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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Basically because "that's how it was always done". I think we're still using the colors that were picked by Daid at some point when he was still the only contributor to Cura (and it wasn't even part of Ultimaker yet). Could you make a feature request for this on github? That makes it a whole lot easier to keep track of for us.
  2. Once you change the material type, there no longer are any pre-defined profiles for it anymore (since it's a completely new type). If you want to change settings, you will need to do this in the custom section.
  3. It does sound like a driver issue. The actual creation / showing/ rendering of the menus is not something we do ourselves, we use an external framework (Qt) for that, so there is little we can do to change that.
  4. https://github.com/ultimaker/cura#logging-issues
  5. It shows the model in yellow because the display color for generic PLA (the default selected material) is yellow. This has nothing to do with it being done slicing. That is indicated by the progress bar in the lower right corner.
  6. It looks like it can't find the font for display. Could you check if you have the noto sans font installed?
  7. Without logs, there is nothing I can do to diagnose your problem.
  8. And there is the issue of you know, the display, doing the switching, handling the calibration, recognizing cores, etc. Changing out the firmware on the ollimex for something else is no easy feat.
  9. I'd personally go for glue-ing, because if you print both at once you do increase the chances of failure (so if one material fails, you lose all of your progress). Another factor is that it might be tricky to get the materials to stick together, so you would need to glue them anyway. On the other hand, it might stick really well together, maybe even better than it would by means of glueing. As for printing both of them at once, you are correct. You need to export both models separately, load them in Cura, assign the right extuders and then merge the models.
  10. If you want to, you can quite easily change this yourself.
  11. With what printer does the issue occur? The main reason for it to not show up is that the machine states that it doesn't support material profiles.
  12. This. I'm not against negative feedback. Far from it. But the wording of things matter.
  13. The only way I can reproduce the image that you posted is by turning one at a time on.
  14. Cura has its own issue tracking at github. You can find more about it on https://github.com/ultimaker/cura#logging-issues
  15. Is it? I mean, we originally had a lot of people hating the newer look of Cura vs 15.04 😉 I'm not saying that the new UI is better or perfect in any way, but is it really needed to word is this negatively?
  16. The REST API is indeed your best bet.
  17. Nope, sorry. We don't have any developers that speak Russian. Your options are Chinese, Dutch, Spanish and English (and a bit of German).
  18. It greatly depends for what 3D printer you are slicing. A lot of contributed machines have incorrect acceleration settings, which lead to incorrect estimations. The parameters should be pretty correct for Ultimaker machines, but will be widely off for a number of other machines.
  19. We did make improvements with regards to speed in the 4.0.0 beta (Switching machines should be twice as fast, switching active extruders is even faster) and the 4.0.0-BETA-2 (changing visibility of settings is 2x as fast, so searching settings should be way faster)
  20. Same goes for the barbarian & orientation plugin. They will work with the 4.0.0-BETA-2!
  21. Currently it's for S5 only. It will be back ported to the UM3.
  22. The firmware version. Cura is currently at 4.0.0-beta, so you would have had to wait a long time if it was for Cura 😉
  23. What standard? Left handed coordinate systems? Right handed coordinate systems? There is no one standard that defines this 😉
  24. It is possible, but we won't do it. All third party printers have been contributed to us, none of them have been added by us (or well, some UM employees added some printers in their own time, but that's an exception case). So if you want the printer to be added to Cura, you will have to create the definition files and create a pull request on our github.
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