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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Happy Birthday! They could at the very least have send you an actual cake.. ^_^
  2. And http://www.3ders.org//articles/20141222-russian-toy-designer-creates-complex-and-awesome-robot-toys-on-his-ultimaker-2-3d-printer.html. ksn-arts, who is becoming quite the famous toy-robot designer all the way from Russia!
  3. It is not rare that I see an Ultimaker community member being in the spotlight in some kind of website or blog. I figured it would be cool to paste those interviews here too, so everyone can read what a creativity goes on in this vibrant community Here is the first one I saw now: JonnyBischof, printing small electronic boards. With a nice ending: 'Projects like these are exactly what our open-source community needs to rely on.' Good job Jonny!
  4. Bedankt voor je bericht Arjan. De motie wordt ondersteund, dus hopelijk zet het eindelijk zoden aan de dijk en zien we binnenkort verbetering. Ik heb enkel 'vakantie' met de vaste dagen zoals 1e kerstdag en 2e etc. Verder ben ik niet weg te slaan
  5. Hi, could you be a little bit clearer on which machine you have, and what rod specifically is moving? Pictures always help
  6. Ons standpunt van support / bestelde items meenemen naar Ulti-evening blijft hetzelfde, maar ik beschouw Blizz in dit geval een uitzondering. Maar ik zal voor je kijken Titus, kan echter niks beloven.
  7. Ha Blizz, Ik zal zien of ik er 1 mee kan geven, dat lijkt me het snelst.
  8. Ha Blizz, Bedankt voor de post. Ik heb de foto doorgestuurd naar de desbetreffende afdeling. Ik heb al eerder gesuggereerd om fatsoenlijke doosjes te regelen om o.a. het heated bed in te versturen, hopelijk zet dit zoden aan de dijk. Om jou uit de brand te helpen, ik ga zorgen dat jij morgen een nieuwe toegestuurd krijgt. Al moet ik het heated bed uit mijn eigen Ultimaker schroeven. Excuses voor het ongemak!
  9. SandervG


    following the side track on PLA-HT
  10. Thank you for your feedback. I fully agree, and if I was a customer I would act the same way. You spend money, and you want to know what is happening to whatever you bought and when you get to play with it. Unfortunately, in regard of the orders not showing up; caught us by surprise. The goal was to have the transaction much smoother (obviously). I explained this before, but my strategy is to first gather insight in what is going one right now, who have been affected and what can they expect. This will allow me to form a proper response which, if the situation remains the same people can rely on. The downside is, usually people have figured out the problem and ask questions before I have the insight I need. (sometimes, the customer notices the problem even before I do.) I almost have the facts straight, so I will be able to write at least a thread with an update which I will pin so hopefully most people will read. An email, if that still proves to be necessary, would be the next step. I can't share info on everything we are working on now, but we are improving our entire workable environment so in the future this A; has a smaller chance of happening and B; we will have the tools at hand to create larger notifications immediately.
  11. I understand your impatience and eager to get started with 3D printing, but saying we should stop taking orders when there is a lead time is not a realistic hypotheses in my opinion. Having a lead time is not a rare thing, especially in this market it is a common thing. The fact that we had our stock and supply under control for a while is very good, and that gives this an extra sharp edge. However, this will also be solved and with the fixes we are implementing today we are minimizing the chance of this happening again. If we would stop taking orders would do more damage to Ultimaker, and eventually its entire community then continue taking orders, work our ass of fixing this and shipping out everything asap. It is just a matter of time before this lead time has been reduced to zero again. It happened before. Anyone remember when Ultimaker 2 was just released? We are now working on creating a clear picture of the current situation and what you can expect in the near future in regard of user experience / shop update. Once this has been put together I will open up a new thread and possibly an email will be send to the users involved.
  12. Hi Bill, been a while since I last heard from you. It is very pleasing to hear you are (still) enjoying your Ultimaker 2. What other machines do you have now a days? The PLA-HT kinda sounds like something colorfabb has as well.
  13. Hi Thomas, Thank you for your post. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience we put you in. gr5 already explained about the shop, which is correct. If you can provide me with a order number and ticketID I could look into your status and hook you up with my colleague from support. Thank you for your time and patience, it is much appreciated!
  14. Your 6th teflon for the amount of time you have your Ultimaker sounds like a lot! There is like a thin line we yet have to figure out. Allow me to sketch an example: Lets say we supplied every Ultimaker 2 with a spare nozzle to replace once it is clogged. I bet you that as soon as something interferes with a print, or there is a plug or any reason why a print is not completed successfully 9/10 people will start replacing their nozzle. While in fact with the Atomic Method you can restore it to a usable shape very easily. So by saying the teflon piece needs to be replaced regularly you will never be able to convince someone, if there is under extrusion, it is not the teflon piece. At the same time we would never deny it is not the case, that it does not show signs of wear.. but we are still looking for the best angle on how to put this. We obviously don't want to set wrong expectations of what to expect with your Ultimaker and we want users to learn how to do maintenance. As soon as you know how to fix something, it changes from a problem into a delay / inconvenience. To the question, when to replace what on the machine. That is atm impossible to say, because it depends on the frequency the Ultimaker is used, what material is being used, what environment it is in, what profile is being used, etc. It takes some getting to know the machine to pinpoint if something needs to be replaced. I also think we did well on those tests. But every comparison leaves some room for interpretation.
  15. Hi Mark, long time no see! How are you doing? @Micha, are you using Ultimaker filament or third party? Not all PLA has the exact same temperature indications, so possibly if it is from a different manufacturer 240º would be better then 230º. Maybe. If you do have regular Ultimaker filament (I just didn't recognize the color), you may want to check the teflon/PTFE part. After excessive printing it can happen that this shows some signs of wear.
  16. I was just about to email you saying it shipped. You are welcome, sorry it took us so long!
  17. Hopefully tomorrow I will have more info about shipping dates of the heated bed's. Thank you all for your patience,
  18. Hi Reeper, Your account was not deleted, but our store was upgraded. If you visit this link it should tell you: ' Use your account to log in. We have improved our online store technology which results in a better user experience. You are able to login to your account by requesting a new password. If your previous login is from before December 15 you are able to reset your password by pressing 'Forgot Password?'.' Our apologies for the inconvenience.
  19. Hi iefbr14, Perhaps it is due to the national strike in Belgium? Nothing supposedly can pass through today, so perhaps DHL holds it until tomorrow.
  20. The entire InBloom-dress was printed on an Ultimaker Original.
  21. I am turning more and more into a support employee Ok, so who ever needs info on his heated bed order, reply with your order number and I will try to give you an as accurate as possible ETA Monday. it is now Friday evening so nothing I can do now..
  22. I think everyone should have received tracking info today? @ToolZ, neither US or local customers are more important. We ship based on order-date.
  23. Hi Jeff, can you send me your ordernumber so I can look into it? The heated bed are currently not in stock but should be restocked again soon. Let me know and i will try to give you an ETA! Our apologies for the inconvenience,
  24. Hey Blizz, I know, wij balen er allemaal ook van. We zouden niks anders liever doen dan alles uitzenden, dit veroorzaakt voor onze afdeling ook alleen maar frustratie en een erg hoge werkdruk. Er is door slecht/misplaatst inzicht een voorraad probleem ontstaan, en daar hebben we nu allemaal mee te kampen. Zoals je kan voorstellen krijgen we er ook ontzettend veel, en terecht, vragen over. Op het moment hebben nog een probleem met het heated bed, de rest hebben we wel. Ik vermoed dat je die juist dringend nodig hebt?
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