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Posts posted by ultiarjan

  1. I would advice to start with PLA, as it's the most easy and clean material to work with. Maybe later you can try Colorfabb XT. You don't need many special tools, just a decent set of torx screwdrivers (think you need at least a T5 and T8) for dismanteling the heating unit.

    For spare parts it's depending on how bad it is to not have your machine available... for normal use I would say just buy the "hot end pack" and maybe a few extra "PTFE couplers".

    If you really can't affort any downtime you'll have to buy 2 machines ;)

    In general the printer is easy to take appart and maintain, it's a big plus for the Ultimaker compared to many other machines.

    and about the blue tape, you dont need it IMHO;



  2. I never use anything on the heated glas, no glue, spray... nothing, print only PLA and XT.

    Key is to keep the glas clean. I wash every so many weeks with some hand soap under warm running water.

    In 99% of the time my prints pop of after the bed is cooled, but you need to wait a little longer after the printer tells you its ok to remove your stuff!! for XT sometimes even till cooled to 20 celcius.

    I use this thing for removing the small line printed at the beginning of a print, key is not to touch the glas with your hands ... almost never happens that I have to use it to remove a part.


    For very small parts the adhesion can be a problem, in this case I use a brim.


  3. As you see the quality is specially lower on the rounded parts. Think the 0.6 is specially usefull for larger furniture parts or more functional parts .... but all in all not to bad...

    0p6 olifant2

    0p6 Olifant1

    Printed with 0.6 nozzle, 0.2 layer, 50 speed (50x0.2x0.6 = 6mm3/s), while I would normally print high quality at 35x0.1x0.4=1.4mm3/s... And on top this was the last part of fillament on the reel, so very curved ...

    As a negative, if you need a certain infill to be able to create decent top layers, you'r waisting a lot more fillament with the 0.6 nozzle ....


  4. I did it :-P

    Drilled my old UM2 nozzle to 0.6.

    First cleaned it out with a gasburner, then just put the nozzle in a workbench and drilled out by handheld dremel ....

    Very easy no problem at all, don't put any pressure, just let the dremel do the work (just seconds) and the inside shape of the nozzle will guide the drill to the centre ...

    Did no sanding or cleaning, just heated again with the gasburner and pushed some PLA through for cleaning of any metal parts ....


    Also had to replace my heating unit (broke the housing some time ago), this was a bit of a pain, getting the wire in the black sleeve again (I was smart enough to attach a wire to the old one before pulling out, and used the wire again for pulling in the new cable)..

    Unfortunately I don't think you can change the nozzle frequently, to be honest i'm really starting to dislike the design, specially the small setscrew in the nozzle is extremely easy damaged...

    0p6 spiral

    First test is very good if you ask me ...

    Spiral cilinder, 0.6 wal, started at 3 mm3/s moving up to, 6, 9, 10.5, up to 12 mm3/s no problem with extrusion at all. And this at 210 celsius....


  5. Blizz> ik zie nergens dat er met 1 mm laagdikte wordt geprint. Dat sloeg denk ik alleen op de bottom/top.

    Tdo> er wordt vaak aangehouden dat voor een goede afwerking van de top je een top laagdikte van 6x je layerhoogte moet nemen

    Dus als je met 0.1 lagen print een toplaag van minimaal 0.6.

  6. Well, as I sip my first coffee of the day... Yay, finally, a US presence! It's been a while coming, but I think it will be great for the community on this side of the Atlantic. :smile:


    He Simon (or do we have to call you "VP Ultimaker USA" now :-P ) congrats, looks like you'r going to be a very busy man...

    Now there is really no excuse in the US anymore to buy the makerb#$%!


  7. bewijs ;)



    Geprint in colorfabbXT, 100%fill, is 15gram, vs de 25 gram van het orgineel.

    Heb ook nog even een "wetenschappelijk" onderzoek gedaan met een voor en na printje van de UM robot.

    De "na" versie (links) heeft een duidelijk beter geprint rechter oor. Lijkt me een aantoonbare verbetering ....



    En nog even de link voor wie dit later leest :


    versie: "Fan Base V06 Rev01"


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