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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Well, we do need those logs in order to help you.
  2. Cura never removes any printers. Ever. It could be that there was a configuration error, but in that situation, you clicked the button to move the profiles over so that they don't cause issues. If it's always running the first startup, it's probably because Cura can't save the preferences file. So if you could share your logs, we can have a look at it.
  3. If you can share logs we can have a look.
  4. We're not psychic, so could you share your logs?
  5. STL doesn't have units. Cura assumes 1 unit in STL is 1 mm.
  6. By default, auto-slicing is disabled. If it's not, it's because you changed it.
  7. If you have those kinds of areas Cura isn't always able to correctly identify them. Overlapping or disconnected faces can cause issues like the one you see. Your best option would be to check out some model repair services and see if that fixes the issue.
  8. Did you check if the model is manifold? It looks like the model has errors in it.
  9. I think you have one folder too much (eg the zip contains a folder FlyingBearPlugin that contains a FlyingBearPlugin). Since all of the plugins are plugins, we also recommend you to not add "plugin" to the plugin name (soo change it to FlyingBear.zip that contains a folder called FlyingBear) You can also remove the .gitignore from the zip file. I've also tried running your plugin, but it initially crashed on me as you're using the wrong import (eg; you use import Queue but you should use from queue import Queue). After that I'm getting other crashes if I switch to the flyingbear stage (2019-05-21 12:56:00,265 - CRITICAL - [MainThread] cura.CrashHandler.__init__ [64]: model.setItemData(model.createIndex(i,0), {1:"",0:"False"}) 2019-05-21 12:56:00,265 - CRITICAL - [MainThread] cura.CrashHandler.__init__ [64]: RuntimeError: no access to protected functions or signals for objects not created from Pyth) Apart from that, you should not be adding a separate stage for what you are trying to do. The monitor stage already handles what you want to achieve. Have a look at how the UM3 plugin or the octoprint plugin handle this.
  10. Correct. Cura tries to save the log files to the place where it also stores the configurations. If this happens again, please create an issue on github.
  11. You might want to check in the cmake-gui where it's looking for the sipconfig files and manually point it to the right spot.
  12. Derp. Yeah you're right. Fixed it
  13. I've never used the cura-build scripts on the laptop I do all the development work on. I basically did the following things; - Check out libArcus - Create build folder, run cmake && make && make install - Check out Cura Engine - Create build folder and run cmake && make - Check out Uranium - Check out Cura - In the cura folder use python3 cura_app.py to start Cura. At that point, it is likely to complain about missing a number of dependencies, which I install with pip until it runs.
  14. In order to develop Cura, you don't actually need to build it (apart from Cura Engine, which is C++ so it needs building). The build script is what we use to actually make a release, which isn't actually needed for your use case.
  15. You don't need to store the .cache files. As the name implies, that's where we store cached files. They only exist to speed up the booting of Cura after first run.
  16. Alternatively, try setting the support horizontal expansion setting to 0
  17. You're not the first to report the issue. We've got it in our backlog.
  18. This looks like a case of under extrusion to me.
  19. No problem. Github is where the source code of Cura is hosted. It also has an issue tracker to keep track of bugs and feature requests. You can find it on https://github.com/ultimaker/cura . If you select the issues tab, you can create your own issues.
  20. If you manually add the printer, the cloud connection doesn't work. As you might have noticed, the cloud connection functionality is at the bare minimum right now. The 4.1 cura release will already have a more fleshed out implementation.
  21. There is no easy way to get this I'm afraid. We would need to slice something 3 times in order to get that info, so that will take a fair bit of work to get that functional.
  22. Yup! https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52029-manage-printers
  23. If it accepts Gcode, it should work. But you will probably need to do some setting tweaking.
  24. Again; Ultimaker has 400 employees. There is no hidden conspiracy that "holds me back". It's simply that there is not enough time in a day, even if I'd work 16 hours, to keep track of all the things that are going on. So could you pretty, pretty please stop pretending like this is some nefarious thing that is going on (or that is the cause of incompetence). Because it's not. You keep saying that you're doing this to help, but it's doing the exact opposite. To be honest, I don't really believe that you're trying to help. Because it's not the first time I've called you out on this and told you that it's doing the exact opposite. A fair part of what you say is simply not true. There are no distributors of Ultimaker in the US. We have resellers, but that's it. So I'm really wondering who you talked. I know for a fact that delays and releases are always communicated with resellers. But to take some more specific points; 1. You got compensated for this with something of greater value. Also, would you rather have had something that didn't work? Because if that's the case, I'm more than happy to send you the aluminum plate. I'll pay for the shipping myself, but then I don't want to hear you complain about it anymore (Either you not getting it or it not working at all). 2. These issues were fixed within 2 (!!) months. Good luck getting any of that in any other industry. And don't say stupid things like "But it would neve have happened there", because that's a lie and you know it. This can happen everywhere, what matters is how you deal with it. 3. Which firmware updates bit you in the ass? This is the first one right? 4. Promised where exactly? I'm not aware of any such promise. 5. I've not seen any issues with the filament sensor so far. I've got it turned on and working fine. If you look at the forum, you're pretty much the only one with the issue. Now I do get that this sucks (especially with everything combined) but this kinda seems like a fluke. "Has Ultimaker offered prepaid shipping back to them for serving the issues" -> Nonsense. This is something we offer. Because ya know. It's the law. " if I had purchased an Apple product it would have been replaced" -> Same goes for Ultimaker. This is the primary responsibility of the reseller to do this. I understand why they don't want to because it costs them money, but that's what they are paid for. I'm getting the idea that your reseller is putting all the blame with Ultimaker ("Because they entrusted to you that they recommend other printers") whereas the blame is with them. " there are no field service technicians in place such" -> Again not true. All the resellers get mandatory training with regards to repair. So, you want to continue "fighting" this out in public? Because I'm more than able to show you that it's not as you describe it by a long shot.
  25. The pull request was merged well over a year ago, so it's been in Cura for a while now (up and including 4.0). What is it exactly that you are missing?
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