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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. 16 hours ago, MaartenS said:

    The printer warns that this will override the machine settings (for the materials). This is fine for this print, but does it change the material setting only for this print, or is the change definitely on the machine?


    It does not actually "override" the configured materials, it just ignores the material that is selected on the printer. The material configuration on the printer (from the "material" menu) can not be changed with gcode commands - so all-clear on this topic (IMHO).


    On the other hand... all (other) Marlin settings are "sticky" and stay active until the next explicit change. Not all of them are reset at the beginning of a print. This applies (e.g.) for acceleration settings and speed factors.

    That's why it's generally a good idea to reboot the printer between prints with different gcode flavors.


    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, X-Type said:

    First of all a notice on what I assume is some kind of bug. The first extrusion run after every M92 change of the estep value, gives a way off result.


    For older versions of Marlin (like the one that is used in UM2) the current axis position is lost after M92 (or better: is not longer accurate).

    Don't use M92 on its own, always send a subsequent G92 Exxx.xx to reset the position.


    9 hours ago, X-Type said:

    So, I have tested three extrusion lengths 100mm, 200mm and 300mm. It seems the longer extrusion run, the less filament is extruded.


    I don't know the specific reason why you took all these measurements, but i think the used speeds are way to fast and the filament probably just slips more and more the longer the move takes.

    I would use an equal (and lower) speed for all tests. Let's say F180 or even slower (somewhat closer to 'normal' extrusion rates). The variation should be much smaller then.


  3. 15 hours ago, sme said:

    Um Streifen in der Deckschicht zu verhinden verwende ich Z-Hoping.


    Für welchen Drucker ist das gedacht? Z-Hop ist eigentlich nur für Delta-Drucker (und mit Einschränkungen für Dual-Extrusion) hilfreich. Für alles andere eher nich so... dort sollten Retracts ausreichen, um kein unerwünschtes Material zu hinterlassen.


    Mit diesen beiden "Combing"-Optionen (besonders "Max Comb Distance...") kann man das ganz gut beeinflussen:




    15 hours ago, sme said:

    Ich habe Drucke bei denen die Unterseite (1.Schicht) die sichtbare Oberfläche bleibt. Wie kann ich die besonders schön hin bekommen?


    Einen großen Unterschied macht es, wenn die sichtbare Fläche nicht glänzt, sondern matt ist. Dann sieht man die Linien praktisch nicht mehr. Also z.B. nicht auf Glas drucken, sondern auf "Ultimaker Adhesion Sheets", auf Buildtak, PEI-Sheets oder auf ähnlichen "Unterlagen".

    Auf Buildtak sieht's am besten aus (IMHO), ist aber recht teuer.


  4. On 3/28/2020 at 6:43 AM, mrtinfy said:

    even with brim enable in cura only applies to the outer shell of the object


    There should be a setting named "Brim only on outside" - which is probably enabled by default.

    I would disable it and check if it makes a difference.

    (make the setting visible first or use the search function)


  5. 7 minutes ago, toilet-ovule-add said:

    Unfortunately, the message "Heating up PEI Plate" is shown with "Press to Continue" , but then immediately starts printing.


    What kind of printer is this and which version of Cura is used?

    (and because it's not mentioned: are we even talking about Cura...?)


    Be aware that M140 does not wait until the temperature is reached, only M190 does.

    In addition: {print_bed_temperature} is deprecated (for quite some years now) and not a valid variable name for Cura anymore, the line will probably be ignored by the firmware.


    It should be closer to your intention when you swap the sequence to:

    M117 Heating up PEI Plate
    M190 S80 ; wait until 80C are reached
    M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ; set to temperature from Cura - but do not wait


    Your approach from the first post should work too if you correct the variable name.


  6. 4 hours ago, CCA1 said:

    not allow me to have PVA in my list of available materials?


