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Posts posted by SandervG

  1. If you are having a hard time feeding in new filament, your filament is probably bent.

    Due to the angle it is most likely pushing up against the edge of the quickfit coupling.

    You should straighten the filament, this can be done by just bending it the other way with your fingers, and then push it up again. Please watch this video for instructions:

    Instead of launching a print, a faster and easier method would be to go to UltiController > Prepare > Preheat PLA.

    This will only activate your heater, heating your hot end to 180°C


  2. Some valid points right there, good thinking.

    It definitely should be better organised, so you can find the info you want very fast.

    Less time reading stuff, more time making/contributing, yaay!

    People should be able to follow a project, so you automatically CAN get updates.

    Something like a chatroom could also be convenient, for quick discussions or just small talk.

    Good ideas usually come in such situations. It is also about fun :)

    I see a lot of people already responded which is great.

    Personally i would like to click their names and see something like a profile that tells me something about their skills and interests.

    'Ideally, the creator of the idea should be able to make a "wanted" list of what kind of contributor he needs like "electronics designer", "3D artist", "expert on vacuuming technology' yes!

    I saw another good line.. what was it again... mmmmmm.. Ah, found it!

    'Yikes, now I really have to get back to work o.O'


  3. At first i didn't know what advantage this pinterest-plug in would bring, but after reading the topic i understand.

    (Alexander showed me already).

    I could see it happen, but i think there should be a difference between finished products / photo's and

    uploaded STL's etc. Sometimes you just like to browse through and get inspired, and sometimes you are looking for new prints. On both occasions you are browsing with a different mindset, so i would keep those uploads separated.

    I agree with what someone said that the gallery didn't really integrate in the workflow of the forum.

    Personally i don't find the albums very contributing. Well, at least the way they are on display if you browse to gallery.

    It is not very appealing to browse through, as you don't know what to find and you probably are wasting a lot of time because you probably won't find what you are looking for. So what i am trying to say is that i kinda miss the overview of it all i think.


  4. I am sorry to hear about your Sir poop-a-lot.

    Do you remember if the blue led was on when you were printing?

    If this wasn't the case, that means your signal cable was disconnected, and no temperature reading could be done.

    Hence the overheating - melting of the peek.

    What do you mean by ' I’ve had the temperature reach upwards of 350 before.'? Did you have temperature troubles before, or did you manually heat it to this temperature before, without trouble/error-messages?


  5. Have you been in the need to re-assemble your hot end, and take the cartridge heater / thermocouple sensor out?

    Maybe the iron covering of the thermocouple has moved, and now a part of the wires are exposed.

    Is your feeder giving you enough pressure?

    When your hot end is hot, 180/200/230°C, are you able to pull your filament back out?


  6. Hi Jonny and Znib,

    If you are experiencing difficulties with your fans in the early stages of your Ultimaker please contact us and we can sent you a replacement. That is no trouble for us.

    I will take your notes about the defects to our inbound operator, so maybe he can look for alternatives.

    Thank you for sharing, and have a great day!


  7. Amazing, i can't believe how cool that looks!!!

    How tall is it, 30cm?

    Can't wait for the paintjob either... I assume you are gonna paint it?

    Did you use that putty on a lot of spots to make it more smooth, or only on imperfections?

    How does it feel, structure-wise, compared to the print?


  8. Thank you everybody for being so patient!

    Our official judges needed one last push to come to a final decision, (locking the door until a winner was selected), and taaadaaaaaa, we have a winner! :mrgreen:

    I am proud to present to you, pfpfffrrrfrfrrfrfrrrrrr (drumm-rolls)




    Congratulation Charlotte!!!

    Thank you for sending in your idea, it is a nice design and it is recognizable for Ultimaker.

    It was a tough selection because there were some other very good entries.

    And of course thanks everybody else for your entering this competition!

    Charlotte, your Rainbow-selection of filaments will be sent to your address, and Ian will sent you his precious chocolates.

    I will PM you in regard for the details.


  9. Well i guess it is never too late to learn and today i have learned a new lesson which i would like to share.

    On rare occasions i have gotten some tickets saying the Ultimaker was reading a temperature which was consistently too low..

    Room temperature it read ok, but when heating your UltiController would display 210°C (for instance, or whatever you set), but in real life it would be only 190°C or something close. This can go unnoticed for a while, and it might get you thinking that there is something wrong with your feeder, or a plug in your hot end.

