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Posts posted by Labern

  1. As for ini/gcode, maybe it would be cool if the forum could rip the print parameters out and present them in an easily readable table? That would make it easy for people to post their print settings, just upload the file and the forum presents it in a standard way across the site. This could be used in the print upload section as well so that people wouldn't have to fill it in manually.


    You mean like i suggested here https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/12740-cura-settings-post-insert :p

    but you explain it better.

  2. The UM2go's have a new circuit board that allows the fan to be controlled. eg on and off. As older printers didn't have this option it wasn't included in the firmware.

    So FW 15.02 didn't have this option so the fan turns on as soon as the printer is switched on.

    the feature was included in the new firmware 15.04go so that's why you see one turn on at 40deg.

    the 3rd printer may have an issue. upgrade all printers to the new firmware and see if it resolves the issue of with the one not going. If it still doesn't work then check the wiring. You need this to work or you will end up having feeding issues and it will shorten the life of the PTFE coupler.

    Make sure the solder joints on the fan are still connected, then make sure the plug is connected properly with no loose pins. If all ok the check the main board under the machine to see if it has a loose wire or broken solder joint.

  3. Hoi Lutz!

    Ich machte eine kleine Batch von 0.15mm, die sind von einem Japaner gekauft worden! Er schreibt Kanji damit.

    Leider ist mein Werkzeug kaputt gegangen dabei.

    Ich erwarte Teile und werde diese ende Juni wieder liefern können.

    Wenn Du sehen willst was möglich ist, dann sehen was der @labern macht. Er ist eine Autorität kleiner Teile. Mach mal google "worlds smallest drill".

    Mit 025 kannst du Vieles machen. 0.1 u kleinere layer height.

    sweet man, Let me know when you get in smaller nozzles. I have been searching for ones that are smaller.

  4. how do you configure a file to get that resolution ?and what are the specific configurations for the printer im dealing with a simpler shape and having lots of issues

    If you provide a photo or stl of what you are printing and your settings you used in cura. This can then help us know what problems you are having and the best solutions for resolving them.

    Different designs can require different settings to get the best result.

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  5. Generally you don't need to adjust it and shouldn't adjust it at all. If you reduce the bed temp there is the likely hood that the print may come unstuck from the bed. Especially if you turn it off.

    Having the temp to high on parts with low overhangs can cause them to be ugly.

    Have high temp at the start help bed adhesion. but if you need low temp there are still ways to make sure the parts are going to stick.

    I never adjust mine and don't need to, If you have the correct settings then there is no problem.

    Don't worry about leaving it on during a long print, It wont harm anything, But if your worried about running costs then find another hobby :p

  6. Pour régler ce problème de ventilos voici ce que j'ai fait:

    J'ai commencé par tester le model sur youmagine mais comme le support d'origine j'ai des "error heater"

    Alors j'ai découpé et percé certaines parties du nouveau support pour que l'air soit plus diffue sur le plateau mais sans succès :(.


    Du coup j'ai eu l'idée de contourner le problème en confinant le bloc buse plutôt que de chercher une solution au niveau des ventilos.

    En comparant bien le support d'origine et celui que j'avais téléchargé il manque une ailette derrière pour protéger l'arrière du bloc buse.


    J'ai donc repris le dessin de  en ajoutant un petit "balconnet" + quelques petites modifs j'ai imprimé et monté le tout et Bingo!


    Ventilateurs a 100% dés la première couche, la température de la sonde descend de 3 degrés au démarrage des ventilateurs et remonte très rapidement.



    Attention quand même la ventilation est beaucoup plus concentrée et puissante avec le support de Labern.

    Pour ceux qui ont conservé le support d'origine, Le bloc buse Olsson étant plus haut, en cloisonnant un peu mieux l'arrière cela améliorera peut être les choses, mais je n'ai pas testé.

    hi @labern , a new update for your fan support , to delete " Heater error" on the first layer with 100% fan, what do you think of that ?

    Do you think @duriel can publish it on youmagine ?

    Thanks :)

    Attendons la réponse et sinon je t'envoi mon mail en MP.



    yes of course he can. I'm surprised @duriel has had heater errors even on the first layer with 100% fan. Was it not protected enough? as i have been printing 100% fan from first layer a lot printing mini things and haven't had a problem but I understand that everyone's set up is different. I can easily make additions to my design if required, But its good to see that this can be of concern as I am about to proceed in making metal versions and something like this can be included.

  7. This test is meant to be done at 230deg so anything under that will have problems.

    Increasing the E motor current can make it more hot and end up melting the filament at the feeder.

    The "tocking" sound is due to to much pressure build up and it skips backwards to prevent the material from being ground down by the feeder.

    So if this is "Tocking" regularly when printing at the correct temps and speeds means there is something causing to much force for the feeder to feed the material.

    This can come from tangles in the roll or something else after the feeder.

    I recently had the same issue in a new machine and found the PTFE coupler was the problem.

    If you have performed a few good atomic pulls and is clear then you may want to look at what else in line could cause the issue.

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