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Everything posted by burtoogle

  1. Could you please post a sample stl file that uses the same teeth profile? Thanks.
  2. I'm not sure it's required now, Windows users have reported that you don't have to do that and that Cura and other apps can share the mouse. Probably not.
  3. Hi @QBall1977, thanks for chipping in, that's all good info. Just to clarify one tiny point, you can run the AppImage from the command line when you have a terminal window open on an X Windows display. But I get the point that you need to have a desktop running. Incidentally, the PI4 that I use to build the Cura releases is accessed remotely using VNC and Raspbian does make it very easy to run headless remote desktops. I also have two SV01 printers, one connected to a Pi2 the other to a PI3. Both of those PIs are running Raspbian and have Octoprint installed. Neither have screens attached but I can access their desktops using VNC.
  4. Download the latest Linux-armhf AppImage from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0 While you are there read the README.md file. In a terminal window, enter: sudo apt-get install libgles-dev Make the downloaded AppImage executable by either using a file manager program or in a terminal using chmod +x. You should now be able to run the AppImage by either typing its name in a terminal window or clicking on it in a file manager. Hope this helps!
  5. The problem is that the model is not "watertight" which means the polygons that define the model's surfaces have one or more gaps between them. If you install the mesh tools plugin from the marketplace, you will see this message when you load a bad model...
  6. Sharpest corner really doesn't work reliably for a lot of models. As you have found, user specified works better.
  7. If your chromebook supports running Linux which a lot of them do these days then you can run the Linux AppImage. Here's a thread that talks about running Cura on a chromebook
  8. I should think that it is due to the regression in the polygon simplification that has caused other quality issues. I believe they are working on a fix. In the meantime you may wish to try one of my builds which does a lot of stuff differently to the UM builds and may produce better results (YMMV). My builds are available from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0. Please read the README.md file there before using.
  9. LOL! Anyway, did you try the gcode I posted above, it shows fewer artifacts than your images show.
  10. If not Windows, what does it have? If Linux, just use a Linux release.
  11. Must just be a happy side-effect of some change I have made in the last couple of years. I don't think that, in general, my Cura is noticeably faster than UM Cura. If anything, I prefer to get better gcode quality rather than quick slicing.
  12. I looked at the gcode with another viewer and it has fewer artifacts than what you show above so it could be worth printing. Here's the gcode ... DGO_F5aussen.gcode
  13. Use another slicer, Cura doesn't support that infill pattern.
  14. Thanks for the file. Firstly, the model is not manifold and so I would not expect it to print correctly. Having said that, I sliced it using my Cura and cannot see the artifacts you show above. I loaded the gcode into S3D and it looks pretty good. Perhaps you should try my 20200424 release ?
  15. To be reliably printable, models have to be watertight (aka manifold) which means that the edges of the polygons must join up to leave no gaps (for the water to get in/out). If a model is not manifold, it may possibly still be printable depending on the extent of the non-manifold regions and also exactly how the slicer processes the model. So it may be printable using slicer X but not with slicer Y.
  16. Hello @Torti. Unfortunately, your 3mf file is empty, please try again, do File -> Save. Thanks.
  17. Sorry, I know nothing about that final temp setting. Yes, absolute x/y/z positioning is the default.
  18. And if you are still having problems with the print quality, please post the project file so I can slice it, thanks.
  19. No problem, make sure you try the very latest release 20200424 (from yesterday) as it contains the fixes for a couple of regressions that are in 4.6. Note that my releases are built from the upstream development branches with my own changes so they don't correspond exactly to the UM releases.
  20. Hello @kayazuki, sorry I don't know why you can't create a material with a dia of 1.75mm. Could you please provide a project file (do File->Save and attach the .3mf to this thread. Thanks.
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