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Everything posted by Cuq

  1. have the look to this discussion , we are on the same subject:
  2. In my case I will use the Settings of the extruders[0] for platform_adhesion, support, meshfix ,blackmagic ,experimental and Machine and the individual extruders for the other settings Have a look to my modified solution :https://github.com/5axes/CuraSettingsWriter/blob/master/HtmlCuraSettings.py
  3. If you are using a creality printer, on 4.4 the creawsomemod have been integrated in Cura. The printers definition now integrates accelerations and maxspeeds so theoritical printing times is now more accurate. Anyway if it's a problem of time calculation the settings are not avalaible from the cura regular settins, but hidden in the configuration JSON files
  4. For the machine category sounds logical as they are global settings, but the temperatures should be linked to the extrudeur. Anyway that's clear this code must be improved for a dual exturder. But it should be not so difficult on my point of view.
  5. Yes I'm sorry it was indeed the "Custom Support" function. In your case the solution could be to use the "Modify Settings" function . You can specify "No support" for the whole part and in the lower area set the parameter "Generate support" to ON and define your "Support Overhang Angle" as you wish ?
  6. Yes it's call "custom support". Available in the Marketplace.
  7. In 4.5 you need to uncheck the option Infill only, it's not very different. On the same computer, you can have several cura release running in the same Times. Don't be afraid to install the last release if you don't uninstall in the same times the previous one.
  8. You can find some plugins on github to export your profile under an HTML Document (in this case only values are exported. It's a full description without formula so every setting is easy to figure out) https://github.com/johnnygizmo/CuraSettingsWriter A curapackage for Cura 4.6 for this plugin can be found there : https://github.com/5axes/CuraSettingsWriter/blob/master/Package/HTMLCuraSettings-v7.0.0-2020-06-12T16_31_19Z.curapackage You just have to drag and drop this file into Cura (4.6.1) for a direct installation. It creates an extra menu option under File -> "Save Project..." that allows you to save all of the settings to an HTML file for review/sharing.
  9. Hello, Cura 4.6.1 Condition 1 : You must use the option "Cutting Mesh" for the Modify settings overlaps function and not Infill mesh only Condition 2 : As you have already fixed some values for the speeds you must change each individual speed values and not only the global Print Speed value. Condition 3 : If your part is small don't forget that the cooling settings : Minimum Layer Time and Minimum Speed can limite your print speed.
  10. Il me semble avoir eu aussi une merde pour les faire apparaitre en 4.6.1 ... Si tu as une version précédente (4.5) essaye avec cette version. Sinon Essaye de relancer un projet en repassant sur un profil par défaut : Exemple Standard Quality. Moi j'avais fais ça et il étaient revenus. C'est vrai qu'il y a un truc pas clair sur ces valeurs. Parce que si tu les changes alors "Position de la jointure en Z devient inactif" mais seulement si tu change les deux ... C'est pas très clair le mécanisme derrière tout ça
  11. oui c'est ceux là que je parle .. il sont dans coque et il faut etre en mode utilisateur spécifié pour l'alignement de la jointure. Les valeurs X et Y sont par rapport aux Zéro plateau donc coin en bas à gauche . Ca marche assez bien mais il faut souvent y aller par talonnement (enfin moi j'ai du mal à définir du premier coup )
  12. En fixant la position x et y ca devrait marcher
  13. Hello, The support blocker function is not a plugin, it's a regular function delivered with the standard package of cura.
  14. A) Generate a STL model with a smaller tolerance in your CAD software Or B) Use a line with for the inner walls smaller than 0.4 : Ie 0.35
  15. Hello, Are you using the last release 4.6.1 ? Try to set the Wall Line Count to 0 on the settings of your infill mesh
  16. using a line width of 0.39 and not 0.4
  17. Première étape régler l'extrudeuse ca revient à régler les pas de l'extrudeuse ( Tube bowden débrancher, demander à extruder 100 mm de fil et regarder que l'on a bien les 100mm qui sortent) si ce n'est pas le cas régler en faisant une règle de 3 les pas du moteur qui pilote l'extrusion (E step) . Ensuite régler le débit dans Cura pour ne pas etre en sur-extrusion méthode habituel faire un cube vide sans dessus et ni dessus et mesurer avec 2 ou 3 largeur de contour si l'on a la bonne valeur et corriger avec le paramètre débit dans Cura.
  18. An other origin to your issue can be in the section Experimental -> Make Overhang Printable
  19. In my case Cura 4.6.1 : Your model with the option Unchecked /Checked
  20. surextrusion .. régler le débit et les E step de la machine
  21. As this model doesn't have any issue as well as I don't have any problem to slice it. I think you have activated in your profil the option Mesh Fixes-> Remove All Holes. Uncheck this option to get the right result
  22. tested with class InterCallObject: def __init__(self): self.finish_event = threading.Event() self.result = None def call_on_qt_thread(func): def _call_on_qt_thread_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): def _handle_call(ico, *args, **kwargs): ico.result = func(*args, **kwargs) ico.finish_event.set() inter_call_object = InterCallObject() new_args = tuple([inter_call_object] + list(args)[:]) Logger.log("d", "new_args = %s", new_args) CuraApplication.getInstance().callLater(_handle_call, *new_args, **kwargs) inter_call_object.finish_event.wait() return inter_call_object.result return _call_on_qt_thread_wrapper but inter_call_object.finish_event.wait() enter in a infinite loop
  23. Thanks for your answer .. but your explanation are far away from my knowledges in Python .. So I will wait a wild and expted to find one day such type of sample code on Github 🙂
  24. tested also with : thumbnail_buffer = QBuffer() thumbnail_buffer.open(QBuffer.ReadWrite) thumbnail_image = self._snapshot thumbnail_image.save(thumbnail_buffer, "PNG") filehandle = open(Filename, 'w+b') filehandle.write(thumbnail_buffer.data()) filehandle.close() Same result
  25. Thanks for your answer @nallath; I don't think it's an issue from the function snapshot. Because if I use the UFP Writer plugin , the result is correct ( first ) image. And normaly my code start from the same source .. But there is a real problem when I write the PNG file. I'm thinking of an initialization that isn't done or a difference between the Save and Write method used in the UFP plugin code. But I can't figure out what's missing. thumbnail_buffer = QBuffer() thumbnail_buffer.open(QBuffer.ReadWrite) thumbnail_image = self._snapshot thumbnail_image.save(thumbnail_buffer, "PNG") thumbnail.write(thumbnail_buffer.data()) versus thumbnail_image = self._snapshot thumbnail_image.save("C:/temp/thumbnail.png", "PNG")
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