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Everything posted by Cuq

  1. I don't know where you have seen the mention of a "Save To" ? In every documentation we talk about the "Save Project" function
  2. I would say : a bottleneck caused by the USB protocol itself
  3. https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/34888-arc-welder-anti-stutter-plugin/ ?
  4. No using the windows version should not generate any issue. No one reported a problem on windows
  5. With my last subtmission this is the 50th plugin avalaible in the market place . This is an opportunity for me to sincerely thank @Ultimaker for the service provided even to non-customers. I would also like to thank especially @nallath and @ahoeben for the help brought on these developments and for the bases of several of these plugins which allowed me to concretize some of my ideas. Cuq
  6. yes 4.8 and just what you can see in the image -> Support placement : everywhere
  7. The "bug" comes from your settings. With a normal configuration there is no problem to use these file as a Custom support.
  8. Thanks @nallath for your answer. I'm not totaly sure but I think I have found the origine of this issue.
  9. I'm not sure of that the the property support_mesh_drop_down is set on the machine level. Trying to set to false. But the result is always the same. machine_manager = CuraApplication.getInstance().getMachineManager() global_stack = machine_manager.activeMachine global_stack.setProperty("support_mesh_drop_down", "value", False) But on the global stack the property is set to False :
  10. Yes something like this : getFanSpeed = global_stack.extruders[0].getProperty("cool_fan_speed", "value")
  11. Hello, I have some problems to change the property of a support_mesh into support_mesh_drop_down . I always have the Drop down support mesh checked in the Per object settings panel ? Any advice would be welcome. Cuq
  12. Very good solution, Like that you can also manage files you don't want to save like the log file the compiled python file etc via the .gitignore , Very smart and clever I love it !
  13. Finally for this type of studies there are one solution : Switch to PrusaSlicer. There, you can export the result of your sliced model into an OBJ file.
  14. I'm personnaly using this formula to calculate not the flow but the "real" wall thickness , and it's rather correct.
  15. Thanks to the work of @burtoogle, you can find a 32 bits version on the base of a 4.8 release here : https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura Just take care of your Opengl drive release on such "old hardware"
  16. If you want to go other this limit you must change in the JSON file voron2_base.def.json this line : Change the maximum_value_warning and by the way the maximum_value
  17. YES , First Alpha release of Cura Arachne engine . Finally something new in the Cura world. Christmas is a little early this year. Love It ! https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/Arachne_engine_alpha
  18. It is not a question of layer thickness but of nozzle size and line width ... We do not have any information about nozzle and line width. It would be more efficient to share your project instead of the STL file. My point of view wtih the actual information : The dimension of the grey element are equal to your nozzle size = 0.4 You can reduce the line width to 0.35 or change the geometry of the grey element. If you reduce the line width take care of the parameter : "Outer Wall Inset"
  19. A little bit late, but it could be useful for others. It doesn't work because your profile is defined on a Creality basis and not fdmprinter like the sovol SV01 machines have been declare in Cura. I don't know where it comes from but since it is not intended for this machine Cura can't associate it with your machine. On top of that SV01 are using the quality definition type of a basic fdm printer so it reconize "normal" quality_type but for Creality printer this quality_type is call "standard".
  20. For a better Gap filling solution don't need to wait 3 months , use the @burtoogle Master Cura Release (aka smartavionics on Github) https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura
  21. Thanks, any clue for a sample code source which already do that ?
  22. Perhaps you should post one of your curaprofil to help people to understand your issue with invalid profile
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