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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Pictures... :( Super filament spool tangle.... And the support structure fails on the bottom of the print (note it is facing you, not vertical) I just want to be one of those people who slices in Cura, pushes in the SD card and gets perfect prints!
  2. I am really getting mad at this printer. It failed on the support material again. And then Ultimaker brand filament managed to kink itself up and jam the feeder. Half a roll of filament has been failed prints. I can't attach photos using my phone, for some reason. I will do so shortly.
  3. I had a few evenings of good prints but the last two have failed Last night, same file/gcode, I kept hearing a 'rumbling' like sound as the print head passed over the previous layer. I know the bed calibration is spot on. I do have Coasting on and the model uses a lot of support material. Any tips on what that could be? Ultimaker 2+ Cura 2.3.0 Thanks!
  4. Is the slider block hitting the belt(s) ? You have that going on all over the place. Mine occasionally makes a sound like that and I blamed it on the Bowden tube at max flex.
  5. I've had a similar issue with my UM2+ with the default settings. I have set my bed temp to 68, with glue stick, and had better results. (It seems to be the front right that lifts, the rest were fine)
  6. None! I am only 1/3 of the way into that roll. I would understand if I was at the end of the roll Some suggested the ball bearing style guides on Youmagine. I had another failure last night :( I noticed the printer made a "rumbling" sound as the print head passed over the object. This caused the support material to tip and one of the supported pieces failed. I'm not sure why this happened? Edit: Wanted to mention, I do have coasting on...not sure that would cause such a problem on a large part. And again, no changes to the gcode...I have print two successfully before.
  7. The tube is full of filament. I haven't removed the material yet My worry is that this will happen again, should the filament kink...even though it goes directly, off the spool, in to the feeder
  8. Well I have been doing 14-hour prints with success until the third one. 10 hours into the print it looks like I got a filament kink. I didn't have time before leaving for work to address the problem, but thought I was ask for some suggestions before Ultimaker staff are gone for the day (Darn time zones) I see filament all through the bowden, but here is what I see outside the feeder.... So disappointed...since the print just kept on going, there's no way to save this large job.
  9. Oh geez.....now that would be funny if that's what was holding me back lol
  10. It has to be something about insisting on brim....despite choosing Skirt and 1 line, it still greys out the model Here's how I have it set using "PLA" If I use Ultimaker -> PLA -> Metallic Silver I can't adjust the brim/skirt properly to stay on the bed (fit the bed) I suspect the 'profile' hides the skirt line count, which I need to set to 1. Despite being enabled in PLA, I can't edit it with the Ultimaker PLA
  11. Ok guys, a laundry list of problems I am running into... 1) I have a model that fits fine with PLA. However since it is Ultimaker brand PLA, I thought I would use Ultimaker -> PLA -> Metallic Silver setting. Now the model is greyed out. Why?? 2) I do not understand for the life of me why the nozzle temp and bed temp is not a controllable variable in Cura, as it always has been. 3) When rotating a model, then clicking to turn rotation mode off, is there a way to have the default clicks go back to MOVE? Having to continue to click back on the sidebar menu is annoying I'm trying hard to like the new version and allowing the software to chose most of the default options for me (aides fill, top/bottom thickness, etc).
  12. I can relate. Windows 7 ran aweome on my Toshiba laptop (Intel i7, 32gb RAM, 512gb Samsung Solid State Disk)...but the Intel HD 4000 chipset for graphics. But it did well. Since Windows 10 the fan runs at 100% all the time. Very annoying.
  13. That's interesting. The few times I have bid on Ultimakers on eBay, the same buyer snipes them at 30 second remaining. At least the last time around I made him pay more
  14. Well I'm not sure how annoying some can be....some of the ones I have seen in the past had a very hard life yet they still want what you could get a refurb (with 1 year warranty) from Fabrc8 I opted to go that route and just did the Extruder Upgrade to it. Great value right there.
  15. Do you have Cura 1.99 installed? If so, uninstall that Also, RENAME the folder "cura.bak" (no quotes) and trying running the program again
  16. I'd really like to see video of these wonderful monsters being created!
  17. @ahoeben, @Nallath emailed back with some good information I also placed your suggestion as the Best Answer, in case others run into a similar issue
  18. I have a friend whose working on a design he wants me to 3D print However the exported file he has sent me shows up very, very small in Cura He's using Blender, something I don't know a thing about. Any ideas on how I can guide him to a successful export I can use?
  19. @Titus , ha ha...can Paul cash in his rank and points for a new Ultimaker 3 now? Some filament? Cat treats?
  20. @Titus Well in my past projects, the drawings/files were already available. It was a matter of 3D printing or using the CNC machines to fabricate. Drawing your own stuff...ooooh. Much harder.
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