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Everything posted by OPC

  1. Here is another instance of the problem, but on a much smaller part & a completely different model. I'm still trying to get a grasp on all of these new wall settings, but from what I understand it looks like: some layers seem like the wall transition length is set to 100x some layers are just jacked up some layers are just fine.
  2. I tried printing the file, and what a nightmare, the print head repeatedly slows down and speeds up along the 2 shorter walls, leaving waves of varying thickness down the length(similar to whats shown in the slicer), I've re-set everything to default, closed and re-opened cura, changed the model wall thickness to 3.1, 2.9,... no luck. print settings are 1.5mm nozzle, .5 layer thickness, although I have a Mark2- I'm using the default UM2 ext machine profile. (with a few modifications). i've attached some images of the printed part, & the STL . Any help would be greatly appreciated. 0-Deg_Stand_With_WaterTank_Cutout-Combined_3mm_wall.stl
  3. Hi, I'm having some weird problems with cura 5.1 slicing my part, I've modeled the wall thickness 3mm exactly & am using a 1.5mm nozzle. My wall settings are pretty much set to default. but I've tried changing everything I can think of and nothing helps. I've uploaded a few pictures of what I'm experiencing, pictures that show wall thickness, tessellation of model, and the project file which should contain all the settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! HEPA_Stand-w-3mm-wall.3mf
  4. Hi, Is there anyway to avoid filling small gaps in CURA 5 ? In previous versions I REALLY liked the "Fill gaps between walls" & "Filter out tiny gaps" setting, so I could avoid filling these gaps. I have a decade old ultimaker II ext Mark II w Octoprint (which I have a love hate relationship with), but it prints way better when I can avoid the unnecessary blobs of extrusion, travel moves, and print in continuous loops. Here are a few examples: I've recently been using large nozzles (.8/1.0/1.5) so I can get through a large part quicker. As a work around I've been creating modifier meshes, that change the print parameters (to 1 wall, no infill, no top/bottom), but it's really a pain in the neck and not always feasible. It would really be great if we could re-introduce "Filter out tiny gaps" back into Cura 5. or any advice as a work around would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Try decreasing your acceleration and lubing up the friction points as suggested above. I have an UM2 and have travel and print accel @ 1500mm/s, if I go too much above 2000-2500mm/s I start getting the layer shifting problems.
  6. Had a similar issue with my UM2 ext+ mark2, checked all the obvious mechanical problems (loose belt, pully..etc) and practically rebuilt the entire top end when I upgraded to the mark 2 tool changer. I found lowering the acceleration and decreasing friction of all sliding components by adding some sowing machine oil fixed the problem for me. I have travel and print accell set at 1500 mm/s^2. If I Increase it above 2500 the layers start shifting again. I also had one of the brass(?) sleeves seize on the Y-Axis shaft from using improper oil that collected crud and gunked up. so make sure they're clean and you're using the recommended lubrication for your printer.
  7. In CURA 5 I think "Fill gaps between walls" is always set to "on" and "Filter out tiny gaps" set to "off" & both options have been removed from print settings. However I would really like them added back and be be able to choose like I did in previous versions of CURA whether or not I want to fill or not to fill small gaps. I some times print with a really large nozzle (1.5mm) and feel I get better print quality with these little droplets omitted. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4792349488668-What-print-settings-have-been-removed-from-Cura-5-
  8. Hi, First time posting. I designed a nozzle-cam fan shroud for my UM2 extended but am having trouble with the endoscope focusing on the nozzle due to the focal distance. Design can be found here, pictures should be attached. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5180266 The design mounts the 8mm soft cable endoscope around 25-30mm away from the nozzle, but the only endoscopes I can find have a focal distance of around 60-100mm. Even at that distance I had to decrease the build volume around 20mm or so, so the end of the camera wouldn't collide with the interior walls of the printer. Does anyone know of an endoscope with the same sorta size package as the one shown / linked below that has a shorter focal distance? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32967094275.html?spm=a2g0o.9042311.0.0.48754c4dnryQoB I know there are some otoscopes, or an ear endoscope, but they all seem to come with a 200mm pole, not really suitable for my design. & not really looking to rip apart the endoscope if I don't have to. Figured i'd make my first post and ask the community. I've uploaded a few video's to my website if you'd like to see it in action, besides the blur, its pretty cool! https://www.devonkile.com/3d-printing lmk what you think! (Note: the design was based off a fan shroud I found I think on this forum, & think it was originally designed by @Labern)
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