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Everything posted by tinydancer

  1. Yeah that sound is strange though as it's never been that loud. And I did the atomic method 5 times before that print and have always printed at that temp with no problems. I'm starting to wonder if the PTFE coupling is knackered as I've put 400 hours on my printer in less than 2 months.
  2. Sorry aboot that, you should be able to see it now.
  3. I uploaded a little video of what I'm seeing here. I'm getting what looks like underextrusion issues on the e-Nable Gauntlet. What is strange is I'm hearing this strange noise that sounds like it's coming from the feeder or a motor in the back. You should hear it at around the 4 second,16 second and 33 second marks. I've never had an issue like this so I'm not sure what the deal is. Layer Height: 0.1mm Shell thickness: 2.0 mm Top/bottom: 2.0mm Infil: 20% Speed: 60mm/s Colorfabb PLA/PHA 205 degrees Video: Any help would be appreciated.
  4. I have had similar issues. It seems to happen more with one particular color than any other which happens to be a roll of colorfabb black, but it has happened a couple of times with a roll of white I have. It could be that I just got a bad batch of it, as I've only had the one roll so far. I seem to never have any issues with other colors. Definitely annoying though.
  5. That's really neat, especially the color spectrum created by the depth of the boxes.
  6. I love it Valcrow! Is that just the spindle part from the motor in there?
  7. Would love to hear that as Netfabb is completely new to me.
  8. Those are some amazing robots KSN! Are the stl files available? Here is the latest Raptor 2.0 Beta, Fusion 360 Edition e-Nable hand I tested for them. Some really nice design changes in this one.
  9. Green Tesla stick? Is that a type of glue to replace using the regular glue stick?
  10. I heard a lot of good things about the Lulzbot when I was first researching printers.
  11. I never thought about switching colors during a print, guess I'll have to try that next. That gun looks great, I'd love to print something like that.
  12. I know asking this is akin to blasphemy, but I'm just wondering what other printers would you own other than another UM2? I'm thinking one of those Form1+ machines might be fun to make tiny, detailed parts, or a Makerbot Z18 for it's huge build volume, but that's too pricey. Who's kidding who, I'd just get another UM2. ;-)
  13. As always guys, great advice and many thanks. And I checked my firmware and I'm currently at version 14.09.0 Man, I love this community!
  14. So I've been having some issues since my feeder jammed, but I think I have resolved that. Although I do still have a question on what the position of the little white slider that's on the feeder should be? I think I put it back to where it was originally but would love to know what the recommended setting is for the UM2. Right now I've having problems with getting the plastic to stick to the bed. I've been trying to print out Robert's feeder but it's failed literally 10 times in a row. I have done the atomic clean 10 times now, changed materials and yet every time I print at some point something doesn't stick to the bed and I end up with a mass of filament on the nozzle. So I'm guessing something with the bed level may be off. I've leveled it the same way I always have (300 hours now on my UM2) but I've always wondered how much tension should be on the paper when you're doing the leveling procedure? I know it's strange to be asking this now but I'm at a loss as to why it keeps failing. Even tried applying some glue (which I usually don't for parts that small) but that doesn't work either. Any help is appreciated, thanks guys!
  15. When I heatup the nozzle and try to move material, it just makes a clicking sound from the feeder so it's not the bed. If you look in the picture, clearly material is not coming out in parts, which makes sense given that moving material doesn't work. I'll try the atomic method some more, but I don't have clear filament. I'll use a different colour though so I can be sure. One question I have about bed leveling is how much resistance should be in place when I level using the piece of paper?
  16. And now it's jammed again. I was able to take it apart and remove the jammed filament and get everything working again, but now it seems to be under-extruding. I'm actually trying to print out Robert's latest feeder, but it starts laying down the bottom layer and then seems to not get enough filament on the bed. Here's a pic, this is my 3rd attempt now. In between attempts 1 and 2 I leveled the bed and did the atomic clean. My settings for the feeder are: Layer height of 0.08 Shell thickness - 1.2 Bottom/Top - 1.2 20% infil 40mm/s print speed. Material is black PLA/PHA from colorfabb. Where should the little white slider be on the feeder? I put it back to approx. where I had it before but maybe the tension is incorrect. Any help would be appreciated, this has been quite frustrating. Update: And now it's not even getting enough material out of the nozzel on the initial extrusion that happens in the corner of the buildplate. It has to be the feeder.
  17. Can you at least describe what you did to fix it as I think this would be helpful to know in the future?
  18. How much heavier is the bed? Just wondering since a significant increase is going to put more stress on the z-axis rod. I'm not an engineer though. Regardless, that's very cool.
  19. ^^^Love those letters Viralata! That bronzefil on the lightsaber looks pretty good. Did you print the black grenade part on its side instead of standing straight up? Maybe it's just the pic or the fact I've been drinking, but the layer lines look horizontal.
  20. I was looking at Robert's post on youimagine site and I still see people talking about it jamming. Maybe it's only a few out of the majority but I'm one of those, "If it isn't broke, don't fix it" kind of people. Since I got mine working again, I'll print out Robert's Version 6 feeder, but I don't see the point in installing it if the stock one is working. Especially since this is my first jam in over 250+ hours of printing. On another note, I did the Atomic method for the first time, man that works really well.
  21. I did print it out a few weeks ago, I was just hesitant to put it together as I'm scared I'll screw something up and put my printer out of commission.
  22. The filament jammed in the feeder and wouldn't budge, so I undid the feeder and just want to make sure I have all the internal components in their correct positions before I put it back together. Is this right?
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