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Everything posted by BiMNrd

  1. I second scott's request. depending on what you are printed the bounding box is not enough.
  2. Mine does too.. has dimples on the font panel that the printers in the photos dont heh🤣 🙄
  3. Would this be acceptable? And the put it in a wate tight tool box (pelican case type)
  4. So the company is changing their logo? Im confussed.
  5. Hi guys, trying to learn from others here a bit. So nylon will take in moinsture after being printed, but that will not impact its strength and mechanical properties?
  6. I am not sure. I used the default UM profiles for temp. I have to see how the PVA or if it dissolved from the last print I posted.
  7. Does it make sense to build woth a prime tower ? Maybe I can make it larger in diameter so that it doesnt break. Im wondering if the "wasted" material is worth it in terms of print results.
  8. I have done two print so far with my new UM S5. I noticed that both time that printer seem to drag the PVA and regular filament and create stringing. I am wondering if there is a setting that will help me keep the prints clean. first time I tired to use a prime tower and it was horrible, the tower broke and I ended up with a print that looked like it had hairs coming from it. see below second time, you can see the PVA is sort of stringed over the black pla. Thank you in advance.
  9. Thanks, the reminds me of the days I had to model a skirts on my models so that they would stick in a CUBE PRO from 3dsystems. Lol
  10. Great, I printer a small test model yesterday. I did it at 0.1 layer height with the 0.4 core. Worked well enough I dont think I will used the 0.2 core I ordered. I used a brim and 5 hr later it come out. Everything good so far. Loving this printer, it is a little slow though (5hrs) compared to my other abs printer. Cant wait until I get the white PLA on Monday to reprint it "full size"
  11. @Stefania Dinea , a skirt doesnt seem to do anything other then draw a separate outline. Is that really better than a brim?
  12. Thank you very much. I will look into the VPN.
  13. Thanks, in ordering regular white PLA and 0.2 print head.
  14. Thanks, so lets say I want to use UM materials this time. Pla or tough pla? Have you tried any of those?
  15. Hi guys, I am at work and have left my printer printing at home. I was hoping to use the ultimaker app to keep and eye on my printer. Is this not possible while being away? would it work if I assign an IP to my printer that I can access remotely (like you would with a NAS) ? I was hoping there was some easy p2p connection.
  16. Hi guys, I need to print an Arch project in my S5. I am wondering that will give me the best result. planning to print a .06mm layer height with 0.4 nozzle using PVA. Maybe I'ill try "Normal" if the time get absurd. I want the final model to be white and not necessarily too shiny - essentially what I have seen in the marketing material for Ultmaker arch models. @SandervG @Stefania Dinea Thank you
  17. Thank you, I noticed that you can manually override it. So I was thinking that depending of the detail and featured on the part (curves and holes) you could slow it down a little to bet better resolution or fidelity?
  18. Found it, thank you guys. And thank you for the raft recommendation.
  19. I noticed the feed-rate setting for the extrudes. What is "normal" and would be considered too slow? I am gusseting that just like in CNC this has to do with the filament being printed? Thank you
  20. Hi there, then I type 1mm in the Z input to raise my model from the build plate, Cura drops it back down. Is there a checkbox of toggle I need to enable? I want to print my parts suspended by PVA 100% like I do on my other printer. Thank you
  21. Wow those are really ugly prints...
  22. I received this printed as a second replacement from my local reseller. First printer has scratches and scuffs. Now this second printer is showing imprint and dents (I can see and feel them) on the front panel from the bearing seats behind it. This is not what I would expect of a 5K+ product. I really want to give this brand a try, so please Ultimaker offer a solution.
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