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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. One inexpensive solution that worked for my Ultimaker 2+ ... Go to the local Home Depot and find some of this drawer liner mat I cut a small rectangle, folded it in half and put under each corner. Big improvement!
  2. I'm not sure I would want to block a window with an expensive 3D printer (i.e. theft) I made use of a Craftsman work bench, re-surfaced it and keep all my supplies in the shelves below. One thing I would advise is a Battery Back Up/ UPS for your printer. If the power blinks/goes out, your print will continue (assuming the duration is short!)
  3. No. Simplify3D has that ability, but at this point, Cura does not. (Cura is a great program, don't get me wrong. Like many others, I have wanted that custom support ability too)
  4. @chuck-yanke as a loyal customer, you might want to let them know they need to improve some Most people can accept one goof, but when it's two in a row like that gent had, that's awful customer service. And there are plenty of other places that one can buy from.
  5. What a terrible experience (twice!) Noted on my mental list of 'whom to avoid'.
  6. His video is excellent I bought some 10 ounce "squeeze" bottles from the hobby store, the nozzle unscrews and the tip has a removable plug. I bought some Elmer's Wood Glue and did the 1:10 ratio with water he suggests. Shake shake shake, apply to a freshly cleaned bed, spread around with a brush, heat bed and it dries up nicely. My prints are adhering really well and it's really nice to retire the glue stick!
  7. Welcome to the Ultimaker group! Let us know how your prints come out. You should really be set to go, straight out of the box. You can download and experiment with Cura while awaiting the arrival!
  8. I downloaded it and just moving an object around is extremely difficult! I need to find some tutorials since the documentation isn't making it much clearer for me However....last nights Cura print of the part was flawless! Sometimes it works....
  9. It never really worked for the longest time, then over the past few weeks (check news posts) they had it working. Not sure when it stopped working. I just know to start at Google for most things
  10. I continue to resort to searching in Google first
  11. Interesting that I hear this 'pop' sound sometimes when I am manually moving material to prime the print head. I have not heard it during a print tho, so I wonder...do I have an issue?
  12. There's a thread that talks about this here... https://ultimaker.com/en/community/20266-nylon-gear-slipping-along-the-shaft-of-new-um2-feeder
  13. If you want a failed one, I have plenty...they are pretty!
  14. Here's one of those support prints that failed yesterday (after getting 3 in a row that went fine!) The support fails under that one segment , causing that area to wobble and either fall out or just get disconnected
  15. From the work/testing I have done I think your temp is too low. For ngen adhesion I started at 235 but ended up at 245 or 250. I tested 0% vs 40% fan and could not determine any difference between the two really; I think I ended up at 40% but would not argue with anyone who felt 0% WAS better. Maybe just my printer and the piece I was printing Well this is a very large part, so no fan is the way to go. On a smaller print, I agree that some fan (40% +/- ) is needed. As for the temp, so far 237 has been the right spot for me. I don't have any of the stringing (retract set to 5.0 helped) It's interesting to see the variance in temps people have used with success. You mentioned too cool, earlier someone said too hot
  16. Yes...I wound up with what you would call "welded support" as well! I'm not sure I can sand that off being nGen. Fundamentally...if we could manually place custom/additional supports like S3D, that would be a huge help.
  17. The only change I would make to what @valcrow has suggested is the move the print head to a corner. By doing it as he describes, you are also doing an 'Atomic Pull' so that you are removing the old filament and cleaning the nozzle. When you remove the filament, look at the end of it and it should be a mold of the inside of the nozzle. Nice and clean!
  18. Nor do I. I've been looking around the forum and not seeing a new thread on it?
  19. Well that didn't work either Matter of fact the line between support and part is an enormous hassle to separate. So much so it broke the portion of the part off when I tried to carefully remove the support Time to see how Simplify3D does with this print for comparison
  20. Nope! But I started another one using ZigZag
  21. Never never never use triangle infill ! I'll have to use a belt sander to make any progress!
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