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Posts posted by Labern

  1. I don't use my printer I that field but you are able to get filaments like lay-brick that have a textured finish that help hide the layering of the material. It does make it look really nice.

    If you download cura then you can import one of your drawings and it will tell you how long the print will take.

    If you use laybrick then you could have a .2 layer height but still have a good appearance. This will speed up the print time.

    There are also aftermarket nozzles you can get that lay more plastic a lot faster but this reduces fine details. They can be found Here

    Once you get your head around how the printers work then you can make adjustments to your designs to also speed up the print process.

    • Like 1

    Use Roberts spool holder


    yea, I'm going to print it soon, I guess I wonder why UM hasn't decided to include that in the box, or fix theirs.  They are still shipping a "consumer" product that doesn't work out of the box well.  I've spent a good part of a week reading this forum.  without that I would be royally screwed.  thank god for the forum.  I just wonder how long it will take them to fix it.


    I don't think they want quick release design to help make it more simple for beginner users. Pre-heats the nozzle and displays what to do at each step. Also when new filament is loaded you select the material type. This makes sure the temp settings are always correct.

    But I totally agree that they should have released something better by now.

  3. I've done some of these tests and I initially stuck to the Pla that came with the printer to avoid an unknown factors. I had a lot of under extrusion and wasn't able to figure out what was wrong until I changed to a Pla from another manufactorer, which work a lot better. The printer is a week old only. Any idea why this is happening? The grey is UM PLA and the orange is from Rs-online. Both at 230 degrees, five minutes apart...



    Although they are both PLA they require different Temps and or other settings to print well. Measure the Dia as it could be a different size. Try a stick to good brands to get consistent results.

  4. Maybe this was UM's cunning plan so people would be gossiping about the forum and waiting for its releases instead of spying on UM's secret projects and spreading rumors. :p

    I for sure have been waiting for forum releases and forgotten about what machine's or projects they will release next. :)


    Haha. Just needs something to dry them now.


    I would suggest to put them in your Ultimaker with your heated bed turned on, and a closed frame! ;)


    Could even print a rack for them to sit on.

    Not that he got his dishes wet.

  6. @labern, 'I make sure I give them a big hug while I hang them up though so I guess that's nice. ' LOL! :D

    oh, and without going off topic; I heard we are going to replace your UM2Go :)


    Yeah I'm pretty happy about that, It would have been nice to have found the cause but I tried everything I could thing of.

    Hope it gets me back into printing again as I have a few ideas to start working on.

  7. @Sander yeah using your fist in between the flesh and skin punching away is just the easiest way to go.

    I have heard some people use compressed air.

    I make sure I give them a big hug while I hang them up though so I guess that's nice.

    The skin is lying next to my bed to keep my feet warm when I get up. They are super soft. But I should have stuffed it. All that work went to waist as I ended up removing some of it.

    @dim3nsioneer I have no intent on even thinking about harming his nice dog. I was merely stating that all animals are different and I have no experience on that species.

  8. @labern: I still do not understand "the 30 second process"; I mean, is it static = = Would the fluffy thing in @gr5 s bed also take just 30 seconds?

    You cut around both feet, then from the inside of one leg to the other, then stand on the feet and pull the skin up. like removing a clove. when you get to the head you just gut around and it pulls off.

    Not static though as some animals have thick tough skin and muscles that attach on the back.

    deer takes about 5 - 10mins and you need to punch around the skin and cut away the muscle.

    Wallaby, although small there are really hard bits to get off and hard to get a nice central cut all the way down the tail. I skinned a whole one once including the eye-lids, nose, ears and fingers and it took me like an hour.

    Haven't tried a dog but I'm guessing it would be pretty fast. :)


    Well I have given up on 3d printing all together at the moment. Got A new 2Go and haven't been able to get it to print properly from the start. Wasted to much filament trying to fix it and support is trying to help but no success.

    So i have lost enthusiasm to print.

    Its hard to share stuff when you cant print stuff.


    Hi @labern, what is the latest update on this? Are you already back on your saddle?

    Let me know, maybe I can help too!


    Hi @Sander

    Nope, still have issues. Tried a Gcode file from Valcrow today and it came out really bad.

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