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Everything posted by nallath

  1. The .ini files are for a older version of the engine (the one used by 15.04). If you want to use the latest and greatest, you only have to provide the command line option with all settings that you want to change, or adjust the json files so that the defaults match the values that you need.
  2. "visible" -> Is this setting visible by default for this printer (can be overriden by user) "active_if" -> We used that in old versions, but we no longer do it like this. Has been replaced by "enabled" property, that can now have functions instead of just booleans. Not all machines are updated (as we only update our own machines) "always_visible" -> That setting doesn't exist. Machine settings can (by default) not be changed by the user as they are machine specific (eg; changing them would imply that the machine is no longer the same). If you make modifications to your machine, this should result in a new .json file (with those parameters changed).
  3. Uh, changing parameters while slicing, even with extremely high poly models (binary stls of 100 ish mb) work fine for me. The slicing (or the sending) isn't done in python anymore, so the gui really can't become slower due to slicing.
  4. So now you're saying that if I disable auto slice I will have less warm days to do BBQ? That's not helping
  5. True, I didn't notice that...because it goes away after a few seconds...so unless you stare at the screen all the time you will probably miss that warning. Fair enough. I'll log it as an issue.
  6. I just tested loading a too large scale model and it correctly displays the message;
  7. The height is correct; one at a time lets you only print at a height of 55mm. Set your mode to all at once and the height should change again.
  8. Yeah, it's a very very lazy algorithm. The slicing blocking has nothing to do with the positioning, but with windows being freakishly annoying about some things. I thought I fixed that issue (which our testing team confirmed) but somehow it did sneak itself into the beta again. Sigh.
  9. Yeah, that is the default in Old cura, so that's why we kept it. It should display a message when the auto scale happens though. Why? Old Cura did the same actually (auto enabling the feature and notifying you of the fact).
  10. I've never had any problems with processing larger files in old / new Cura on Linux.
  11. There is a limited amount of time that we get to spend on non-um products and getting them to work in Cura (as it's still Ultimaker that pays me for my work, it's reasonable that they expect a strong focus on their / our products). But Cura is open source, so if people want to help, i'd love to answer questions / help out.
  12. If it's a post processing script (or any kind of plugin really), feel free to make a pull request for that (or tell us where it's hosted). Other people might want it as well
  13. The 2.1 release won't have extra features that the beta doesn't have. It will probably have some bug fixes & profile changes.
  14. Saving settings in the new Cura is automatic. You can find more information about it in the manual; https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20441-manage-profiles
  15. For this version, yes. Permanently? No. To be honest, I kinda forgot about that feature. If people really want / need this feature, I'll make sure it gets added back into 2.x
  16. You could hack it together by adding the setting "machine_extruder_count": { "default": 2 }" to the .json Then use per object settings to set second to be printed with extruder 1 and then merge those objects.
  17. It decides by itself. The logic is rather complicated (has to do with the size of the fans and that object A can block B but B won't always block A)
  18. 50 mm/s is the max speed of the head. The other one is the cubic mm of fillament extruded.
  19. I don't know. I have no experience with these controllers.
  20. Sure. Do note that I hardly did any work on the old Cura. I have been involved with the new Cura from the start. The open beta should be released today.
  21. Pff, PLA is biodegradable. That means it's indistinguishable from dirt after 70 years. I wouldn't worry all that much about it. @PeggyB; Seriously cool!
  22. Cura should fix all of this auto-magically. It should either refuse to print one at a time or give a working solution. If the head does hit a print, let us know, because that's a bug.
  23. Cura is hosted on our old provider. I'm guessing they had a hickup.
  24. We have done research in this area, but there is a massive difference in getting one printer to work and getting thousands to work. Those chinese sellers tend to not care about the quality. I do. There is no legal issue with selling Ultimaker clones, as long as you don't use our trademarks. Fair enough. My responses are rather standard as most people seem to overlook these things. The build surface is 223 by 223. There are small area's (the clips) that you can't print. It's definately not 195 x 195. I just did a ton of tests to get the right sizes in the new Cura, so i'm pretty confident about this.
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