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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Looks like there's still an issue, at least in Windows (7 in my case) not loading I tried to be good. Un-installed previous version (2.3.1) and installed 2.4 Beta. Not launching. I recall previously something had to be renamed somewhere in appdata last time, but can't seem to locate those details. Help! (At the rate you guys change versions, it would be really convenient if you nailed down this bug!) (p.s. Keep getting Error 500's on your website today)
  2. Around October is when I bought a refurb Ultimaker 2 from Erin and Simon over to Fabrc8. I had purchased the UM2+ upgrade kit over the summer and I upgraded it. It's been quite an adjustment from the UMO (in a good way!) If a print is wonky, my mind doesn't think "what did I screw up in the assembly"
  3. Well here's a short video of my evenings lately...printing many pieces that take 16 hours each
  4. I'd be curious your review/thoughts when you have them on the Pros and Cons of that hotend versus stock
  5. Last night I printed a 50% version of the frame piece (curved piece a couple posts above). I printed at 235C and used the triangles infill. When completed, I twisted, pushed, pulled and the piece stayed intact! I think I will print the full size one tonight and go back to my 230C settings and use triangle infill to see if that's the secret to a stronger print with nGen. And I can also do a 235C one to compare the strength between temps
  6. Where are you located? I've seen them still available on some reseller sites
  7. That's a good point I could print a small scale version of that frame piece in "Lines" infill and "Triangles" and see how that goes.
  8. Yeah I'm just putting the samples about half way off the counter and putting some force on the end...nothing crazy, just slowly applying force with my hand. I was quite surprised how quickly the two orange pieces blew apart. I had been printing at 230C and getting really nice adhesion. I'll see what 235C does tomorrow (again, no fans on any of these prints)
  9. Okay so it's late and we have an ice storm under way, so I didn't print as much as I wanted to. But I am afraid the power will fail soon! Here's the last two I printed. The 240C print with tetrahedral failed with little force The 240C print with lines survived my testing 240C still seems a bit too hot based on the first layer 'waves' (as soon on the bottom as well) Some of this is more a hassle with fine tuning nGen for strength (if it can be) But I'm intrigued the more elaborate infills are failing so easily
  10. Print underway and I can already tell 245C is too hot as the first layer has "tidal waves" (best description I have) in it. But I'll see this print through. So on the two models that printed at 245... Model one snapped quickly with the triangle infill Model two hasn't! Just using lines for infill Both have ugly bottoms from printing at 245C
  11. Ok, I found this strength test piece gr5 made a while back https://www.youmagine.com/designs/strength-tests I'm going to see what a piece printed at 245C and 50% infill does, using the default infill (Lines) I'll do another using Triangles and compare!
  12. @gr5 why would i want to rollback? I did the latest firmware upgrade for the Um2 to UM2+ extruder upgrade. The materials file has been identified as a bug by Ultimaker staff. I'm fine manually uploading the file on each power on for now. It will be really nice when it works as advertised
  13. I hope you saw Rogue One where two of these ships collide! When you see all the debris, you'll appreciate all the work you have done!
  14. OKay good to know! (I'm glad I missed it, then!) I saw mention of a new infill type that might help me
  15. I do have a UM2+ and a UMO Here's what I'm printing. being curved makes it a challenge
  16. @Sandervg , the Ultimate edition just sucks in a bigger way. I won't be building that Batman suit...I'll stick to my Dark Knight version Oh yes, we have people that do the "polar dip".
  17. 234 no fan I found that all the blobs on the nozzle vanished once the fan was shut off. I had been running 50% and the nozzle was a mess after I need to find a test model I can strength test (something tall) with the various infills
  18. Thank you, thank you! That's a really great read! Ultimaker should have something like this in the Cura help pages! @SandervG
  19. I see the various ones and a little bit on the mouse over info....but I am having troubles with strength with nGen filament. One of my friends suggested a honeycomb type pattern, but we do not have that option (yet?). Which of the ones available would work better? Cura keeps picking Lines by default but I haven't found any documentation here that states the Pros and Cons of each
  20. Looks like the Beta has been removed? Links show 404 etc.
  21. I didn't see in Cura 2.3.1 where you can make any Start gcode as you could the old Cura In my case, for my UMO, I like to extrude 15 mm of filament before the print begins. What I do now is open the saved gcode with Notepad (assuming you use Windows) and manually edit the line, then save it. It's an extra step that's a little annoying, but works
  22. I feel your pain! I had a roll of Ultimaker Silver PLA (newer stuff) do the exact some thing. It was bound up bad inside the roll a few layers. Overnight I had a roll of Colorfabb nGen filament do the exact same thing. I have filament guides that seem to help gently unfurl some snags. However this one was inside the roll and tore off the filament guides ! In the nGen case, I had to unfurl a couple feet of tangles and clip them off. And in moth instances these were new rolls that had only done 2 or 3 small (4 hour) prints. So not the beginning of the roll but a few feet into them.
  23. Decided to stay in this year! Decided to watch "Batman vs Superman" Ultimate edition BluRay. Ugh...what a lousy movie!
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