design or manual, but since we have sold quite a few already and we haven't had a lot of issues, it could also be an incidental defect on your product or something went wrong during installation, would be the most obvious to think... I think. And I am not implementing you are incapable or something like that, but sometimes things happen. Personally I have also broken (plenty) hot ends back in the days. Some days one is just more careful then others I guess. Feel free to post on the forums, that is what it is for. I just made an attempt to contribute on the conversation and add a perspective on behalf of Ultimaker. Thank you, have a great day!
  7. Hi Fluxline, I have been looking for some background information on the claims you are making. It is not the heated bed with a delay, but an additional pcb-part that is required when upgrading your Ultimaker Original with a heated bed. It also seems that during your installation a part of that same additional pcb got damaged, which resulted in a ( I assume) short circuit which leads to your bed automatically heating. We are looking into it, but for the time being consider it as an incident. There is no need for a statement, except of course to be careful not the break your electronics board and remove the power supply when installing or working on the pcb.
  8. Thanks for your post, that is why soon we will kick off a new era!
  9. The problem you are referring to has been solved, do you want to try again?
  10. Ha Leon, Wat vervelend om te horen! Heb je een ordernummer voor me van je PT100? Dan zal ik eens voor je kijken waar 'ie blijft. Ik baal er ook van dat er voorraad problemen zijn met dat onderdeel, en dat klanten er zo lang op moeten wachten wat allerhande andere problemen met zich mee brengt. Onze oprechte excuses voor het ongemak.
  11. Well there are privileges ordering it locally to save you on shipping costs, shipping time and you can get technical support in your area and in the same time zone. Of course, the 4-6 weeks is not shipping time, but it is possible they have the Ultimaker in stock while Ultimaker HQ doesn't. That is an advantage of having several sales partners / resellers. I don't really understand the price difference, are you comparing the exact same order quantity?
  12. Lol, funny list. And so am I.. but I think working at Ultimaker doubles my score :cool:
  13. Hi shepherdkp, Indeed you are in the same boat as others, to be more precise fabiolino's because yours has also shipped today. Did you already receive tracking information? I will send it to you in a DM as well. It will probably be activated later today when DHLhas activated it. @Toolz, unfortunately not. This entire lead time occurred because some items were not in stock. This means we could continue to build Ultimakers (at full speed), or ship out spare parts (when those items were involved). Now that we have them in stock again you can imagine what a big pile of orders they have to process. Because we don't want to create wrong expectations by saying, it will be shipped Tuesday and eventually it is being shipped Thursday we agreed on what batch is going to be send what week. I double checked and I got the confirmation it really is going to be shipped that week, so this should be the last time you are being told so. Let me know if there is anything else we can do for you. We understand this is not the kick-off of your Ultimaker experience as planned, but we are doing our best to as helpful as possible. Thank you and have a great day!
  14. Lol, that must sound reinsuring I think the temperature is about the same, however the heater block is smaller. So if you increase speed I think you have to print at a slightly higher temp compared to the Ultimaker Original.
  15. Ok, here is an update on requested orders: R514336371: This week (most likely today). R124651526: Next week R312101073: next week If there is anything else you need to know, feel free to ask
  16. Nee hoeft niet in het Engels, maar dat is wel wat socialer, aangezien dit het engelse deel van het forum is. Morgenvroeg kom ik bij je terug met wat meer informatie omtrent je order. Fijne avond! -- No, it isn't mandatory to be written in English, but it would be more appropriated since this is the English section on the forum. I will get back with you tomorrow morning with an update on your order. Have a good night!
  17. I am not aware of any shipping delays for the heated bed, so it should be shipped out soon. The lead time delays were for printers in general, due to some crucial parts missing in our stock. The heated bed should not be affected.
  18. Hi Lance, Thank you for your post. Please ignore the date mentioned in the email, and remember the 4-6 weeks. I imagine it is not what you were hoping for.. I will talk to the person who was suppose to change the email, already asked it a couple of times. Thanks for pointing it out.
  19. Thanks, I have send out a request to find out when it will be shipped. I expect this week as well. Please allow me to confirm this as soon as I hear back.
  20. But that would be too late.. The crucial moment is when the power is out, the nozzle stays but it is already hot, and not instant-cold. That is when the melting happens.. What could be is that if the power goes out, there is no tention on the bed, letting gravity pull it down. Removing the bed from the hot nozzle, and no melting blobs.
  21. Interesting. Would it only work with power outage, so the nozzle stays at the exact same place, and it would calculate on that location where it should resume? The hot nozzle would probably leave a blob, melting the recently deployed material. Would it also work when filament gets tangled? I thought they are using Marlin..
  22. Hi Domichal, Thank you for your reply. I will. And lets all play nice
  23. Hi Didier & domichal, Thank you for your posts. Like Didier also copied, it has been resolved and confirmed that your order will be shipped out this week. Thank you for your time,
  24. Thank you, I noticed. I will reply saying it is already solved. Let me know if you need any further help or if you have any further questions.
  25. Hi Domichal, Thank you for your post. Just like affentanz26 your order is going to be shipped this week. I will see if I can get an actual day of shipment, but I received confirmation it will definitely be shipped out this week. Let me know if you have any further questions,
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