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Everything posted by burtoogle

  1. Looks like the model's normals are wrong. Install the Cura mesh tools plugin from the marketplace and that provides options to check the model for errors and also to repair the normals.
  2. Slicing this model using the current Cura doesn't produce a solid result. Perhaps the problem was fixed somewhere along the way?
  3. You could try building using my versions of the cura-build-environment and cura-build repos. They are both at github.com/smartavionics. If you check out those repos and use the mb-master branches in both it will build exactly the same as used in my arm releases. Perhaps you can then modify the build to be suitable for your hardware. Assuming all the prerequisites are installed, in cura-build-environment do mkdir build, cd build, . ../run-cmake.sh, make. That downloads and builds Qt, Python, etc. Once that has finished (takes a few hours), in cura-build do similar, mkdir build, cd build, . ../run-cmake.sh, make. That actually builds the AppImage. Good luck!
  4. Don't tell me, the laptop's running Windows?! Anyway, glad the Pi release is working well. It's a shame but I don't think the preview display will ever be any better because of the low level of OpenGL supported by the Pi4 hardware. Still, it's a lot better than not working at all.
  5. Correct. It is packaged just like the UM releases and so should install just like those. Other than scanning the README.md file (you already have), I don't think there is anything else you need to know. Good luck!
  6. Hello Brian, those releases are built from UM's development source (the master branches) with a bunch of bug fixes and, IMHO, improvements that I have worked on. So they are basically what is going to be in the next UM cura release with the additions/fixes that I have added. Nearly all of the changes I have made are offered to UM for incorporation in their releases but, for various reasons, they don't accept quite a lot of the stuff I have done so my releases have diverged somewhat from the UM releases. Anyway, my releases can be installed alongside the UM releases without conflict. You only ever need to install the most recent release as it contains all the changes in the previous releases. Whether they are trustworthy or not, it's not for me to say, but I haven't yet received any complaints that running my Cura has sent the contents of the user's PC to China. YMMV.
  7. Thanks for the project file. I think what is going wrong is that there are Cura bugs that cause the outlines to go all "low poly" when the model is very high resolution and the max deviation settings is small. I know that sounds paradoxical but it's true. If you increase the values of max resolution and max deviation the outline should become smoother but then the detail in the model can get lost. Alternatively, you can install one of my Cura builds that has the bugs fixed. You can get a build from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0 Please read the README.md file there. Here's what I see when I slice your project using exactly the same settings and my Cura...
  8. Sorry, those .3mf files are not project files as they only contain the model and no settings. Please just save a single project using (File -> Save) and attach just that .3mf file. Thanks.
  9. Is it possible to provide the project file? If so, please save it (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.
  10. Really? sounds weird, please attach a sample gcode file that shows the issue.
  11. Can you please attach one of the STL files you are having a problem with to this thread?
  12. I was asked to implement the Schwarz P and Schwarz D TPMS infill patterns by a user who wishes to compare their properties with the already implemented Gyroid pattern. This I have just done and so I'm just letting people know in case anyone wants to give them a go. This is Schwarz P ("Primitive") and I don't think it is so good for general infill as it requires a lot of travels because each layer consists of a bunch of closed loops. This is Schwarz D ("Diamond") and, like Gyroid, each layer consists of wavy lines so it requires fewer travels. Both of these patterns have shallow slopes and so to get the best visual quality they should be printed using thin layers and fat lines (i.e. 0.1mm and 200% infill flow). A known issue is that the Connect Infill Lines setting doesn't work very consistently with these patterns. More work required, there. As ever, my Cura builds can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0 Please read the README.md file there. For more info on TPMSs, a good page is http://facstaff.susqu.edu/brakke/evolver/examples/periodic/periodic.html All feedback is welcome!
  13. Thanks for the file. When I slice this, I don't see a large diagonal travel move over the skin. Could you please also attach the gcode that has the problem. Thanks.
  14. Please save the project (File -> Save) and then attach the .3mf file to this thread. Perhaps if we can see the model and settings then we can suggest further remedies.
  15. Have you tried setting combing to "no skin" ? That should help keep travels away from flat areas.
  16. Isn't the requirement that model vertical dimensions are a multiple of the layer height true for all fdm printers?
  17. Try using a different layer height. Also, you could try changing the experimental slicing tolerance setting. That affects the number of layers.
  18. They're not errors, they're warnings. TBH, I think that message could be removed now as it pops up from time to time and it doesn't correlate with any actual print issues. i.e. it's not as if when that message appears someone gets a duff print.
  19. I sliced c5 OK, it took quite a long time (729 seconds) on my not terribly powerful PC.
  20. Hi, I am the originator of those messages and they do not indicate a big problem. You can ignore them. I will try slicing the parts you are having a problem with and report back.
  21. If the machine accepts "standard" gcode, then Cura should be able to slice for it. Do you know what controller/firmware the machine uses?
  22. Set minimum support area to a suitably low value and it will support those fingers.... No need to involve programmers!
  23. The bug(s) are in the model. The skirt goes under the model because the base of the model is not flat. If you lower the model into the buildplate a tiny amount then the skirt goes around the whole model. The model also has other issues as you can see.
  24. Please attach the stl file to this thread.
  25. There are two settings in Cura that affect how models are simplified. By simplified, I mean that the number of vertices in the outlines are reduced which has the effect of increasing the length of the remaining lines that make up the outline. Max Resolution - vertices will be removed so that the remaining lines are not smaller than max resolution as long as doing so would not cause the resulting outline to deviate by more than Max Deviation. Max Deviation - the maximum amount the outline is allowed to deviate from the original shape when vertices are removed. In practice, Max Deviation is in control because if that is small, the vertices will tend not to be removed even though the remaining lines are shorter than Max Resolution. You need to make both Max Resolution and Max Deviation larger to get that "low poly" effect. Hope this helps.
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