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Everything posted by Cuq

  1. And this is just with the "official" plugins but if you add also your other source code on Github it's certainly much more. Thank's a lot for your contribution. You are definitly a great source of inspiration.
  2. Hello, I'm absolutly not sure of that but using -s option ? like : -s mesh_rotation_matrix="[[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]]"
  3. I think I can understand now your remark 🙂 he seem's to be the king of copy/past except for the section "Donate to the plugin developer!" this part of the source code is definitly his own 🤣
  4. Tips & Tricks : Using the OpenScad interface and the basic 'Text' function to create rapid custom support, without too many CAD effort. // Support text // Support V Y E TextParam = "Y"; // Text Text_Size = 12; // Text size Text_Thickness = 4; // Text thickness Radius = 0.5; // Text radius fnt = "Arial:style=Regular"; // Police texte $fn=100; color("Red") minkowski() { rotate([90,0,0]) { linear_extrude(height = Text_Thickness) { text(text = TextParam, size = Text_Size, font = fnt ); } } cylinder(r=Radius,h=0.5); } Using Letter : Y, V, E
  5. Hello, Is it possible to set the "Drop Down Support Mesh" on a imported mesh automaticaly to off ?
  6. It's normal, using this function to modify the settings in case of Cutting Mesh is a little bit tricky. In your configuration on the Cube you must set (same as on my image in the previous post): Top Layers : Normal Bottom Layers : 0 In the regular Profil Top Layers : 0 Bottom Layers : Normal
  7. Looks like you have activated the option "Infill Mesh Only" you must be in "Cutting Mesh" for this type of settings
  8. Just curious , normaly on Ender3 in the firmware configuration the MAXTEMP is set to 150°C and HEATER to 275°C #define BED_MAXTEMP 150 As most of the times the material_print_temperature is always upper to 180/190°C using M190 S{material_print_temperature} should have protected your printer from accidental overheating by going over the BED_MAXTEMP limit. What was your print temperature in that case ?
  9. Just curious . What are the benefits/uses to place the models randomly on the build plate ?
  10. Yes strange ? Using an other configuration ( different machine) I have also an issue by using 0 as value but not so critical ? But one solution to solved this problem is simply use not 0 but 0.001 Should not make a big difference and it's solved your problem. Or just use a regular value for the support overhang angle : 45° why do you use this very low value of 30° ? in your case even a 70° should be fine to get a correct result and in this case you don't need using some stop support blocks
  11. When you import a model into Cura where several part are in the same STL file, the geometry is considered as a single part. That's why you get this result. But if you stack the same part from two different model in this case Cura knows that it's two part and you get the second result . Hereafter the same geometry but on the right it's one STL import and 2 in the first left case.
  12. Oup's ... finally it was just an issue of PATH declaration on my computer. It works now ! (With basic file still have issue with some advanced SCad)
  13. Could be a great Plugin if it was possible to load a Scad File. But with every SCAD file ( Except the sample file present in your source code) I always get the same Message : File Not valid ! . Even with a basic Script (A calibration cube creation) I've got an error message and this script is not very different from the sample file. // Calibration cube 20x20 font = "Arial:style=Bold"; cube_size = 20; letter_size = 10; letter_height = 2; o = cube_size / 2 - letter_height / 2; module letter(l) { color("Yellow") linear_extrude(height = letter_height) { text(l, size = letter_size, font = font, halign = "center", valign = "center"); } } difference() { color("gray") cube(cube_size, center = true); translate([0, -o, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) letter("X"); translate([o, 0, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) letter("Y"); translate([0, 0, o]) letter("Z"); } Note this script run fine on OpenSCAD version 2019.05 . Herewith the script and the STL generated from OpenSCAD CalibrationCube.scad.zip CalibrationCube.stl
  14. Yes you are right in this case the number of layer must be 200. And this is what we have in a normal configuration. But in your case you have certainly modify one parameter in the experimental section. This parameter is call Slicing Tolerance , by default it's set to Middle but in your case should be change to Exclusive and in this case the result is 198 layers
  15. YES!!!! I finaly got the solution . The printing parameters are not define in the cura.po file but in fdmprinter.def.json.po so the catalog must be specified as : i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("fdmprinter.def.json") from UM.i18n import i18nCatalog i18n_catalog = i18nCatalog("fdmprinter.def.json") #: fdmprinter.def.json # msgctxt "support_extruder_nr_layer_0 label" -> Context # msgid "First Layer Support Extruder" -> Key # msgstr "Extrudeuse de support de la première couche" -> translated text definition_key=key + " label" untranslated_label=stack.getProperty(key,"label") translated_label=i18n_catalog.i18nc(definition_key, untranslated_label)
  16. some help from : Uranium translation Guide https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/blob/master/docs/translations.md https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/blob/master/UM/i18n.py def i18nc(self, context: str, text: str, *args: Any) -> str: """Mark a string as translatable and provide a context for translators. :param context: The context of the string, i.e. something that explains the use of the text. :param text: The text to mark translatable. :param args: Formatting arguments. These will replace formatting elements in the translated string. See python ``str.format()``. :return: The translated text or the untranslated text if it was not found in this catalog. """
  17. On the Web page you have the full list of avalaible Plugin. In Cura only the list of plugin avalaible with your Cura Release . So if you are using an old release it's normal to have an access limited to some existing plugin
  18. 1) Flow 2) Acceleration / Jerk 3) Print speed looks too hight for a ender 5 ... 80 mm/s is on my point of view on the upper limit
  19. Now available from the marketplace, no need to download and drag&drop the package in Cura https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/HTMLCuraSettings
  20. print_information = CuraApplication.getInstance().getPrintInformation() MAterial=0 # materialWeights for Mat in list(print_information.materialWeights): MAterial=MAterial+Mat # Print time P_Time = "%d d %d h %d mn"%(print_information.currentPrintTime.days,print_information.currentPrintTime.hours,print_information.currentPrintTime.minutes)
  21. Good suggestion but i will use : GelValStr="{:.4f}".format(GetVal).rstrip("0").rstrip(".") 5 is too much for me. And I don't really see the benefits of a CSV format if it's just to open in Excel . An HTML file is much more easy to open directly in Excel compare to an CSV file (Just my point of view)
  22. This version was made two years ago , so some modification must be made to be reconized by the current release of cura. I recommand to switch to my fork : https://github.com/5axes/CuraSettingsWriter you will find a curapackage ready to install (Just download it and drag and drop into your cura windows) : https://github.com/5axes/CuraSettingsWriter/blob/master/Package/HTMLCuraSettings-v7.0.0-2020-06-12T16_31_19Z.curapackage
  23. last curapackage : https://github.com/5axes/CuraSettingsWriter/blob/master/Package/HTMLCuraSettings-v7.0.0-2020-06-12T16_31_19Z.curapackage Download it and drag& drop in the Cura windows for installation ( 4.6)
  24. have the look to this discussion , we are on the same subject:
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