    The technical reason is easy:

    The Mark2 definition inherits from the regular Ultimaker2 plus definition - and Ultimaker has a whole bunch of materials excluded for the latter. See:



    If you want to experiment - copy the marked line from the Ultimaker2 to the "Mark2"- json-file and define your own list. Essentially: overwrite the list with a shorter (or even empty?) list.


  7. 12 minutes ago, CCA1 said:

    Well, I don't know how to disable an extruder in Cura. ??


    There should be a checkbox with the label "Enabled" somewhere...

    I use the "Sidebar plugin" - so it may be in a different position than in my screenshot - but it is there.

    If only one extruder is enabled (or present), Cura no longer adds tool change commands to the gcode and the pre-selected tool should just stay active.

    Personally I don't use Cura for single extrusion prints, but that's what i understood from the posts above? 🤷‍♂️



  8. 14 hours ago, gr5 said:

    @tinkergnome - any ideas?


    Marlin 1.1.x is very different compared to the older versions that are used as the basis for Ultimaker firmware(s). So i can only guess.

    "WATCH_BED_TEMP_PERIOD" has something to do with thermal protection, right?


    "Paused to use" is not to be found in Marlin sources. But there is "busy: paused for user" - which is a normal "keep alive" message that is sent to the printing host while the printer is performing long-lasting operations.


    It's possible to (temporarily) disable "THERMAL_PROTECTION_BED" during the testing period. Just to rule out configuration errors in this area. But don't let it run unattended.

  9. 36 minutes ago, CCA1 said:

    Under "Printer" I can see at the bottom it sais "Start G-code on one side and "End G-code" on the other. Nothing is under any of it and there is no way to click on it to put anything under it. So that begs the question, "Where do I add the info?"


    "Extruder Start G-code" is the wrong place.

    Just increase the size of the "Machine Settings" dialog and click inside of the script frame(s). The script content will "magically" appear by doing this. It's one of several "Cura glitches" IMHO 🤷‍♂️








  10. On 3/16/2020 at 6:10 PM, CCA1 said:

    It is an Ultimaker 2 Extended Plus. Cura 4.5


    Your pictures do not look like the printer definition of an Ultimaker 2+. It looks more like a Mark2, but with an incorrect start script. Was this per mistake or is it somehow intended?


    I would add an "Ultimaker 2 Extended+" afresh to have a good starting point again.

    Or - if the printer is indeed a Mark2 conversion: you could add a new "Foehnsturm Mark2", adjust the z-height or compare/repair the start script.



    Simply use an overlapping "modifier mesh" and select a different extruder for it.


    If you don't want to model your own, you can "misuse" the support blocker mesh like shown in this video (just select the other extruder instead of modifying any settings):



    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Stefan81 said:

    Der UM3+ schmeißt nach der Dateiauswahl bei widerholtem "ignorieren"

    mehrere Fehlermeldungen raus


    Willkommen @Stefan81!


    Die gcode-Dateien sind zwischen den beiden Druckern nicht austauschbar. Ist in Cura jeweils der richtige Drucker ausgewählt?

    Beim Start wird von der Firmware der Datei-"Header" ausgewertet (Kommentarzeilen am Anfang der gcode-Datei). Mindestens der Druckertyp, Printcore(s) und Materialauswahl müssen mit der Auswahl in Cura übereinstimmen.


    Im Zweifel kannst Du eine fragliche (Beispiel-) Datei auch hier hochladen, dann sieht man vielleicht, was damit nicht stimmt.

  13. Standard threads are designed for traditional shape cutting and are quite a challenge for 3D printing in general (because of very steep overhangs that like to curl upwards).


    I think a small "fudge" factor is a good idea. Plastic threads usually need a bit higher tolerances than metal ones.

    There's a reason why trapezoidal and buttress threads are preferred for plastic parts.

    Your prints are looking a bit weird though. Like they are either printed with very thick layers or with activated experimental settings (like "Make overhangs printable").
    All assuming that the bolts are printed in upright standing position...?
    What material is used?

    Take sure that you print those things with max. 0.1mm layer height (better 0.08), not too fast, with as much cooling (fan) as possible and without any tricks or supports.
    It's well doable this way - at least for thread diameters of 8mm or more.

