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Everything posted by nallath

  1. It could. If you change all G28 commands to: G28G0 X[offset_x] Y[offset_y] Z[offset_z]G92 X0 Y0 Z0 or G28G92 X-[offset_x] Y-[offset_y] Z-[offset_z] You'd have to check which of those works for you.
  2. machine_platform_offset <- This is only a visual change. It defines how the 3d model of the platform needs to be moved. There is no setting for the home position to the bed, as we had to make a cut somewhere who does what. We decided to let the printer decide what is on the platform and what isn't (eg; 0,0 must be on the platform). The problem with having two parties being able to decide that is that it's hard to know what exactly happens (as all of the sudden both can define it and could define different values)
  3. This needs to be fixed in the firmware, not in Cura. Have a look at the UM2Go firmware; The home position is also outside of the build volume. As the printer can't actually print there, we define that location to be negative.
  4. Paul Chandler made these profiles. He probably has good reasons to do them like this. It does make sense if you increase the speeds that the time to print goes down right
  5. leprechauns? Since they scammed me out of my pot of gold I'm not going to build software for them anymore
  6. This is also not possible with the old Cura, as with the UM2 the temperatures in the machine are used. So for the um2, the machine is responsible for the material. The prontoface UI has disapeared for a long time now. 15.04 didn't have it either. We officially don't even support USB printing with the UM2 due to a ton of problems (and very little people actually using it).
  7. Uh, there is no easy way to do that at the moment (unless you think writing scripts for post processing is easy)
  8. A wild Nallath appears! It already does that. For the UM2 family it adds the ;material and ;time as a comment to the g-code. The ;material is in cubic mm, ;time is in sec.
  9. Yes. But I built it, so my vote doesn't count
  10. nallath

    G-code Cura 2.1

    The setting overriding stuff will be different in 2.2. We don't really like how it works either. Cura 2.1 is completely different from 15.04. Parts of the engine are the same though.
  11. Uh. I don't really understand what you mean by this. You could call CuraEngine from another piece of software. That's pretty much what the GUI does with the engine at the moment.
  12. Technically speaking the dual extrusion isn't fully supported by 2.1, so it's not that surprising that it doesn't completely as intended. This will be addressed in feature releases.
  13. Don't use version 15.06. Upgrade to 2.1 (or downgrade to 15.04) as soon as you can. 15.06 is littered with bugs (and is by no means suited for continued use)
  14. Hey man! Good to see you back (at least for a bit...) How's life treating you?
  15. Gui logs are most important anyway. Those are saved to disk.
  16. Send us the gui & engine logs See https://github.com/ultimaker/cura#logging-issues for more info.
  17. I'm having exactly the same problem in Windows 10 in different compatibility modes of the CuraEngine. From the moment I raise the amount of extruders, CuraEngine crashes. Till now it happens with all STL files. Could you send me the engine & Gui logs?
  18. The read unread is also broken for me. It always points me to one page before my actual unread posts (49 is last page I read. I click notification. Get sent to page 48)
  19. Wrong department, sorry. If you can touch it, i pretty much have nothing to do with it
  20. I've made changes for 2.2 that should make it easier to write a plugin that connects with octoprint. As far as I'm concerned, Ultimaker hires Gina and starts really supporting it
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