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  1. Hi 3DP folks, i'm working on my custom DIY IDEX, Trying really hard to get the output prints in Dual mode, duplication mode so far, but bit struggling with mirror mode and Pre-Processing scripts of tool change, i'm using Cura 4.3 & Marlin 1.1. My printer is of bowden cable (indirect) type open fff 3D Printer, construction is more or less similar to hictop & formbot. Can someone help with G codes scripts or Profiles please..!!
  2. Oh Thanks Bracco, I'm new here and felt nice to connect with u. I'm from India - Hyderabad any suggestions for IDEX, I want to follow someone who knows or working on IDEX!? If u don't mind, Can you explain what exactly is Slicer control & Auto-parking modes affect the prints.
  3. hey Bracco, Thank you so much for the quick response, Finally someone who can understand my problem. Yes u r right, i'm using IDEX (custom fff 3DP DIY IDEX) Have been working on this since 3 months, Getting good results but still can see the fusion marks of two materials left by ooze. After my keen observation i came to know that whenever there is a tool switch the extruder is going on to the part and again moving out for the prime tower causing deposition of one material on other. Need some support for post G code control, Tried the plugin which u gave already, its available with BCN3D plugin. Thanks for the suggestion and can u figure out where i am missing to get perfect prints. Also suggest something for mirror mode, i'm using cura 4.3 & Marlin 1.1 Thanks in advance!!
  4. Hi 3DP folks, I'm a 3DP lover and likes cura soo much. For dual extruder case, i need some suggestions regarding. "Whenever nozzle switching happens, The tool head is coming to the bed center where part is located, passing through the print and then going to the prime tower, this time gap is creating to ooze more in ideal time, i have used first layer temp, default printing temp, nozzle switch temp and standby temp all equal and as low as 190 degree. My question is.., 1) How to bring the hot end directly to prime tower with out passing through the Printing part?" 2) Is there any G code over ride or expression variable to enable start G code to go to prime tower directly. I have tried in Start G code extruder 1 with G01 X200 Y200(same location of prime tower) but still again nozzle behavior is same like passing through the print then going to prime tower address and coming back with ooze. 3) Finally i tried with Ooze shield, one thing noticed is whenever nozzle switch is there, the nozzle directly comes into part, without printing ooze shield which i think is not correct, if the path is along ooze shield and then it is coming into path then only ooze can be controlled. Request not to suggest with both Ooze shield and prime tower which will take more time, also i tried with nozzle wiping using brass brush making a parking location, even it hasn't worked out. Please have a look into it to resolve, will be eagerly waiting for your reply.
  5. Hi ahoeben, i'm working on my custom DIY IDEX, Trying really hard to get the output prints in Dual mode, duplication mode so far, but bit struggling with mirror mode, i'm using Cura 4.3 & Marlin 1.1. My printer is of bowden type open fff 3D Printer, more or less like hictop & formbot. Can someone help with G codes scripts or Profiles please..!!
  6. thanks for the quick reply maht, will try and get back to u soon
  7. Hi 3DP folks, I am trying to work on Duplication/Mirror mode prints in IDEX with the help of CURA, Can some one please provide any G code how to enable Duplication/Mirror mode. I was unable to use the potential of M605 S0/S1/s2/s3. Can somebody help me with G codes!? I tried with Simplify3D, Its working pretty good. but i need the G code or procedure to print in CURA.
  8. Hi 3DP folks, I'm a 3DP lover and likes cura soo much. For dual extruder case, i need some suggestions regarding. "Whenever nozzle switching happens, The tool head is coming to the bed center where part is located, passing through the print and then going to the prime tower, this time gap is creating to ooze more in ideal time, i have used first layer temp, default printing temp, nozzle switch temp and standby temp all equal and as low as 190 degree. My question is.., 1) How to bring the hot end directly to prime tower with out passing through the Printing part?" 2) Is there any G code over ride or expression variable to enable start G code to go to prime tower directly. I have tried in Start G code extruder 1 with G01 X200 Y200(same location of prime tower) but still again nozzle behavior is same like passing through the print then going to prime tower address and coming back with ooze. 3) Finally i tried with Ooze shield, one thing noticed is whenever nozzle switch is there, the nozzle directly comes into part, without printing ooze shield which i think is not correct, if the path is along ooze shield and then it is coming into path then only ooze can be controlled. Request not to suggest with both Ooze shield and prime tower which will take more time, also i tried with nozzle wiping using brass brush making a parking location, even it hasn't worked out. Please have a look into it to resolve, will be eagerly waiting for your reply.
  9. Dear galaxie, explain step by step where to install or enable this cura.log
  10. Hi even i am facing a similar issue of oozing over second part due to first hot end even after switching at different temp and retraction settings, if u have figured out any solution please let me know the generic codes or any other alternative. Thanks in advance
  11. @ahoeben, Yes i have tried already with various temp & retraction settings also, can u suggest any G-code where i can get my hot end nozzles redirect to prime tower instead of passing through the printable part, Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi 3D Printing folks, Got an issue while Printing with Dual nozzle(Chimera type) Whenever i am printing dual colored prints in PLA at 190-220 degrees on both nozzles with prime tower using 4.5-6.5mm retraction settings still the oozing is high. Have tried with different temp & Retraction settings. The first hot end is passing through the print and then going to the prime tower, forming to ooze more, Can some help me how to bring the hot end directly to prime tower with out halting over the Printing part? Have tried with few G-Codes, Please let me know what can be done, Thanks in Advance !!
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