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Everything posted by darkdvd

  1. Il y a eu combien de couches imprimées au moment de cette photo ?
  2. Non, c'est juste légèrement plus long sur les déjà longues impressions...
  3. Je suppose que tu utilises CURA. Cette trace est due au fait que la buse va se déplacer pour aller remplir la pièce et va passer par dessus une zone déjà imprimée. Tu peux l'éviter en demandant à CURA de faire un "Z Hop When Retracted" et en cochant la case "Avoid Printed Parts When Printing" et en plaçant le "Combing Mode" sur "Not in Skin".
  4. Je plaisante, j'ai longtemps utilisé SketchUp avant de passer a 123D Design...😁
  5. What ??, we're not talking about drivers here, a printer profile isn't a driver. It's a record of the printers physical parameters and the flavour of G-code the firmware is utilizing. Hence why users are getting ticked off when things break, there's no reasonable cause for such things breaking as they do not change. Oups, I was thinking "profile" and I wrote "drivers"'. Sorry. Again WTF ?? Yes : Coming here, on this forum, and doing support on Windows, explaining that you have to make backups, etc ... is not in my ecosystem. I'm not a devoted fan (or maybe I am, after all.... 😁) but the people who built the machines and software I use to work with allow me to interact with them. I can feed back information about the use of the machines and software, submit evolutions and help other users who have the same problems or needs as me: it's new, isn't it? The best part is that they answer me, the contributors, whether they work at Ultimaker or not. When Creality was particularly criticized for not respecting Open Source licenses, they published data on Github. Everyone can see that the activity on github around their publications is close to 0. I still say that Creatily does Open Source washing only. Again, this is MY opinion.
  6. Tu as des faces a l'intérieur de ton objet à la jonction des pelles et des pattes ce qui provoque des incohérences dans le fichier que tu ouvres dans CURA
  7. Je ne vois pas le rapport entre ton problème et Windows 10... Tu as ce problème car ton objet n'est pas fermé ou "étanche" si tu préfères.... Encore une fois, rien a voir avec CURA.
  8. Si CURA dit que ton objet est "ouvert", il faut lui faire confiance, c'est que c'est la cas. Les pelles de ton ancre et les pattes ne sont pas "jointes", comme si il s'agissait d'objets différents (merci wikipedia) Il faut que ton objet soit une seule entité sinon, il y aura une erreur.
  9. I wanted to answer each point but I'm going to make my answer much simpler, whatever. Unlike you (and Creatily), I paid to use CURA by deliberately choosing to invest in Ultimaker printers. Why did I do this? Machine and slicer working perfectly together, which allows me to run x hours of prints in a row without asking myself any questions: it works, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.... even if my machines use different firmware. And I didn't have to modify my printers to print my first object. Worse, I paid and contributed to the evolution of CURA, not by crying because my printer had lost profiles after an update (which happened to me, but I know how to use a computer...): as a CURA user, I needed functions that CURA didn't have: I made a post on github, the need was discussed, evaluated and developed. And all CURA users, including those with Creatily, were able to use these new features. That's participating in CURA and Open Source. Did Creality post something on github? Cool, and ? does that make a contributor to Open Source? I don't think so: have you seen the activity? It's more brain death than participation when you look at the activity. Would you like to talk about Creality vs Marlin and the respect of an Open Source license? Creality has contributed more to selling smoke detectors or fire extinguishers than to Open Source. If Ultimaker made a mistake, it is to publish drivers for other printers instead of manufacturers who, when there is a problem say: it's not our problem, it's the problem of Ultimaker/CURA. The only concern is that it becomes MY problem that I am on this forum: I want to help/advise a user of an Ultimaker printer because it is easier for me if his problem is related to CURA and its UM2/+/3 or Sx! If his problem comes from the driver of his ENDER Vx PRO, from his version of Windows, from the fact that he uses a modified version of CURA, I can't do anything and I don't want to do anything for him : he is not in my ecosystem. My time is as precious as yours. Please Ultimaker, only publish drivers certified by printer manufacturers, like for materials: if I need a filament not listed, I take the TDS from the manufacturer and make my profile and if the printing is failed, it will be my fault, not Ultimaker's. Open a section on this forum for CURA: CURA for Ultimaker printers / Cura for other brands. (And there, @SandervG understands why I ask for the printer to be displayed in the user profile....) At least, if a Creality user has a problem with his printer, he will be able to discuss with other owners of Creality printers and he will feel less alone. Finally, if you are not satisfied with CURA, buy another slicer.
