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Everything posted by jsw

  1. I'm very much interested in this too. I would love to have the static IP function, but with all of the horror stories of people 'bricking' their machines, I held off when the prompt appeared. I would definitely appreciate some kind of a 'safety net' in case the upgrade fails.
  2. I've found the preview to go wonky occasionally. Closing the application and restarting appears to solve it.
  3. Working model of wind turbine for O scale model railroad. Stepper motor in base, vertical shaft, gears on top. The base uses the 'fuzzy skin' function of Cura. First time I have used that for a 'production' piece.
  4. I'm really glad I held off when the upgrade notice appeared on the front panel. I thought of this true-ism: First rule of upgrades: Don't do it! Second rule of upgrades: Don't do it just yet. Even though I would like to have the static IP function, I'll wait until the 'stable' is truly stable later this year.
  5. I'm interested in hearing how it works, also about availability.
  6. Thanks. I've seen that on the Stateside Buildtak site. IIRC it's a bit spendy and they do not offer a textured sheet for theS5 size, is that correct? Where do you get a textured sheet for the magnetic mounts for the S5?
  7. I'm new to the S5. I have a Prusa Mk3S and I've also used the Taz 5 and the U-print. I love the textured bottom surface that the Prusa textured sheet gives. I'm wondering if there would be any factors precluding somehow tacking a Prusa textured sheet onto the S5 glass plate. I've measured, and although the Prusa plate is smaller, it seems to be within the area of the 'probes' that the S5 makes for bed distance when starting a print. Likewise, is there anything to preclude/prevent using those semi-reusable stick-on sheets, such as those commercially available or those that you get for free in some brands of filament? Any thoughts about alternative build surfaces? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hatchbox is my go-to filament brand, when I can get it, that is. I've had very good luck with Hatchbox in ABS, PLA and PETg. Ever since the Covid hit the fan last March or so, it seems like Hatchbox availability has been spotty. Paramount, Overture and RepRapper are other brands that I've had good luck with.
  9. It's a slow sequestered holiday so I downloaded the Arachne version of Cura just to try it, as I had a print with quite a few curved surfaces about ready to print, so I said 'what the heck' and used the new version to slice it. It's printing now jury is still out on any noticeable difference, but there was one thing I immediately noticed when preparing the model. On the Print Settings to the right, there are little arrow characters which normally correspond to whether you have the particular section expanded or closed. They normally point left '<' when collapsed and down 'V' when expanded. In the Arachne Cura, they do not change as expected. Sometimes they do not point down when expanded, other times they stay pointed down. Just something I noticed immediately on trying it.
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