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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I still have a ton of Ultibot business cards, so until those are gone, it isn't really dead.
  2. Have you considered something like vacuum forming? You can get a lot more complicated shapes that way.
  3. It's not trying to connect to all of them, but it is listening to broadcasting messages (It's a fairly important difference. The first is actively contacting every single IP to check if it's a printer, the second is waiting for someone to shout "IM A PRINTER"). Alternatively, you can also just disable the plugin in the marketplace. You can do this in the installed tab.
  4. Your model is probably not manifold. Check it with a repair tool.
  5. Short answer; Nope, sorry, this is not possible. Longer answer: Still not possible, but there is a fairly good reason for it. A lot of the changes that you can make greatly depend on the printer. Lets say that that you changed the wall speed in your profile (30 mm/s on UM3) to be 36 mm/s. The default for the S5 is 45 mm/s. If you override that value, you'd probably not quite get what you meant (eg; Did you mean an absolute value of 36? Did you mean "20% faster than what the default is" or did you mean "default + 6"). As there is a pretty complex interplay of settings, it's rather difficult to just port those settings (We could just make it so that it overrides them, but it's very unlikely that it gets the results that you want).
  6. It's not a general software bug, since that would never have cleared QA on our side. For me it takes less than 2 seconds for all settings to load on boot and drop down menus open in 100 ms or something like that.
  7. Only Cura has a plugin system (Cura Connect, despite it's confusing simmilar name, doesn't), so this isn't something that can be resolved with a plugin I'm afraid. I think this is something that is on our backlog already, but I can't give any specifics about when (or even if) we will get to it.
  8. Well, you shouldn't add it in the monitor stage directly, that's for one. The monitor stage is intended to display data that it gets from a "PrinterOutputDevice" (or in your case, probably the "NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice") As you may know, Cura has a pretty extensive plugin system. Both situations that also do what you want are the "UM3NetworkPrinting" plugin (bundled with cura) and the OctoprintPlugin (https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-OctoPrintPlugin). So what needs to be done is that you create your own version of the printerOutputDevice / NetworkedPrinterOutputDevice (by means of inheritance) and ensure that the properties / functions that it exposes are filled with the correct data. A bit more general info on Qt/QML to make the code a bit more understandable; Qt heavily relies on properties (pyqtProperty), signals (pyqtSignal) and slots (pyqtSlot). Properties are essentially attributes, but with one major exception; they have the "notify" ability. When you use a property in QML and the property is changed on the python side, you can notify the QML that this happend by emitting the right signal (signalling the change, hence the name). Lets look at a bit of code: @pyqtProperty("QVariantList", notify=printJobsChanged) def printJobs(self) -> List[UM3PrintJobOutputModel]: return self._print_jobs First of is the bit that starts with the @ sign. This is a decorator, which is a pretty nifty built in feature of python. What it essentially does is taking whatever is below it and modify it (eg "decorating it"). In this case, it's turning the function into a property that is also exposed to QML. The first parameter is the return type (A list of QVariant) and the second one is telling it what signal is emitted if the value is changed. You can either set the "notify" or you can set "constant=True" in which case you indicate that the value will never change once set. Slots on the other hand are what Qt calls exposed functions. So all functions that are decorated with the pyqtSlot are functions that can be called from QML. They use a similar pattern as the properties. @pyqtSlot(QObject, name="setActivePrinter") def setActivePrinter(self, printer: Optional[PrinterOutputModel]) -> None: if self.activePrinter == printer: return self._active_printer = printer self.activePrinterChanged.emit() The first parameter of the decoration is the first parameter accepted by the function (so the printer parameter). The name is set as this is usefull for debugging. Finally, you could also set the "result" parameter, which indicates the return type of the slot (if any).
  9. Could you share the logs from your printer? Alternatively, you could try to do a full factory reset.
  10. Although do note that since the firmware is closed source, you're technically not allowed to do this.
  11. Well, at least that lessens the chance that other people get scammed.
  12. Requested & cotemplated before? Yup. Actually possible? Nope.Theoretically you are right. I should be possible to do this, but as you might have guessed there is a bit more going on than meets the eye. The main reason we hosted it on the printer is convenience; No extra hardware is required to set up the clustering. This is especially a thing within companies where you usually need the involvement (and thus approval) of the IT department for any and all new infrastructure. Currently Cura Connect has a bunch of assumptions regarding what operating system (and with what other services) it's running. So should be possible to get it to run, but it will require a fair bit of work to actually do it.
  13. We use zeroconf for the automatic discovery. Microsoft has had a very bad track record with breaking it in windows. If the IP's on your network don't change often, I'd recommend just using the add printer by manual IP option.
  14. We switched out the way that this is handled for 4.3, so i expect that this won't be an issue for that release anymore.
  15. Did you contact 3dlac.com? They claim that they are official resellers.
  16. Ah, There seem to have been a corruption in one of the profiles, which makes it select an empty profile. After removing those "creality_cr-10_empty" profiles from the configuration (you can find them in the quality_changes folder), everything seems to work fine.
  17. Well, it would be a great help if you could share your configuration folder. You can find that in ~/.local/share/cura/
  18. Issues about cura are best raised at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose That being said; we will need a lot more information in order to resolve your issue. So try to provide reproduction steps and logs
  19. Please report issues on https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose together with log files generated by Cura.
  20. Issues / feedback regarding Cura are best reported on github https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose To go a bit more in depth; Zoom towards mouse is something that I've added in my own time a while ago. I don't think a whole lot of people are using it, which is probably why it's not been having a lot of attention (you're actually the third or fourth person that I've heard from that uses it). As for the rotation; This is intentional. The camera isn't a "real" free-form camera. It makes more sense to have a free-form camera in a 3D design program, but take into account that Cura isn't that. It's a CAM program, so it's focus is on the build plate. Combining the more "freeform ish" aproach with this is a bit annoying, i do get that, but fixing it would require a fair bit of rework (and again; I did it in my own time and since few people seem to use it (or they might, they just didn't tell me)) i couldn't be bothered a whole lot by that.
  21. There is no feature that can do this and there is no plugin that I know of that can do this.
  22. You can't. They don't have enough room to store the entire xml file. They just hold an identifier (the GUID) that links them with an xml profile.
  23. That would be interesting as there is no code on the machine that can do that. (Here is me hoping that it didnt' suddenly become sentient...)
  24. We're trying to stabilise the API's (we did a piss poor job on that before), so i hope that these checks wont be necessary anymore.
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