  10. Imagine that you build your own 3D printer from scratch and you want to use CURA: you will create the profile yourself, right? If a beta of CURA is announced, you'll check that the update has no impact on your printer, right? If you realize that it doesn't work, you will ask the question on github and you will correct accordingly, right ? But that's you, not Creality. Don't dream Creality does not invest in anything else than its printers. No exchange with the Open Source world that they use however... they just don't care
  11. I don't work at Ultimaker either, and besides, I am French... We can assume that a manufacturer tests the capabilities of his printer before putting it on the market and he uses a slicer and I'm willing to bet that this slicer is CURA in the majority of cases. Some provide their version of CURA so we can imagine that the right profiles are provided with their version of the slicer, right? When a builder, who provides his version of CURA says on his forum when he is told that the profile is missing for such and such a machine and he is told: "take the profile of this machine and change the size of the buildplate", I find this a bit short answer: not even a "we will integrate the missing profile of OUR printer in the next version", nothing. So no doubt the owner of this printer thought: "if we're going to use CURA, we might as well use the Ultimaker version, right? And bam! As luck would have it, there is a problem with the profile of HIS printer...amazing. However, it is not to the manufacturer of HIS printer who did not provide the profile that he asks for, no, no, no, but to Ultimaker. So a user of a third party printer (Creality for example which provided its version of CURA) finds normal that the manufacturer of its printer does not provide the good profile for its printer but abnormal that Ultimaker does not do it? WTF ? Perhaps the mistake was to want to do too much for the "community" and now the efforts of the CURA developers are turning against them. From my point of view, third party printer profiles should be provided by the printer manufacturers, not by Ultimaker, with a system like for materials in the marketplace, and that's it. Isn't there a profile for your printer? Ask the manufacturer to provide one! The profile doesn't work? Ask the manufacturer why? Your manufacturer doesn't provide a profile at all? Ask your printer community, maybe someone will have it ? If I have a problem with the carburetor of my 1987 mini, I won't ask questions on the BMW forum.
  12. Dans l'idéal, il faudrait avoir une brosse en laiton assez fine pour passer entre la buse et le support de ventilateur basculant. Le principe c'est de faire chauffer la buse à 150° environ et de la frotter avec la brosse : c'est ce que je fais avant chaque impression pendant la montée en température de la buse sur mes UM2 Attention sur la S5 : le ventilateur en façade sert à refroidir les radiateurs des COREs donc quand il est baissé, ils vont monter en température donc il ne faut pas le laisser ouvert plus que quelques secondes !
  13. @Altdorf va être content de savoir qu'il peut lancer le chauffage de la buse et du plateau en même temps, du coup, même si il lui faut investir dans un extincteur si il n'a pas changé la prise qui chauffe et qui risque de foutre le feu à sa machine, son atelier, sa maison... j’hallucine.
  14. @Cuq : c'est quoi l’intérêt d'avoir des résidus qui brûlent tranquillement dans la buse en attendant que le plateau soit à la bonne température ?
  15. Tu es ici sur un forum qui traite particulièrement des imprimantes Ultimaker et par extension, de CURA. Les Ultimakers ont été dimensionnées pour se comporter de cette manière au niveau de l'électronique et de l'alimentation, à savoir faire chauffer le plateau puis la buse sachant que le plateau est l'élément qui est le plus long à mettre en température pour atteindre son point de consigne (quelques minutes). Je pense que tu dois utiliser le CURA fourni par Creality et donc le profile d'imprimante fourni par eux : nul doute qu'il doit être adapté à ton imprimante... Tu peux toujours essayer de bricoler du Gcode pour diminuer des temps que tu trouves trop longs mais tu vas vite atteindre les limites hardware de ta machine : le plateau a une puissance, la cartouche de chauffe aussi sachant que le tout dépend du voltage qui leur est donné (24 volts, a priori) et de l'ampérage de l'alim. De ce que dit Creatily, la consommation d'une Ender est de 270 W et toi tu mesures 304 W... ça dépasse déjà pas mal, non ? Tu peux essayer de bricoler des trucs pour atteindre le but que tu cherches mais mets un extincteur pas loin car ton imprimante risque de rejoindre rapidement le panthéon des Creality qui ont pris feu.
  16. C'est quoi comme imprimante ?
  17. ...c'est peut-être pour éviter de tirer comme une vache sur le bloc d'alimentation, non ? (au secours, un électronicien svp !)
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