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Posts posted by ultiarjan

  1. Niet zeker maar volgens mij heeft het te maken met de hoogte van de objecten, als er een te hoog deel bij zit gaat het mis. Het beste check je altijd tevoren met layer view hoe er geprint gaat worden om verrassingen tevoren te zien. Zou je toch al moeten doen om b.v. te beoordelen of je de juiste wanddikte hebt gekozen en een geen gaten in je model vallen ...


  2. I see we posted the same issue :) what material are you using? I only had it with the colorfabb PLA/PHA... and what is the layer hight of your model? I had it at the fairly standard 0.1

    here's the link fyi;




    I have an issue that is not in this guide. I have the formation of very fine strings of PLA, comparable with cat or dog hair on the side of my prints. These strings don't form between two walls, but on the outside of the prints.



  3. He Gijs,

    was planning on giving you a PM on this one, but you're here already...

    The top of the block is clean, so no leaks I guess... I admit the nozzle is rather dirty.

    Is it that simple that its just a matter of cleaning? If thats the case it could be an issue on longer prints, as I told you saturday I had it on the "nesspreso cup holder" as well on the front side and this is a longer print (20+ hrs).

    I'll clean and try the same model again, keep you posted.

    @solid print 3d - Am I right that you think it's "stringing" ? I don't think it is ....



  4. Had this before of an larger print with a flat side, on the front.

    And now again my print is growing hair.

    Have only seen it with the Colorfabb PLA (not pure PLA..) in this case there magenta.

    I varied the temp (210, 215, 200) it seems to be a little less at 200 but still there. Printing fairly standard at 40 speed / 0.1 hight.

    Any idea what is causing this ? It's only on the front, and more on the right front than the left front....



  5. I've just put a big stack of mostly unsorted pictures in the gallery....

    20140906 10481920140906 10484220140906 10501120140906 10510120140906 10511520140906 10574120140906 10574520140906 10580820140906 11171320140906 11312720140906 11345720140906 11362020140906 11363420140906 11370520140906 11392720140906 11394320140906 11413220140906 11495920140906 11501120140906 12074420140906 12081320140906 12082720140906 12084220140906 12085020140906 12104820140906 12265020140906 12271320140906 12310520140906 12325820140906 12421820140906 12424620140906 12430320140906 12430720140906 12432420140906 12435020140906 12442820140906 12450920140906 12475320140906 12481820140906 12493720140906 12495520140906 12515320140906 12520620140906 12521220140906 12540420140906 12541820140906 12565320140906 12571820140906 13394720140906 14032520140906 14360820140906 14363320140906 15091020140906 15535520140906 174210

    The thing I found interesting was the student (material science?) who worked on finding binding materials to print very strong with soil, wants it to get stronger than reinforced contrete.

    20140906 121048


    In the "I want one" category I liked the fuel3D scanner, here's the discount code if you want one...

    20140906 174210


    the quality of a printed dress looks a lot different in close up ...

    20140906 125206


    These guys where claiming the main limiting factor for printspeed on an UM was the electronics..... ther board would speed things up a lot ;)

    20140906 113127




  6. I talked to a guy who after visiting um thought you were restricted to um fillament because of the 2.85 mm...... not a good job... overall there were too little um employees on the stand, and too little of an active approuch of visiters if you ask me....

  7. Dank jullie voor alle tips!

    Ik heb sateprikkers klaargelegd om morgen te proberen!

    Moet ook maar eens op ebay snorren naar een stapeltje accupunctuur-naalden. Het verwarmen van de kop had ik idd al onder de knie! Maar je zal er maar naar opzoek zijn...

    Ik neem aan dat de temperatuur rond de 210 de beste schoonmaakresultaten geeft?

    Als de printkwaliteit weer is zoals het was, gaan we eerst maar eens 2 setjes feeders printen...

    overigens kwam ik filament klemmetjes tegen https://www.youmagine.com/designs/filament-clip-3mm-or-1-75mm dat zorgt voor een wat nettere opslag.


    als je geen acupunctuur naalden kunt vinden kun je ook 1 draadje van een roestborstel gebruiken, gewoon gamma/praxis spul.

    En die clipjes zou ik NIET gebruiken.



  8. Bad news :(

    The Ear printed

    Nice print, nice design, bad functionality..... tested it by talking and walking around it, the sound from the back seems just as loud as sound from the front.

    I'll have a look at external mic's. At least the good thing is I now have a good model of a perfectly fitting "frame" if I want to design one later for mounting an external mic...

    Maybe as a last try I need to test it out in the open... as the sound is really dampend when you put a finger on the mic holes.... so theoretically it should have some effect...


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