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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. For the record, the Cura time is pretty accurate I'm just really curious why my printer display changes so much? First the machine says 19 hours... Then it goes to this? ...it eventually comes down. Maybe the raft in my print is throwing it off so much?
  2. I'd be really curious how you guys built/designed that...looks like a fun build!
  3. I would love something like that! I've used 80/20 items for my droid builds (inner structure for leg slide). What did that cost to make? Details, if you care to share!
  4. I started a print last night using the "Enable support interface". I set the distance to 0.15 and 50% The one mistake I made was on the support infill...I accidentally hit and changed it to Triangular (I thought it was the part infill!) I should have left it at zig-zag. The part is still printing and wow, that support looks pretty solid! I'm curious how hard it will be to remove!
  5. Someone posted about Meshmixer 2 years ago and I have really fallen behind on where it is, how to use it and such. Didn't it get bought out?
  6. How much Support Interface Density (%) do you suggest? I'm checking this feature out in Cura 2.4 Beta and see the Support Z Distance you refer to. Default is 0.1
  7. I think now is a good time to get @Sandervg involved!
  8. 237C since the part is large and ColorFabb suggest no fan/very low fan for best adhesion
  9. For comparison I tried the model in Simplify3D and pretty much got the identical ZigZag pattern and layout as Cura (2.3.1). I think you are on to something, the layer top to the support would give it more to hang on to. I'm printing with ColorFabb nGen at 0.2 mm layers. So 0.12 might be worth a try
  10. No, breaking it up and putting it back together would be a terrible idea. That would create stress points of failure for this structural piece. With a 75% success rate, I just want to see how I can improve
  11. I am printing large pieces that are curved and are printed vertically. I am experiencing some failures on these prints since the support material fails to hold a section of the piece in place. I'm seeing a failure on every fourth print, so it isn't happening everytime....but with a 16 hour print...it hurts when these fail Here's the part in Cura And a close up of the area that fails (the piece falls out on the right) And the prints as they failed Should I avoid the Zig Zag Support infill? Sadly the Cura Manual doesn't say a lot about each infill. (I really wish Ultimaker could make a more complete manual, especially at the rate Cura changes.) Any suggestions?
  12. I had a spool of MatterHacker Pro PLA, still in the vacuum bag, it was terrible. It was gold and I was starting to think they sent me a roll of pasta. It was breaking when I tried to unspool it. I figured the first few feet might be bad so I clipped that and fed it into the printer. It broke in many places IN the Bowden tube. Not a lot of fun to clean up
  13. I've run into this with my first layers as well, where you get that tugged-upwards effect. In my prints, they were large, curved objects, oriented vertically...this meant a lot of support structure at the bottom. Those 'tugged up' segments would continue to get hit by the nozzle and generally make a mess. I never really sorted out the problem, despite different colors or filaments (happened in both PLA and nGen). I had to use a raft in my case. But that would not work for what you are trying to do What's your retraction speed and distance?
  14. One thing to add in addition to gr5's excellent response...you can test your old filament pretty easily. Simply bend it and if it snaps apart, it's no good. If it bends and twists and takes a lot of effort to break...that's good. I also have an Ultimaker Original (and a Ultimaker 2+) On my UMO, I generally print at 40 mm/sec. It's a bit slower but I get great quality. As for temperature, it can vary with nozzles and brand. Standard nozzle and Ultimaker filament, 215-220 works best. ColorFabb PLA/PHA is around 210. I experiment on temps using the Ultimaker Robot test print
  15. He's thinking of MakerBot, who "lead" the open-source movement, then went to the Dark Side of the Force, selling out to Closed Source.
  16. I've had my Ultimaker 2, which I upgraded to a 2+ , for about 6 months now. I bought an Ultimaker Original kit in August 2013. What made me choose the Ultimaker was the strong support community. If I run into an issue, there's a lot of people that can assist. If I want to try something experimental, there's also a lot of support for that! And unlike the other machine you mentioned, the Ultimaker is not limited to use only their consumables (filament, spare parts, nozzles, etc.) I think the Ultimaker would work great for whatever task you give it.
  17. I'm curious if anyone has upgraded their UM2 hotend to the UM2+ spec? I know a lot of people upgraded to the Olsson Block introduced in late 2015. But I know since then, there is a new spacer, the coupler is of a new material, etc. I'm not sure what else has changed inside I am assuming it can be overhauled to the latest/greatest version?
  18. 108 miles (173 KM for our Euro friends) from me! (South....I'm by Bangor) Happy to help. I really like the ColorFabb materials.
  19. For Ultimaker brand filament, I like to support Fabrc8 For my ColorFabb needs, I frequent PrintedSolid He ships very quickly and somehow, he gets stuff to me in 2 days (and I live in the very far North East of the United States!)
  20. I just wish there was a "Slice" button so my new laptop would spin and spin and spin every time I do something in Cura
  21. I'm interested....can you PM me some pics of the printer? (I'm also printing out parts for my BB-8 build)
  22. Okay, I follow you now. For others... Using File Explorer, click over to C:\Users\{Your profile name]\AppData\Local\ RIght click on the cura folder, select Rename, rename it 'cura.bak' (or whatever) and hit enter Fire up Cura 2.4 Beta It'll take a few moments and then open And...my first grievance! "Scale Large Models" on ON by default! FIX this!
  23. But WHAT was moved? The comment "whatever" doesn't help me much
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