  14. 8 hours ago, zerspaner_gerd said:

    Wenn nicht er, wer dann 😁


    Oh, da bin ich ein ganz schlechtes Beispiel, ich hab diese "Material-Wechsel"-Funktionen seit 2014 nicht mehr benutzt... 😃

    (und die "normale" Tinker-Firmware seit dem Umbau auf Mark2 auch nicht mehr...)


    Beim Material-Laden könnte ich mir noch vorstellen, das im ersten Schritt nicht lange genug gewartet wird. Das neue Material sollte so ca. 20mm im Bowdenschlauch sichtbar sein (oberhalb vom Feeder), bevor man "Continue" auswählt.

    Aber wenn es beim Entfernen auch nicht komplett zurückgezogen wird, kann das ja nicht der einzige Grund sein...?


    Die Länge vom Bowden ändert sich ja beim Umbau nicht, außer für den UM2Go ist sie auch bei allen Firmware-Varianten gleich.

    Ich wechsle das Material meistens von Hand, oder mit der "Material-Move"-Funktion, das finde ich viel einfacher - vor allem, wenn der Drucker irgendwo steht, wo die Rückseite nicht so einfach zugänglich ist.


    Im Zweifelsfall würde ich einfach den Hebel am Feeder kurz nach oben ziehen und das fehlende Stück jeweils von Hand nachschieben / rausziehen.


    Kürzen würde ich da ganz sicher nichts. Es ist auch nicht ganz so einfach, den Bowdenschlauch sauber und genau rechtwinklich abzuschneiden (es gibt aber im "Thingiversum" diverse Vorrichtungen dafür). An der "Eingangsseite" (am Feeder) ist auch noch eine kleine Fase, die ohne das richtige Werkzeug nicht so einfach zu reproduzieren ist.

    Da fällt mir ein: bei der Montage also darauf achten, das die Enden vom Bowdenschlauch nicht vertauscht werden!


    Die Ersatz-Schläuche, die ich hier habe sind außerdem länger als sie laut Doku sein sollten (über 740 statt 705mm), da scheint es also auch Unterschiede zu geben (ich weiß allerdings nicht mehr, wo ich die gekauft habe - das kann also auch Absicht gewesen sein) 🤷‍♂️




  15. 3 hours ago, lucabur said:

    Can anyone please explain me why these options are hidden  with a preset fixed value and how to make them available ?


    AFAIK "Prime Blob" is only usable for newer Ultimaker printers (with gcode flavor "Griffin") - it uses a custom gcode command that is ignored by other printers.


    For all other printers such things are done in the start script. So the solution is: change the coordinates in the start script to take the reduced build area into account.

    If needed you can lookup all gcodes and parameters in the Marlin documentation.

  16. 45 minutes ago, georgp said:

    picks head 2 but then prints everything else with head 1


    @georgp - if sliced with Cura - it's a combination of two things:

    - the start script ends with the first extruder

    - for some reason Cura adds it's own tool change command before the start script, but not afterwards


    I don't know if it is possible to change the start script dynamically depending on the used extruders, probably not.

    I think the easiest way would be to add a second printer in Cura (exclusively used for this case) and change the start script.

    So that it will only prime (and use) the second extruder.


    The following is untested, only to give you an idea:


    G90 ;absolute positioning
    M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
    M107 ;start with the fan off
    M200 D0 T0 ;reset filament diameter
    M200 D0 T1
    G28 Z0; home all
    G28 X0 Y0
    G0 Z20 F2400 ;move the platform to 20mm
    G92 E0
    M104 T0 S0
    M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}
    M104 T1 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0, 1}
    T1 ; move to the 2nd head
    G0 Z20 F2400
    G92 E-7.0
    G1 E0 F45 ;purge nozzle
    G1 X60 Z0.2 F5000 ; move away from the prime poop
    G1 X20 F9000
    M400 ;finish all moves
    ;end of startup sequence


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