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Everything posted by nallath

  1. The David 3D scanner is pretty good. I've also worked on developing scanners for Ultimaker for quite a while, but that's on hold at the moment.
  2. Github is the prefered way of doing it right now. It's far from the perfect solution as our internal tracking is done with Jira.
  3. Yup There is no max defined. At a certain point it will have an impact of course, but that will take quite a while.
  4. It also works fine on my machine (Kubunutu 16.04) .
  5. The next Cura release will have a translate tool in which you can enter values (a bit like scale).
  6. Just a minor change to @DidierKlein's post; We won't add non-um printers. Those are added by other companies / members of the comunity.
  7. It's not as simple as you think it is. Just because it's easy to tell as system what needs to be done, does not mean it is The build plate for instance has no code to handle circular build plates, the scale to max assumes a box for the building plate, etc. I do agree that it's possible (and doable), but it simply won't be done by Ultimaker. I think we already went above and beyond the call of duty in providing the software for free and easy to modify.
  8. Windows can install side by side.
  9. The old cura supported delta printers because someone put it there (eg; that wasn't a feature developed by ultimaker). As we don't have any delta printers we won't put resources in supporting it. I am willing to answer questions / help out in order to get delta support back.
  10. Sketchup is very good in making bad models. Check the model in x-ray mode in Cura. If there are red areas, there are faults in the model.
  11. Or do what stack overflow does; Give people with a lot of points special privileges (see http://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges)
  12. We don't pretend it's not there, we simply try to prevent it from happening at all. We have a number of strategies in place to prevent the z-seam from having too great of an impact, but most of those are non-user selectable. A number of users have requested a way to select an x-y location to which the z-seam needs to be closest. I'm not sure if we're going to implement that.
  13. I guess your information is pretty outdated. Cura 2.1 has a setting called "Z Seam Alignment", which gives you 3 z-seam strategies (of which one is random)
  14. Yeah, except that these days we also have a "string freeze" due to translations. We found this too late, so it wasn't fixed. We did change the height of the printer build area bounding box to be changed when switching to one at a time so that if it fails because of that it's more clear what is going on.
  15. What do you mean by moving it outside of the print? The z-seam needs to be somewhere on the print. We do our best to prevent the effect of the z-seam, but it's not like we choose to create one
  16. Here you go https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/commit/171adde6be95a11d751c892f565a732da42152b5 Should work again.
  17. That's the thing with master; This is where we do new feature development. This means you get cutting edge features, but with no guarantee that it actually works. I will have a look if I can make a quick fix for this though.
  18. Walls that are exactly walllinewidth are always problematic, as there is always the issue of rounding errors. As so much has changed, it's not that strange that in some cases the decision to ignore parts falls on the other side of the decision. Behavior like this is also partially why we added the Wall Line Width parameter, you can lower it slightly to trick cura into not ignoring it.
  19. Ah right. It could be that we broke a bunch of stuff while doing this. The code does use the first name it finds as the name to write to the output device, but if no node has a name set, it returns None. This proves that it's always a good idea to not completely trust the data that you receive from other parts of the application and build in a check if the received name is not set.
  20. So what breaks then? The filename is not set?
  21. The difference is also that you guys know what kind of models can be printed (and probably have very well tuned machines). The "normal" user does not have this. We strive to go for reliability first and only then for speed.
  22. We changed the version numbering. 2.1.1 (Major, minor, rev) is the newest.
  23. The Ultimaker2 uses UltiCode flavour g-code. The ulitmaker original uses rep-rap flavour g-code. The reprap flavour g-code has temperature commands in it, whereas the UM2 uses material defaults. If an UM2 gets rep-rap flavour g-code, you get that warning (eg; The setting tells the temperature all of the sudden). My guess is that you have an UMO and installed UM2 firmware.
  24. Eeh. There is no high pitched alarm on the Ultimaker (which is kind of the answer you don't want to hear...) Could you make a video of this?
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