    While in fact it is the thermocouple causing trouble.

    Usually this happens after some attempts to fix the hot end, and it required to remove the thermocouple. If you pull the iron cover you can pull it off without excessive force. This can leave the wires open and they can get damaged now, or later due to high temperatures. What will happen is that your thermocouple will start reading temperatures outside your heater block, right where the wires are touching. Resulting in an accurate room temperature, but since the source of the heath is a few cm away from your point of reading it will be off by 20/30°C.

    In order to diagnose this, you should inspect your thermocouple for damage and use a temperature laser gun or something similar to double check the temperature. However i must add, a laser temperature gun is also not always accurate, since the hot end is shiny and this may interfere with a proper temperature reading. If anybody has some good test on how to read the actual read the temperature, feel free to share them with the rest :)

    An example of this issue, can be found here: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/2447-hotend-no-longer-reaching-correct-temperatures/

    Therefore i also would like to advice, if you would ever need to remove your thermocouple, do it while the hot end is hot, and push it from the other side with a screwdriver, while holding your aluminum heater block secured with some pliers.


  10. With 1.75mm filament, the standard extruder might not get a really good grip, due to the smaller diameter between the drive bolt and the bearing?


    that, and there is much more room for play within the bowden tube, which may cause inconsistent extrusion i think, and i don't know how the hot end will function during extrusion with this different amount of pressure.


  11. 'Also, I'd like a function that detects overhangs and creates supports automatically. Stuff that's dedicated to 3D-printing... I think if you can integrate functions like that, then users have a good reason to create or at least finish their models with your editor.' good idea!!

  12. Hi Alice, Welcome to the community!

    If you need any help completing your payment, please contact the support team :)

    Credit card is an option, but only via paypal. We are working on making this more accessible.

    This website contains all the info you need to complete a wire-transfer: http://blog.ultimaker.com/businesspayment-details/

    Your order should guarantee you for countless hours of fun, creativity and amazement!

    Erik is one of the founders, the other two are named Martijn and Siert :)


  13. It looks like it doesn't have enough power.

    You could try to switch 2 stepperdrivers, but make sure to put them back the right way.

    Look at the potmeters (tiny screws, only on 1 side) for an indication before you take them out.

    The stepperdrivers are the small chips connected to your electronic board on the bottom.


    The E stepperdriver is the one that is alone, like not in the row of 3.

    If that doesn't make a difference, look in your UltiController.

    If you have an UltiController, go to UltiController > Control > Motion.

    I don't know from the top of my head what it is called, but what are the values that are connected to 'E' ?


  14. They are included in the kits, and i think from the moment we experienced the silver ones had better grip after a while then the black screws do, we put in the silver ones our selves.

    But i don't want to cause a mass-panic reaction if anybody reads this and finds black screws in his/her Ultimaker..

    They can loose grip after a while, but don't necessarily do so :)


  15. It is not uncommon that i hear people say that they are removing their files from thingiverse now thingiverse is slowly starting to 'claim' models that makers have uploaded. When you listen carefully there is a call from makers for a new place to host their creativity. We are offering a place to bring everyone together, all (Ulti-)makers.

    Thingiverse does host a lot of models, but too many imo. And too many insignificant models as well, like 1000 phone covers. What i consider something of great value over thingiverse, is the ability to share, work together and get in touch with other like-minded makers. More like the social aspect you know..

    Beside the fact of hosting models, which is only a part of youmagine, another big element is that we intend to bring makers together. A place to start ideas and collaborations. People can start making things again, some have always done this, the active makers. But a lot of people are not there yet, and i can see them using the UltiShaper.

    Even if it was (only) used as a gateway modelling tool.

    And something Ultishaper offers that a lot of tools don't (if i am not mistaken), is the ability to take someones design, and change it in a way that it is applicable to your needs. You don't use the STL to work on, but the source.

    Ideal for editing and personalisation :)


  16. I would first look into the pulleys, all 12 of them. (don't forget the one on the X and Y motor).

    Besides the fact that i think this is the cause, have you checked if your pulleys are aligned with your rods?

    Your belts should be parallel with your rods, if they are not more friction will rise when the print head is coming near one of the rods.

    After a while, it might also be wise to put some sewing machine oil on those X and rods to keep them going :)


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